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The Education Support Services (ESS) Team provides administrative support for your program of study. Contact us for assistance with digital check-ins, exam questions, module setup, student welfare, and more. Access our online student portal, iExeter, for easy course management. Stay on top of your timetable and coursework submissions. Visit our website for information on the Student Contract, specific exam provisions, and more.
The Education Support Team • The Education Support Services (ESS) Team is based in the Harrison Building. • We are here to assist with administrative support relating to your programme of study • Opening hours 08:15-17:00 in term time, 09:00 – 17:00 out of term time • All email enquiries via info.harrison@exeter.ac.uk
We are here to support you …… Digital check in Mark Collation and entry Individual learning plans Exam questions Awarding Education Meetings Student submission support Setting up & maintaining modules Welcome Week/Freshers Student Mitigation Registration Student Support Online Module Selection Student welfare Interruptions and Withdrawals Coursework submission
Student Contract For students studying with the University the Student Contract will apply. Successful study at University stems from a partnership between students and staff. The Contract sets out how this partnership will operate and your rights and responsibilities as a student, and states the obligations of both parties to each other. In addition, there is information on programmes, tuition fees and complaints, cancellation and termination rights and data protection and intellectual property principles. http://www.exeter.ac.uk/students/administration/studentcontract/
iExeter app • Ensure that you download iExeter • The app can be downloaded for free from the iTunes App Store or Google Play • You can check your timetable, ask questions through SID-online, see your financial statements, submit coursework, look at learning resources and lots more
iExeter This is your online student portal and it looks like this. You can access your timetable, emails and also report any absences here using the My Course tile http://www.exeter.ac.uk/students/iexeter/
Your Timetable CHECK YOUR TIMETABLE and pre plan where you need to be Via iExeter or https://mytimetable.exeter.ac.uk Ensure that your device time zone is set to GMT and please refresh and check your timetable regularly, especially in the first two weeks of term All teaching starts from 8.30am on Monday 23rd September You will not be able to see your timetable until you have completed your University registration – check your email for your registration notification Do not attend sessions unless they appear on your personal timetable.
The Exeter Learning Environment This is where your student handbook is located which is an essential guide to your studies, so please make sure you read it! All of your course modules are also located In ELE, this is where you will find all the supporting material for each of the modules you are studying. You can access ELE via iExeter under the tab My Course.
Coursework Submissions • Hubs may require students to submit assignments via the eBart and Turnitin systems • Submission arrangements do vary from College to College and you will be issued with instructions on how to submit assignments from your programme administrator or the module leader. • You are able to hand in assignments early! If you are required to submit in person at the Info Point, do not leave this to the last minute as there may be queues. • If assignments are handed in late without mitigation (even one minute!), the assignment will be marked as late and capped at 40% (UG) or 50% (PG). • If you have been granted an extension via mitigation, this will be shown on your BART/E-BART cover sheet. • Bart Login www.ex.ac.uk/bart or via iExeter
What Is BART? • Web-based system for assignment handling. • Barcoded cover sheet for each student. • Records ‘transaction’ instantly onto online database. • Issues a receipt showing student name and time etc. • Shows Late/Non Submissions/mitigation. • Produces reports providing feedback to staff.
BART – how to submit online SUBMITTING ONLINE: • Log into BART directly at https://bart.exeter.ac.uk or via ELE. • Locate your assignment from the schedule list. There will be 1 of 2 button options beside it: ‘Print cover sheet’ or ‘Submit online’. • If the button says ‘Submit online’ then you will need to submit your work electronically.
Exams • Monday 6th January – Saturday 11th January 2020 • Monday 4th May – Friday 29th May 2020 • Referred/deferred – Monday 10th – Saturday 15th August 2020 You will receive a notification from the Exams Office when your timetable is ready to access via MyTimetable or iExeter. You must ensure that your device is set to British Summer Time (BST) in order for the timings to be accurate. Further information about exams can be found at http://www.exeter.ac.uk/students/administration/examsandassessment/ugpgt/
Specific Exam Provision https://youtu.be/diqtlSOpWFo If you require any specific exam provisions you must arrange to be assessed by with AccessAbility. To make an appointment: • Call – 0300 555 0444 • Log an enquiry via SID Specific Provision deadlines • January exams = Friday 1st November 2019. • May exams = Friday 14th February 2020. • Referred/deferred exams = Friday 26th June 2020 Please don’t assume that any provisions you had at school or college will automatically be put in place at University
Mitigation • If you feel illness or other adverse personal circumstances may affect your ability to undertake an assessment you may be able to apply mitigation. • Mitigation does not include IT issues e.g. lost work or late printing for assignments, so please back up your work at all times. • Mitigation requests need to be supported by evidence e.g. GP note, Hospital appointment, etc • Individual lecturers or tutors are not able to grant mitigation/extensions. • You must complete the online mitigation form available at http://www.exeter.ac.uk/wellbeing/studentwelfare/mitigationprocess/ • All mitigation will be treated as confidential. • You must submit mitigation within one day of the assignment deadline or day of the exam, otherwise it will not be considered – you can contact us via email (mitigation.harrison@Exeter.ac.uk)
Welfare Support at the Harrison Info Point Your Education Support Advisor for Welfare at the Harrison Info Point is Lynda BarrellYour Welfare Advisor is part of the Wellbeing Services team and is based in your College. We can provide information about support available at the University and externally. We can also offer ongoing help with managing your studies if necessary. If you are not sure where to go for help, your Welfare Advisor can support you in accessing the appropriate services, and can also be a point of contact if you have concerns about a fellow student, and feel unable to speak to them yourself. For advice about managing your health and wellbeing alongside your studies, please ask at the Info Point to speak to your Welfare Advisor or email us directly at welfare.harrison@exeter.ac.uk Look out for our Welfare surgeries based at different Hubs throughout the week – please do make an appointment and come along if you would like to learn more about support that may be available to you.
