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SOL Preparation for US/VA History: A Comprehensive Guide

Get ready for the SOL exam with less than 80 multiple-choice questions covering important people, events, and key concepts in American history. Follow the chronological sequence, linking each person or event to crucial insights. Explore topics such as early settlements, influential Virginians, Revolutionary War, Constitutional Convention, Federalists, and more. Enhance your knowledge and preparation for success!

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SOL Preparation for US/VA History: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. SOL Preparationfor US/VA History

  2. Getting ready for the SOL • There are less than 80 questions on the SOL Exam • They are multiple choice questions • Some include maps & graphs

  3. You have unlimited time in which to complete the test • Answer all questions, leave no question unanswered • The secret is in preparation, what is important to know

  4. People and events shape our history • We will identify as many important people and events as possible in order to be prepared to respond successfully on the SOL

  5. Follow the slides and link the person or event with important knowledge • The slides, like the test follow a chronological sequence • Let’s Begin

  6. Columbian Exchange

  7. Diseases • Disease kills a large segment of the indigenous population of America

  8. 1st permanent English settlement Jamestown Colony 1607 Tobacco JamestownVirgina

  9. Compact allows for the concept of majority rule Part of today’s political decision making policy Mayflower Compact

  10. Triangle Trade

  11. Triangle Trade

  12. 13Colonies

  13. Colonial Settlement • Massachusetts & Puritans • Rhode Island – dissenters • Pennsylvania – Quakers • Maryland – religious toleration for Catholics

  14. Agricultural system in the South. Cash crops like tobacco & cotton fuel slavery Plantation System

  15. After French & Indian War, bares western settlement beyond Appalachian Mountains By the English Proclamation of 1763 & the Appalachian Mountains

  16. Very Important Virginians • Virginia Declaration of Rights(George Mason) • Reiterated the notion that basic human rights should not be violated by governments • Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom(Thomas Jefferson) • Outlawed the established church—that is, the practice of government support for one favored church • Bill of Rights • James Madison, a Virginian, consulted the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom when drafting the amendments that eventually became the United States Bill of Rights

  17. Thomas Paine Wrote critical works CommonSense and The Crisis Inspires the cause for the American Revolution

  18. Shots heard around the WorldLexington & Concord

  19. Declaration of IndependenceJuly 4, 1776 - Philadelphia

  20. Declaration of Independence • Written by Jefferson • Ideas of John Locke(Natural Rights) • Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness

  21. Taking Sides

  22. Inventor, scientist, and statesman Helped to gain funds and support for the American cause Benjamin Franklin

  23. Last battle of the American Rev French fleet make the difference Yorktown, Virginia 1781

  24. Articles of Confederation • Powers to declare war, make peace, sign treaties, borrow money, coin money, and establish a postal service • weak: no power to tax, control interstate or foreign trade, approval of states (no executive power to enforce the law)

  25. Constitutional Convention meets • a meeting, planned to revise the Articles of Confederation, turns into a opportunity to write a new constitution • Virginia Plan (large states) • N. J. Plan (small states)

  26. Federalist • The Federalists favored a strong national government that shared some power with the states. They argued that the checks & balances in the Constitution prevented any one of the three branches from acquiring preponderant power. They believed that a strong national government was necessary to facilitate interstate commerce & to manage foreign trade, national defense, and foreign relations.

  27. Constitutional Convention • Great Compromise, a House based on representation determined by pop. and a Senate with two rep. from each state • three-fifths compromise

  28. Checks and Balances • Constitution provides for separation of powers: • Executive - veto • Legislature - impeachment • Judiciary - judicial review

  29. Cabinet Two-Terms Warns against alliances George Washington

  30. Federal Courts have the power of judicial review over the Congress McCulloch v. Maryland Marbury vs. Madison

  31. Jefferson Buys From France In 1803 Lewis & Clark

  32. The Eli Whitney & the Cotton Gin

  33. The Claremont Invented the steamboat Transportation improves with speed and two way traffic Robert Fulton

  34. Monroe Doctrine • President Monroe warns all European powers not to interfere with affairs in the Western Hemisphere. • directed at the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russians and the English, claims in the America’s.

  35. Missouri Compromise of 1820 • Allows slavery south of the 36’ 30’ & admits MO as a slave state • Sets the guidelines for the future admission of slave states • Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 & “Bleeding Kansas”

  36. Seneca Fall Convention • Women’s rights convention held in Seneca Falls, NY • The beginning of the women’s suffrage movement • Notable women: Eliz. Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony

  37. Frederick Douglas • Black Abolitionist • Urged Lincoln to recruit former slaves to fight in the Union Army

  38. Fredrick Douglas & Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad

  39. William Lloyd Garrison Publisher of the abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator Believes that slavery is a violation of Christian principles and must be ended

  40. Brigham Young and the Mormons go west Salt Lake City, Utah

  41. Struggle for independence in 1836 Texas Independence and the Alamo

  42. Argument for Popular Sovereignty in territories Let the people decide Clay’s Compromise of 1850 Territorial disputes and California admission

  43. Party of Lincoln

  44. 1857 Supreme Court Case Ruled to be propriety and cannot sue in court Overturns the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Dred Scott Decision

  45. Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852 Sparks that ignite the Civil War Uncle Toms Cabin

  46. The Election of Lincoln causes Southern States to withdraw from the Union

  47. Emancipation Proclamation frees the slaves in 1862 Ends slavery in the United States Lincoln’s important speeches 1863

  48. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address • “with malice towards none, with charity for all…to bind up the nations wounds”

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