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Provided by Region 4 ESC. 2. Welcome!. Diane Peterson Education Specialist, Secondary Language Arts dpeterson@esc4.net 713.744.6829 . Provided by Region 4 ESC. 3. Writing Responses for the TAKS Open-Ended Items. Examine open-ended item student responses to identify the qualities and components of a successful response. Participants will analyze the TAKS Reading Rubrics and discuss the resultant
1. Targeting the TAKS Open-Ended Response Hitting the Mark in the ELA Classroom
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5. Provided by Region 4 ESC 5 A district-aligned curriculum is defined as total and complete alignment between the curriculum, assessment, and instruction for all students to achieve the highest level of student achievement.
(mouse click) The written curriculum or the identified standards,
(mouse click) the taught curriculum or the opportunity to learn the standards,
(mouse click) and the tested curriculum or the system that measures student attainment of these standards must all be the same.
Region IV ESC uses this symbol for all products and professional development to focus this important concept as the core for all services for students. (mouse click) We have added the circular symbol to acknowledge the importance of using assessment data to plan subsequent instruction.
English, 2000; Steffy, 1995A district-aligned curriculum is defined as total and complete alignment between the curriculum, assessment, and instruction for all students to achieve the highest level of student achievement.
(mouse click) The written curriculum or the identified standards,
(mouse click) the taught curriculum or the opportunity to learn the standards,
(mouse click) and the tested curriculum or the system that measures student attainment of these standards must all be the same.
Region IV ESC uses this symbol for all products and professional development to focus this important concept as the core for all services for students. (mouse click) We have added the circular symbol to acknowledge the importance of using assessment data to plan subsequent instruction.
English, 2000; Steffy, 1995
6. Provided by Region 4 ESC 6 Successful Responses What should be included?
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12. Provided by Region 4 ESC 12 What “Parts” Are Needed for a Successful Response? TWO-PARTER: Students must offer a reasonable idea and pull textual evidence that validates that idea.
THREE-PARTER: Change questions call for two pieces of evidence.
FOUR-PARTER: Cross-over responses must include analysis from each piece and evidence from each piece.
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15. Provided by Region 4 ESC 15 Content Scoring What skills does the
open-ended item assess?
16. Provided by Region 4 ESC 16 Content Scoring Items are part of the reading portion of the TAKS and are content scored.
Responses must include a reasonable idea (analysis) and textual support (evidence).
Writing skills are not assessed here. Only clarity is mentioned in the rubrics.
These responses are judged conceptually, not contextually.
17. Provided by Region 4 ESC 17 What Skill is Tested (TEKS)? (10) Reading/literary response. The student expresses and supports responses to various types of texts. The student is expected to:
(B) use elements of text to defend, clarify, and negotiate responses and interpretations.
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21. Provided by Region 4 ESC 21 What Are Rubrics? Powerful instructional tools that clarify expectations
Explicitly worded descriptions for each score point
22. Provided by Region 4 ESC 22 Three Rubrics There is a specific rubric for each open-ended item.
Examine each rubric (literary, expository, and crossover) for similarities and differences of each score point.
23. Provided by Region 4 ESC 23 Students as Self-Assessors “Students who are taught to use criteria know when they are doing well, without waiting for outside confirmation, and when things go wrong, they know what to do about it.”
24. Provided by Region 4 ESC 24 0 Insufficient Too general or vague to determine whether it is reasonable
Incorrect interpretation not based on text
Plot summary
25. Provided by Region 4 ESC 25 1Partially Sufficient Analysis only
Evidence only
Analysis-Evidence connection unclear or vague
26. Provided by Region 4 ESC 26 2Sufficient Analysis and relevant evidence present
Analysis-Evidence connection clear and specific
27. Provided by Region 4 ESC 27 3Exemplary Particularly thoughtful or insightful analysis and/or evidence
Analysis-Evidence connection shows depth of understanding
28. Provided by Region 4 ESC 28 Use this slide and the next to examine the literary, the expository, and the crossover sections of an appropriate TAKS scoring guide. Use this slide and the next to examine the literary, the expository, and the crossover sections of an appropriate TAKS scoring guide.
29. Provided by Region 4 ESC 29 Best Practices What should I see in the ELA classroom?
30. Provided by Region 4 ESC 30 Research Confirms All students benefit from a strong reading and writing connection.
When students respond through writing to what they have read, writing and reading improve.
