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Explore the significance and applications of key urban models and economic theories in geography, including Burgess's Concentric Zone Model, Wallerstein's World Systems Theory, and Christaller's Central Place Theory. Understand the impact of economic development stages and migration laws on urban evolution. Learn about locational interdependence, DTM, and the Heartland and Rimland theories in global geopolitics.
CONCENTRIC ZONE MODEL - BURGESS Urban model made up of five zones growing outward from the CBD • IMPORTANCE OF CBD • APPLY BID-RENT
WORLD SYSTEMS THEORY - WALLERSTEIN • CORE GREW WEALTHY BY EXPLOITING PERIPHERY; CONTINUES TODAY (NEOCOLONIALISM) Divides the world into three categories (core, semi-periphery, periphery) and discusses the economic relationship betweenthem
LEAST COST THEORY - WEBER Theory used to predict the best location for an industry based on transportation costs (weight gaining, weight reducing), labor and agglomeration • TRANSPORTATION • LABOR • AGGLOMERATION
SECTOR MODEL - HOYT CBD AND TRANSPORTATION DETERMINE LAND USE Urban model that shows the importance of transportation routes
AGRICULTURAL LAND USE MODEL – VON THUNEN Theory used to show the most profitable location for types of commercial agriculture • TRANSPORTATION • WEIGHT • DISTANCE • LAND COSTS • HIGH NEAR MARKET (INTENSIVE) • LOW ON OUTSKIRTS (EXTENSIVE)
MULTIPLE NUCLEI MODEL – HARRIS/ULLMAN Urban model that shows cities developing with many nodes • GROWTH OCCURS INDEPENDENT OF CBD • EGDE CITIES
CENTRAL PLACE THEORY - CHRISTALLER Uses threshold and range to explain urban hierarchy (hamlet, village, town, city) and the types of services in each • CENTRAL PLACE • HINTERLAND • RANGE • THRESHOLD
STAGES OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - ROSTOW Claims that economic growth occurs in five basic stages – traditional society, pre-conditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, high mass consumption • FARMING (PRIMARY) • INVEST IN TECHNOLOGY/I NFRASTRUCTURE • INDUSTRIALIZE (SECONDARY) • SPREAD INVESTMENT AND INCREASE EDUCATION • HIGH STANDARD OF LIFE (TERTIARY)
LOCATIONAL INTERDEPENDENCE THEORY - HOTELLING Competing shops of identical products will want to locate themselves near each other so they will each have the optimal number of customers
DTM - THOMPSON Shows the process of change in a country’s population from high CBR, high CDR, and low growth all the way to low CBR, low CDR, and low growth
EPOCHS AND URBAN EVOLUTION - BORCHERT The growth of American cities was influenced by transportation technology – sail-wagon, iron horse, steel rail, auto-air, high tech
LATIN AMERICAN CITY MODEL – GRIFFIN/FORD Urban model with squatter settlements in the periphery and the wealthy along a spine of commercial activity extending from the CBD • SQUATTER SETTLEMENTS IN PERIPHERY (DISAMENITY) • BIG INFORMAL SECTOR • ELITE ALONG SPINE
LAWS OF MIGRATION - RAVENSTEIN Theorized that most migrations are economically motivated, most migrants don’t go far, and most long distance migrants are adult males without families
PERIPHERAL MODEL - HARRIS Shows that an urban area consists of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and business areas tied together by a beltway or ring road. • EDGE CITIES IN SUBURBS ALONG RING ROADS
URBAN REALMS MODEL - VANCE Shows that the periphery are independent entities with their own downtown or commercial center • BASED ON SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA • AS SUBURBS GROW, THEY BECOME INDEPENDENT OF CBD • EDGE CITIES = SUBURBAN DOWNTOWN
BID-RENT THEORY Theory that only commercial landlords can afford the land within the CBD. Land prices and population density decline with increasing distance from CBD. WHERE LINES INTERSECT DETERMINES WHERE ONE LAND USE STARTS TO OUTBID ANOTHER LAND USE
HEARTLAND THEORY - MACKINDER The world-island is made up of Europe, Asia, and Africa and the power lies in the center of the world island • USED BY SOVIETS DURING COLD WAR • DOMINATED EASTERN EUROPE
RIMLAND THEORY - SPYKMAN The world-island is made up of Europe, Asia, and Africa and the power lies in controlling the coastal areas • CONTAINMENT OF COMMUNISM
ORGANIC THEORY - RATZEL A state is like a living organism: Born Matures Degenerates Expires In order to mature, states require nourishment (more land) Used by Hitler as an excuse to invade neighboring countries; expansion of land is necessary for survival of state • USED BY NAZI GERMANY TO JUSTIFY IMPERIALISM
GRAVITY MODEL Looks at the amount of interaction between cities. For the most part, there is an inverse relationship between interaction and distance, EXCEPT large cities will have high interaction even if the distance between them is far FORMULA: POPULATION OF CITY 1 + POPULATION OF CITY 2 AND DIVIDE BY THE DISTANCE SQUARED