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Testing with Filmstrips

Testing with Filmstrips. Tony Clark School of Computing Thames Valley University tony.clark@tvu.ac.uk http://itcentre.tvu.ac.uk/~clark/. Overview. Model Driven Testing Testing with Filmstrips Two new features: filmstrips and snapshots A Case Study Filmstrips as Extended Use Cases

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Testing with Filmstrips

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  1. Testing with Filmstrips Tony Clark School of Computing Thames Valley University tony.clark@tvu.ac.uk http://itcentre.tvu.ac.uk/~clark/

  2. Overview • Model Driven Testing • Testing with Filmstrips • Two new features: filmstrips and snapshots • A Case Study • Filmstrips as Extended Use Cases • An Approach to Language Design • Defining the Extension: syntax and semantics • Practical Experimentation: demo • Review and further work

  3. Model Driven Testing • Model the system. • Generate tests from models. • Can: • Test the model. • Test the implementation. • Most existing work uses behaviour models: • State machines • Collaboration diagrams • Sequence diagrams

  4. Testing with Filmstrips

  5. Features: Snapshots and Filmstrips • Snapshots are system state descriptions. • Snapshot patterns denote sets of state descriptions. (Model Based Functional Testing using Pattern Directed Filmstrips. Tony Clark. AST 09, ICSE 09.) • Filmstrip patterns are sequences of snapshot patterns. • This talk about filmstrips and filmstrip patterns. • EOPPEs (http://www.ansa.co.uk/ANSATech/93/Primary/10100002.pdf)

  6. A Case Study

  7. Basic Use Cases

  8. UML Meta Model for Use Cases

  9. Proposed Extension

  10. Extended Use Case Model

  11. An Approach to DSL Design

  12. Filmstrip Semantic Domain context Filmstrip inv: steps = children->iterate(c s = Seq{} | s + c.steps) context Filmstrip inv: steps->asBag = merged->iterate(c s = Seq{} | s + c.steps)->asBag

  13. Basic Semantic Mapping context BasicSatisfaction inv: spec.inv->forAll(c | filmstrip.steps->forAll(s | c.satisfiedBy(s.before,env) and c.satisfiedBy(s.after,env))) context BasicSatisfaction inv: spec.pre->forAll(c | c.satisfiedBy(filmstrip.steps->first.before,env)) and spec.post->forAll(c | c.satisfiedBy(filmstrip.steps->last.before,env))

  14. Sequenced Behaviour context SeqSatisfaction inv: filmstrip.children = children.filmstrip and children.spec = spec.children

  15. Alternative Behaviour context AltSatisfaction inv: children->exists(r | r.filmstrip = filmstrip)

  16. Parallel Behaviour context ParSatisfaction inv: children->filmstrip = filmstrip.merged and par.children = children.spec

  17. Behaviour Repetition context StarSatisfaction inv: filmstrip.children->forAll(c | c = basicSatisfaction.filmstrip)

  18. Practical Issues • Generating Sequences • Language Design • System Architecture • Demo

  19. Generating Sequences F ::= Filmstrip Specs F then F | F or F | F par F | F* | epsilon | O O ::= Operation Specs

  20. Sequences [| f then g |] = { p + q | p in [| f |], q in [| g |] } [| f or g |] = [| f |] union [| g |] [| f par g |] = { p + q + p’ + q’ | r in [| f |], s in [| g |], (p,p’) in split(r), (q,q’) in split(s) } split(s) = { (take(s,i),drop(s,i)) | i in 0..len(s) } [| f* |] = [| epsilonor (f then f*) |] [| epsilon |] = { [] } [| o |] = { [o] }

  21. A Language for Testing Java @Filmstrip(hotel.BookingSystem,"C:/project") name = {"hotel1","hotel2"} address = {"Leeds"} inseq op hotelId = addHotel(name,address ,3,100.0) pre not self.getHotels()->exists(hotel | hotel.getName() = hotelName) post self.getHotels()->exists(hotel | hotel.getName() = hotelName and hotel.getAddress() = hotelAddress and hotel.getRooms()->size = 3) end ... more filmstrip... do ... action ... end

  22. Connecting to Java Use Case Model Filmstrip Specification Filmstrip Engine Java Application Report

  23. Demo

  24. Review • Adding snapshot patterns. • Controlling choices. • Integration with OMG testing profile. • Correspondence with UML behaviour.

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