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Web Surveys: Capturing Data Using ASP and Access. SUNY AIRPO Presentation, 6/17/2004. Jeff Gerken. Office of Institutional Research, UAB 321 University at Albany, SUNY 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 phone: (518) 437-4794 e-mail: jgerken@uamail.albany.edu.
Web Surveys: Capturing Data Using ASP and Access SUNY AIRPO Presentation, 6/17/2004 Jeff Gerken Office of Institutional Research, UAB 321 University at Albany, SUNY 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 phone: (518) 437-4794 e-mail: jgerken@uamail.albany.edu
Special Thanks for helpful ideas to: Mark A. Palladino Research Specialist Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment Drexel University http://www.drexel.edu/provost/ir/neair and http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/faq/faqtoc.shtml
Web links to the survey: Manually to type in an ID http://web.albany.edu/ir/airpo/default.htm or With a hotlink in an email already containing the ID https://web.albany.edu/ir/surveys/airpo/idcheck.asp?surveyid=airpo25
Welcome screen default.htm Manually Enter ID Email with ID hotlink OR default.asp still in idcheck.asp ID error ID check idcheck.asp Cookies error error_cookies.asp Survey Instrument Data insert survey.asp datainsert.asp Thanks thanks.asp
Folder structure --Folder with Access database airpo.mdb --Upsized version of Access database link only --Server folder with default entry page default.htm --Server secure folder with --Enter ID default.asp --ID check idcheck.asp --If no cookies error_cookies.asp --Survey instrument survey.asp --Insert data datainsert.asp --Thank you thanks.asp
default.htm <FORM name="LoginForm" action="https://web.albany.edu/ir/surveys/airpo/default.asp" LANGUAGE="JavaScript" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <CENTER> <input type="submit" value="Click Here to Go to the Survey"> </CENTER> </form>
default.asp <FORM name="LoginForm" action="idcheck.asp?<%=Request.QueryString%>" method = "get" LANGUAGE="JavaScript" > <CENTER> <INPUT type = "text" name="surveyid" maxlength="13" length="13" size="13"> <INPUT type="submit" value = "Submit"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> </CENTER> </form>
idcheck.asp (part 1 of 3) <% SQLcommand = "SELECT surveyid, IsVisit, Visit_date from ssn_airpo where surveyid = '" & Request.QueryString("surveyid") & "'" Set rs = Server.createObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.open SQLcommand,"DSN=IRSurv; UID=IRSurv; PWD=*******",0,3 ' check if the surveyid is in the database, EOF means End Of File IF rs.EOF THEN ' surveyid not found in the database rs.Close %> <HTML> You have not keyed in your Survey-ID yet. <FORM name="mesg" action="default.asp"> <input type = "submit" value ="Manual Survey-ID Entry"></FORM> </HTML>
idcheck.asp (part 2 of 3) <% ELSE ' found the student, next check if already visited. if rs.Fields("IsVisit") = No then ' new to the survey, write cookie, go to next page Dim id2pass id2pass=Request.QueryString("surveyid") 'write id to cookie Response.Cookies("UserName")=id2pass %> <HTML> Your Survey-ID Number has been verified<br>Please click the button below to go to the survey.</H3> <form NAME="LoginForm" action="survey.asp?" METHOD=POST LANGUAGE="JavaScript" > <center><input type=submit value = "AIRPO Institutional Research Survey"> </form> </HTML>
idcheck.asp (part 3 of 3) <% else %> <HTML> Our records show that you have already submitted your responses on <%=rs.Fields("Visit_Date")%> </HTML> <% rs.Close end if%> <% END IF %>
Survey.asp (part 1 of 2) <% Dim id2pass id2pass=Request.Cookies("UserName") if id2pass = "" then response.redirect("error_cookies.asp") %> <% else %>
Survey.asp (part 2 of 2) <FORM NAME="oiss" ACTION="datainsert.asp" METHOD="Post"> College/University: <input type="text" name="college" size="35" maxlength="75"> Have you been accepted yet? <input type="radio" name="accepted" value="1"> Yes <input type="radio" name="accepted" value="0"> No Click the SUBMIT button to send your responses <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit"> </form> <% end if %>
datainsert.asp (page 1 of 3) <% Set ServerConn = Server.createObject("ADODB.Connection") ServerConn.open "DSN=IRSurv; UID=IRSurv; PWD=****** Set ServerCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set ServerCmd.ActiveConnection = ServerConn Dim id2pass id2pass=Request.Cookies("UserName") Dim surveyid surveyid = id2pass if surveyid = "" then surveyid = "_LOSTSURVEYID_" end if
datainsert.asp (page 2 of 3) college= Smoothquotes(Request("college")) accepted= Request("accepted") fincomm= Smoothquotes(Request("fincomm")) Function smoothquotes (text) smoothquotes = replace (text,"'","''") End Function FieldList="" FieldList=FieldList & "[surveyid]," FieldList=FieldList & "[college]," FieldList=FieldList & "[accepted]," FieldList=FieldList & "[fincomm]" SQLCommand= "" SQLCommand= SQLCommand & "INSERT INTO response_airpo" SQLCommand= SQLCommand & "(" & FieldList & ")" SQLCommand= SQLCommand & "values (" SQLCommand= SQLCommand & "'"& surveyid &"'," SQLCommand= SQLCommand & "'"& college &"'," SQLCommand= SQLCommand & "'"& accepted &"'," SQLCommand= SQLCommand & "'"& fincomm &"')" ServerCmd.CommandText = SQLCommand ServerCmd.CommandType = 1 ServerCmd.Execute
datainsert.asp (page 3 of 3) ' reset the visit_date and IsVisit fields in the table ssn_database, so every user ' may just have one record in the system SQLCommand = "" SQLCommand = "UPDATE ssn_airpo set IsVisit = 1, Visit_Date = Getdate(), IPAddress = '" & request.ServerVariables("remote_host") & "' where surveyid ='" & Request.Cookies("UserName") & "'" ServerCmd.CommandText = SQLCommand ServerCmd.CommandType = 1 ServerCmd.Execute Set ServerCmd = Nothing ServerConn.Close set ServerConn = Nothing 'Reinitialize the surveyid in the cookie to protect against multiple submissions didit = "" didit="_REPEAT_" & id2pass 'write id to cookie Response.Cookies("UserName")=didit 'Redirect to the final thanks page Response.redirect("Thanks.asp") %>
thanks.asp <% session("StudentId") = "" %>