Written responses require higher-order thinking and critical-thinking skills.
For reading and language arts, performance assessments make the reading and writing connection overt to teachers and students. Research confirms that all students benefit from a strong reading and writing connection. When students respond through writing to what they have read, writing and reading improve. Written responses require higher-order thinking and critical-thinking skills.
For reading and language arts, performance assessments make the reading and writing connection overt to teachers and students. Research confirms that all students benefit from a strong reading and writing connection. When students respond through writing to what they have read, writing and reading improve. Written responses require higher-order thinking and critical-thinking skills.
31. Provided by Region 4 ESC 31 “Thoughtful Literacy” Remembering
Recitation of Texts
Consideration and Discussion of Texts
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We should “construct lessons that help make the comprehension processes visible.”
Students need “demonstrations of effective strategy use.”
“Thoughtful Literacy”
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34. Provided by Region 4 ESC 34 Finding Evidence
Citing Evidence
using quotes, paraphrase, and synopsis
learning when to use each type of evidence
Connecting evidence to analysis (or answer)
Remember—this is not a connection to “real world” or a new idea!
Comparing works of literature (or art) Teaching the OER
35. Provided by Region 4 ESC 35 Students need multiple, frequent opportunities to practice the skills involved in successfully responding to an open-ended item.
Teachers must model the skills involved and provide opportunities for guided practice before independent practice or assessment.
Since multiple skills are involved, teachers must focus on the discrete skills as well as the “big picture.” Teaching the OER
36. Provided by Region 4 ESC 36 Since multiple skills are involved, teachers must focus on the discrete skills as well as the “big picture.”
Analyzing texts to find an answer
(close reading, annotating, graphic organizers, discussion, questioning)
Forming a coherent answer
What About the Writing Process?
37. Provided by Region 4 ESC 37 What About the Writing Process? (1) Writing/purposes. The student writes in a variety of forms, including business, personal, literary, and persuasive texts, for various audiences and purposes. The student is expected to:
(B) write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose; and
(C) organize ideas in writing to ensure coherence, logical progression, and support for ideas.
38. Provided by Region 4 ESC 38 What About the Writing Process? Writing/writing processes. The student uses recursive writing processes when appropriate.
The student is expected to:
(B) develop drafts by organizing and reorganizing content and by refining style to suit occasion, audience, and purpose; and
(C) proofread writing for appropriateness of organization, content, style, and conventions.
39. Provided by Region 4 ESC 39 What About the Writing Process? Even though the open-ended item is part of the reading assessment, the writing process still applies as the students craft their responses.
1. Prewriting the parts
2. Rough draft in test booklet
3. Final copy in the lined boxes
40. Provided by Region 4 ESC 40 CLOSE READING is a careful application of a “microscope” or “binoculars” to a text, enabling the reader to go beyond literal meaning and experience the author’s craft.
ANNOTATING is the backbone of close reading. Close Reading
41. Provided by Region 4 ESC 41 What is Annotating?
42. Provided by Region 4 ESC 42 Ask students to identify the ways readers think about text while reading, such as: Teaching the OER
43. Provided by Region 4 ESC 43 Annotation Bookmark BEFORE READING:
Examine the front and back covers (books)
Read the title and any subtitles
Examine the illustrations
Examine the print (bold, italics, etc.)
Examine the way the text is set up (book, short story, diary, dialogue, article, etc.)
As you examine and read these, write questions, and make predictions and/or connections near these parts of the text.
44. Provided by Region 4 ESC 44 DURING READING:
Mark in the text:
Characters (who)
When (setting)
Where (setting)
Vocabulary ~~~~~
_______ Important information
Annotation Bookmark
45. Provided by Region 4 ESC 45 DURING READING:
Write in the margins:
Make predictions
Formulate opinions
Make connections
Ask questions
Analyze the author’s craft
Write reflections/reactions/comments
Look for patterns/repetitions Annotation Bookmark
46. Provided by Region 4 ESC 46 Annotation Bookmark AFTER READING:
Reread annotations—draw conclusions
Reread introduction and conclusion—try to figure out something new
Examine patterns/repetitions—determine possible meanings
Determine what the title might mean
Use the “After Reading” strategies to write
a notebook entry.
