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    1. 1 Social Security Work Incentives and Ticket To Work Dwayne J. Mayes Community Work Incentives Coordinator CUNY Bronx-WIPA (Work Incentives Planning and Assistance) 718-960-8942

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    8. 8 SSI Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a “Needs Based” program. Disabled individuals must have limited income and resources to qualify. In New York State, there are set SSI amounts that are determined by the living arrangement of the individual.

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    15. 15 Work Incentives Unearned Income Exclusion Earned Income Exclusion 1619(b) Medicaid Medicaid Buy-In Impairment Related Work Expense Trial Work Period Extended Period of Eligibility Expedited Reinstatement PASS Plan

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    18. 18 Unearned Income Exclusion Frank lives with his parents, is disabled and receives $300 each month in SSDI Benefits from his retired father’s work record. How much SSI can Frank receive? $300 SSDI Benefits - $20 General Income Exclusion $280 Remainder of Countable Income $660 SSI Rate - $280 Countable Income $380 SSI Benefit Check Total for the month: $300 SSDI + $380 SSI = $680

    19. 19 Earned Income Exclusion Frank lives with his parents, is not in school, is disabled and is working. He earns $605 gross pay each month. How much SSI can he receive? $605 Gross earnings - $85 Earned income exclusion $520 Remainder $520/2 50% disregard = $260 Total Countable Income $660 SSI Benefit Rate - $260 Total Countable Income $400 SSI Benefit Check Total for Month: $605 Gross Earnings + $400 SSI Benefits = $1005 Total Income for the Month

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    28. 28 Plan for Achieving Self Support A Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS) is an SSI work incentive that allows a person with a disability to set aside income and/or resources for a specified period of time to achieve a work goal. A person may set aside income and/or resources for obtaining an education, job coaching, transportation, job related items or equipment to start a business. Any person who receives SSI benefits or SSDI benefits and could qualify for SSI can have a PASS Plan.

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    38. 38 Impairment Related Work Expenses Working People with disabilities may have expenses that allow them to continue to work. These Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWEs) are deducted from their Countable Income for SSI and SSDI purposes and can make them eligible for a higher SSI Benefit Check; or entitled to SSDI payments.

    39. 39 Trial Work Period If you receive SSDI payments and earn up to $670 per month, you can continue to get your full SSDI check for up to 9 months. This 9 month TWP does not have to be continuous, and spans 5 years. You are also eligible for an additional 3 months of benefits. This constitutes a “cessation period” of eligibility.

    40. 40 Extended Period of Eligibility After the 9 month TWP, if you continue to work and earn more than $940 per month, you enter your Extended Period of Eligibility. This lasts for 36 months and you will not receive your SSDI benefit check if you are earning more than $940 in a month. You will receive your SSDI benefit check any month you earn less than $940.

    41. 41 Expedited Reinstatement If you become ineligible for SSI or SSDI because of Income or Resources, your benefits can be restarted without a new application….as long as you are still disabled. If you reapply within 5 years of being ineligible, your benefits will begin right away.

    42. 42 Ticket-To-Work The Ticket-To-Work program is useful to SSI and SSDI beneficiaries if they are thinking of exploring training and work. You can assign your Ticket-To-Work to an Employment Network agency and they will receive payment for the training/placement. You may be exempt from a medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR) as long as you are using your Ticket-To-Work.

    43. 43 Information Resources Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA): www.socialsecurity.gov/work/ServiceProviders/WIPADirectory.html SSA Work Incentive Liaisons (WILs): www.nls.org/ssassi.htm NYS Department of Labor Disability Program Navigators: www.workforcenewyork.org/dpn.htm Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS): www.cqc.state.ny.us New York Lawyers for the Public Interest: www.nylpi.org Ticket-To-Work: www.yourtickettowork.com

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