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Foster the People's song "Pumped Up Kicks" suggests running with "kicks" away from danger metaphorically. The group sings to inspire individuals to flee from potential harm and destruction, highlighting the importance of taking action to protect oneself and thrive in society.
It is with little emotion that Foster the People suggests “all the kids with the pumped up kicks better run… out run my gun.”However, the response to the song’s chorus is extremely emotional. Foster the People sings to inspire, and their literal push towards running with “kicks” away from a “gun” can be applied metaphorically to life. Kicks are of course tennis shoes, but they are also salvation. Without these kicks the person wearing them would not be able to outrun the danger, the cause of destruction, the gun.The most important word in this quote is the word “better.” Foster the People are not merely asking “kids to run,” they are demanding it. People “better” run. The group wants individuals to feel the need to run- the need to flee from those things which can hurt or hinder lives.People are often unwilling to run from that which is not as obvious as guns. They allow these dangers to become a part of their everyday lives, eventually impairing all that they have and know. Society would blossom and thrive if individuals would simply put on their “kicks” and run as quickly as they could away from the dangers in life; for even if the safety seems on, a gun can fire at anytime.