47. Provided by Region 4 ESC 47 Use short story that can be read in one period
Make each student a copy of story
Make a transparency of each page
Give students Annotating Bookmarks
Make a transparency of Bookmark
Create a coding system with different marks for surface meaning and deep-meaning ideas How to Teach Annotating
48. Provided by Region 4 ESC 48 Annotation Lesson
49. Provided by Region 4 ESC 49 Annotation Methods
50. Provided by Region 4 ESC 50 Research-Based Questioning Strategies As instruction is delivered throughout the six-weeks curriculum “chunks” questioning strategies are critical. They are a critical piece of the actual delivery of the instructional plans. The Research-Based Questioning Strategies Handout gives effective questioning strategies that mirror the assessment questioning strategies, and these are the same ones that should be used during the delivery of instruction.
Trainer Notes:
Allow participants to review and discuss the Research-Based Questioning Strategies Handout and how this handout can be used during the delivery of instruction. As instruction is delivered throughout the six-weeks curriculum “chunks” questioning strategies are critical. They are a critical piece of the actual delivery of the instructional plans. The Research-Based Questioning Strategies Handout gives effective questioning strategies that mirror the assessment questioning strategies, and these are the same ones that should be used during the delivery of instruction.
Trainer Notes:
Allow participants to review and discuss the Research-Based Questioning Strategies Handout and how this handout can be used during the delivery of instruction.
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57. Provided by Region 4 ESC 57 Text-Based Responses
58. Provided by Region 4 ESC 58 Types of Evidence DIRECT QUOTATION
verbatim words, phrases, or parts of sentences from the text
author’s exact words are necessary and will add depth, precision, or reliability to the response
59. Provided by Region 4 ESC 59 Types of Evidence PARAPHRASE
restatement of author’s words preserving the main ideas and key details
ideas could be clarified or original word choice is irrelevant
60. Provided by Region 4 ESC 60 Types of Evidence SPECIFIC SYNOPSIS
a focused choice of linked portions; not a plot summary
several portions are needed to serve as textual evidence
61. Provided by Region 4 ESC 61 www.readingbenchmarks.org Because there is no one correct answer for a performance assessment, sample student responses that have been scored can be helpful to both the teacher and the student.
For the student, examining models of good, quality writing is an effective learning strategy. Research suggests that the provision of good models and actively engaging students in assessing and discussing the samples is one of the most effective methods of teaching writing. For teachers, student sample responses can serve as sample baseline papers to use when scoring responses to the performance assessments.
Additional performance assessments and scored student samples for those assessments can be found online at www.readingbenchmarks.org. This website is referenced as an instructional resource in the Region IV ESC Scope and Sequence. On the website, you choose the grade level, the process to be assessed, and the textbook. Sample solution A for the question shows a score point 4 paper while sample solution D shows a score point 1 paper. Each of the scored samples on the website has an annotation to explain the scoring.
Davis & Hill, 2003Because there is no one correct answer for a performance assessment, sample student responses that have been scored can be helpful to both the teacher and the student.
For the student, examining models of good, quality writing is an effective learning strategy. Research suggests that the provision of good models and actively engaging students in assessing and discussing the samples is one of the most effective methods of teaching writing. For teachers, student sample responses can serve as sample baseline papers to use when scoring responses to the performance assessments.
Additional performance assessments and scored student samples for those assessments can be found online at www.readingbenchmarks.org. This website is referenced as an instructional resource in the Region IV ESC Scope and Sequence. On the website, you choose the grade level, the process to be assessed, and the textbook. Sample solution A for the question shows a score point 4 paper while sample solution D shows a score point 1 paper. Each of the scored samples on the website has an annotation to explain the scoring.
Davis & Hill, 2003
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67. Provided by Region 4 ESC 67 Resources Allington, Richard L. What Really Matters for Struggling Readers: Designing Research-Based Programs. New York: Longman, 2001.
Berthoff, Ann E. “Dialectical Notebooks and the Audit of Meaning.” The Journal Book. Ed. Toby Fulwieler. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1987. 11-18.
English, Fenwick W. Deciding What to Teach and Test: Developing, Aligning, and Auditing the Curriculum. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc., 2000.
Porter-O’Donnell. “Beyond the Yellow Highlighter.” English Journal 93.5 (2004): 82-89.
Probst, Robert E. “Dialogue with a Text.” English Journal 77.1 (1988): 32-38.
Spandel, Vicki. Creating Writers Through 6-Trait Writing Assessment and Instruction. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001.
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