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Cross-linked Polymers and Rubber Elasticity

Cross-linked Polymers and Rubber Elasticity. Definition. An elastomer is defined as a cross-linked amorphous polymer above its glass transition temperature. 1. Capability for instantaneous and extremely high extensibility

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Cross-linked Polymers and Rubber Elasticity

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  1. Cross-linked Polymers and Rubber Elasticity

  2. Definition • An elastomer is defined as a cross-linked amorphous polymer above its glass transition temperature. 1. Capability for instantaneous and extremely high extensibility 2. Elastic reversibility, i.e., the capability to recover the initial length under low mechanical stresses.when the deforming force is removed.

  3. Crosslinking effect

  4. Defects in crosslinks For the purpose of the theoretical treatments presented here, the elastomer network is assumed to be structurally ideal, i.e., all network chains start and end at a cross-link of the network.

  5. Force and Elongation Rubber elasticity Stress induced crystallinity Hookian

  6. Rubber Elasticity and Force

  7. The origin of the forceAt constant V Under isothermal conditions Eneregy origin Entropy origin

  8. Entropy change or internal energy change is important? Since F is a function of state:

  9. The change in internal energy in effect of l change

  10. Experimental data

  11. Experimental data f is proportional to the temperature and is determined exclusively by the entropy changes taking place during the deformation

  12. Thermodynamic Verificationat constant p According to the first and second laws of thermodynamics, the internal energy change (dE) in a uniaxially stressed system exchanging heat (dQ) and deformation and pressure volume work (dW) reversibly is given by: The Gibbs free energy (G) is defined as:

  13. The partial derivatives of G with respect to L and T are: The partial derivative of G with respect to L at constant p and constant T

  14. The derivative of H with respect to L at constant p and constant T Experiments show that the volume is approximately constant during deformation, (V /L)p,T= 0 . Hence,

  15. Statistical Approach to the Elasticity Elasticity of a Polymer Chain relates the entropy to the number of conformations of the chain Ω

  16. Entropy of the chain the probability per unit volume, p(x, y, z) <r2>o represents the mean square end-to-end distance of the chain The entropy decreases as the end-to-end distance increases

  17. The work required for change in length • It can be concluded that • is proportional to the temperature, so that as T increases the force needed to keep the chain with a certain value of r increases, and • the force is linearly elastic, i.e., proportional to r.

  18. Elasticity of a Netwrok

  19. Assumptions l. The network is made up of N chains per unit volume. 2. The network has no defects, that is, all the chains are joined by both ends to different cross-links. 3. The network is considered to be made up of freely jointed chains, which obey Gaussian statistics. 4. In the deformed and undeformed states, each cross-link is located at a fixed mean position. 5. The components of the end-to-end distance vector of each chain change in the same ratio as the corresponding dimensions of the bulk network. This means that the network undergoes an affine deformation.

  20. Model of deformation

  21. And the chain

  22. The entropy change For N chain  And

  23. the work done in the deformation process or elastically stored free energy per unit volume of the network. The total work;

  24. True and Nominal stress

  25. The Phantom Model When the elastomer is deformed, the fluctuation occurs in an asymmetrical manner. The fluctuations of a chain of the network are independent of the presence of neighbor in chains.

  26. Other quantities:Young Modulus ?

  27. Statistical Approach to the Elasticity a) For a detached single chain

  28. A Spherical Shell and the End of the Chain in it

  29. The probability for finding the chain end in the spherical shell between r and r+r Recall=>

  30. Gaussian distribution Recall again => Retractive force for a single chain

  31. b) For a Macroscopic Network

  32. The Stress-Strain Relationship

  33. We have:

  34. And the stress-strain eq. for an elastomer

  35. Equibiaxial tension such as in a spherical rubber balloon, assuming ri2/r 20 = 1, and the volume changes of the elastomer on biaxial extension are nil.

  36. The Carnot Cycle for an Elastomer

  37. Work and Efficiency

  38. A Typical Rubber Network Vulcanization with sulfur

  39. Radiation Cross-linking

  40. Using Multifunctional Monomers

  41. Comparison between Theory and Experiment

  42. Thermodynamic Verification At small strains, typically less than  = L/ L0 < 1.1 (L and L0 are the lengths of the stressed and unstressed specimen, respectively), the stress at constant strain decreases with increasing temperature, whereas at λ values greater than 1.1, the stress increases with increasing temperature. This change from a negative to a positive temperature coefficient is referred to as thermoelastic inversion. Joule observed this effect much earlier (1859). The reason for the negative coefficient at small strains is the positive thermal expansion and that the curves are obtained at constant length. An increase in temperature causes thermal expansion (increase in L0 and also a corresponding length extension in the perpendicular directions) and consequently a decrease in the true λ at constant L. The effect would not appear if L0 was measured at each temperature and if the curves were taken at constant λ (relating to L0 at the actual temperature). The positive temperature coefficient is typical of entropy-driven elasticity as will be explained in this section.

  43. Stress at constant length as a function of temperature for natural rubber.

  44. Thermodynamic Verification The reversible temperature increase that occurs when a rubber band is deformed can be sensed with your lips, for instance. It is simply due to the fact that the internal energy remains relatively unchanged on deformation, i.e. dQ=-dW (when dE=0). If work is performed on the system, then heat is produced leading to an increase in temperature. The temperature increase under adiabatic conditions can be substantial. Natural rubber stretched to λ=5 reaches a temperature, which is 2-5 K higher than that prior to deformation. When the external force is removed and the specimen returns to its original, unstrained state, an equivalent temperature decrease occurs.

  45. At constant V and T Wall’s differential mechanical mathematical relationship Thermodynamic eq. of state for rubber elasticity A Similar Equation

  46. Analysis of Thermodynamic Eq.

  47. Stress-Temperature Experiments

  48. End of Chapter 9

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