Welfare Surgery appointments are short consultations with Welfare staff to offer advice about managing your health and wellbeing alongside your studies Welfare Surgeries Visit our web page for more information about surgery times and locations: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/wellbeing/studentwelfare Who can attend? Contact us if you are experiencing problems managing your health or wellbeing or would just like to find out more about the support that may be available to you. How do I make an appointment? Just email us at welfare.harrison@exeter.ac.uk • What can I get advice about? • New or ongoing health/wellbeing issues • What support is available to you • Practical advice on managing your studies • Please note: The Welfare team can’t deal with mitigation applications or programme queries – but we can signpost you to the right member of staff. How long are the sessions?Appointments are kept to a maximum of 15 minutes. A further appointment with the Welfare Advisor at your Hub can be made if required. Where do I go? Appointments are offered at different Hubs to enable access for all students. You do not have to go to your own Hub. Please visit our web page (see left) for details.
Why are we recording your attendance? • Attendance is recorded to ensure that any student welfare concerns are picked up, Tier 4 international students meet their visa obligations and you’re progressing academically • The digital check in system provides a digital way to do this • All taught undergraduate and postgraduate students will need to use digital check in to register their attendance
What will the check in data be used for? • You can see your attendance on the MyProgress dashboard and discuss it with your Academic tutor • Tier 4 visa holders must be monitored to ensure they are meeting the terms of their visa • It may be an indicator of wellbeing or academic performance concerns
What do I need to do? Smartphones and Tablets • Make sure the latest version of the iExeter app is on your smartphone/tablet (please log out and back in to iExeter at the start of each academic year) • Enable push notifications for iExeter • Bring your smartphone tablet to your timetabled teaching sessions • Enable Bluetooth and GPS location services on your smartphone or tablet • Don’t worry we don’t track you around campus it’s only used to register you in scheduled teaching sessions when you’re in the room • When the digital check in notification pops up, press the check in button Laptops • Log into iExeter on the desktop version • Click on the attendance tile and check in
What happens if I can’t log in? Not got a smartphone, tablet or laptop that can run iExeter? Go to your Hub Info Point (or Education Support Office) as soon as possible after your session and the team will help I am unable to attend the teaching session due to sickness etc You should report sickness through the absence reporting tool in iExeter in the My course tile For other reasons speak to your Hub Info Point (or Education Support Office) Check in won’t work if you are attending a session which you haven’t been timetabled to attend
Any questions? • More info and FAQs at: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/digital-check-in
Welcome to Our Inclusive Community The University of Exeter is an inclusive community where everyone has the right to thrive and be treated with respect. Throughout the year we will celebrate and promote that strength in diversity. Equally we will not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying and encourage people to speak out whenever they see or experience discrimination or abuse.
Connect and Network Being part of an inclusive community gives you the opportunity to meet, study and live with lots of people with different perspectives and experiences. There are lots of ways to connect and network we hold many events which celebrate our diversity: 260+ student societies including faith, worldview, liberation and representation societies Academic subject networks Celebrations, discussions and events throughout the year! Look out for our next set of activities planned as part of Black History Month in October
How to report and get support • We will not tolerate harassment or discrimination. If you experience or witness any behaviours which are not inclusive please report it - no matter how minor you think it might be. This includes online behaviour • Visit our Exeter Speak Out webpages to: • make a report confidentially and anonymously • get support • Speak to a member of staff you trust (i.e Personal Academic Tutor, Supervisor, Head of Department, Hub staff, Wellbeing Services, Dignity and Respect Advisor) www.exeter.ac.uk/speakout
Take the Respect Matters Quiz Take our quiz to promote equality, diversity and inclusivity and to help everyone understand sexual consent and sexual boundaries. www.exeter.ac.uk/respectquiz