1. Microsoft SMS Installer with ISUNick BeaugeardProgram ManagerSystems Management ServerMicrosoft Corporation
2. 2
3. 3 Introduction SMS Installer with ISU is a new revision posted to the Web
This version is for SMS 2.0 customers
It creates EXE and MSI files
MSI Advertisement and Repair functions are supported
4. 4 What It Can Do Create new MSI or EXE files from SMS Installer
Convert existing EXE files to MSI files
Batch convert existing EXE files
Repackage existing setup utilities
Watch installed programs
5. 5 Repackaging Create a clean reference computer
Install SMS Installer
Run Repackage
Install the application you want, or make changes as needed
Complete the repackage
Amend the script
Compile the MSI
6. 6 UI Sample
7. 7 Watch Allows you to watch an existing application
Creates script based on EXE, DLL, and modified files
Can be compiled to MSI or EXE
8. 8 Differences Between MSI and EXE EXE files are full featured and allow for utility-style scripts
Windows Installer is designed for setup
Windows Installer has two discrete phases
SMS Installer nests packages to obtain functionality
9. 9 Creating MSI Files with Advertise and Repair Use either the isu /j command or the UI
One MSI file with no nesting is created
Script is modified to allow:
Acquisition at the top
Execution at the bottom
Great for setup-style packages
10. 10 Script Actions SMS Installer has 69 script actions
Flow control
File installation
File modification
Registry modification
Call DLL Functions
And more….
11. 11 Script Actions (2) It is advisable to use Installation Expert to initially create a package
Use Script Editor to add custom actions, dialog boxes, and to perform more complex tasks
Either use Execute Program or Call DLL Function to extend SMS Installer functionality
12. 12 Multi-language Support SMS Installer is released in all SMS Server languages
Use English version of SMS Installer to create multi-language scripts
Use Japanese version of SMS Installer for DBCS languages
13. 13 ISU Command Line Installer Step-up Utility for Microsoft (R) Systems Management Server
Version 1.0.440.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.
Syntax: isu {file} [/xf dir] [/co dir] /j /s /e /c /v /t /langid:xxx
isu [/? | /help]
file Specifies the file to migrate.
/j Adds support for Windows Installer install on demand.
/s Migrates files in current or specified directory and
/xf dir Places the extracted files in the specified directory.
/co dir Places migrated files (.msi) in the specified directory.
/e Extracts only.
/c Converts the script and files only.
/langid:xxx Sets the codepage to use during the conversion process.
/v Sets output to verbose.
/t Tests to make sure an EXE file is an SMS Installer-generated
setup package.
/? Displays command-line help.
/help Launches the ISU help file, which includes full usage
14. 14 In Conclusion SMS Installer is now better than ever
You can create great MSI and EXE files
You can convert and open earlier SMS Installer EXE files
Our beta program involved many participants who provided excellent feedback
We have done considerable work to create the best release of SMS Installer ever
15. 15 For More Information http://www.microsoft.com/smsmgmt/