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SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WEEK 13-17 June 2016. ENERGY EFFICIENCY AS A NEW BUSINESS MODEL (II) ENERGYWATER PROJECT. ENERGYWATER OBJECTIVE. The energywater Project aims to increase energy efficiency in industrial water processes in European manufacturing industry.

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  2. ENERGYWATER OBJECTIVE The energywater Project aims to increase energy efficiency in industrial water processes in European manufacturing industry. WHY INDUSTRIAL WATER PROCESSES? • Water treatment processes represent 20% of total energy consumption in the manufacturing industryconsumption. • Water management has increased considerably as a consequence of the implementation of new technologies to meet new legal requirements and effluent quality standards. • Water and energy are inextricably linked with the water–energy nexus(energy consumption is directly connected to water uses.) H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  3. BARRIERS FOR EFFECTIVE ENERGY MANAGEMENT Does this provider tell me the truth? How does my installation work? Does this auditor understand my installation? Could I compare to others? Where could I get money from? Where do I get information from? Am I including up-to-date market technology ? H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  4. HOW CAN THESE BARRIERS BE OVERCOME? ? 1- By studying my own consumption for water processes 2- By gathering data on my energy efficiency by type of activity 3- By comparing these data, in a confidential way, with other similar enterprises (size, sector of production…) EMSA WEB-TOOL 4- By applying up-to-date technologies to reduce my consumption and by taking advice to an expert on Energy efficiency ENERGY ANGELS NETWORK H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL


  6. “THE EMSA WEB-TOOL”:SELF ASSESSMENT WEB TOOL YOUR COMPANY SIMILAR COMPANIES ITCL Carbon Trust Socamex Cyprus Energy Agency International Office for Water Cork Institute of Technologies Okavango LIST OF ENERGY ANGELS BEST PRACTICE H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL


  8. ENERGY ANGELS AIM An Energy Angelis an entity providing services related to energy efficiency In the context of the energywater project: Energy audits / water processes + EMSA web tool guidance Legal and administrative information Up-to-date technologies to save energy: dev. of strategies, to be linked to equipment suppliers Services provided by the Angels Access to financial opportunities Use of different models of contracts for energy services Access to expertise (skilled auditors, ESCOs…) EMSA WEB TOOL H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  9. ENERGY ANGELS NETWORK Possible members TECHNOLOGY SUPLIERS Investors, funders EE SME RESEARCH CENTRES ENERGY MANAGERS ESCOS ENERGY AUDITORS H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  10. ENERGY ANGELS NETWORK as a window of business opportunities - Start of the network: the 10 partners of the project - Life of the network: open to new members upon conditions (rules of membership and business plan) 201610 - Opportunity for SME: be guided to assess their own energy efficiency + be advised by experts in their projects to save energy Energy AngelsNetwork - Opportunity for technical suppliers: promotion of their technologies and innovative products - Opportunity for funders, investors: come into contact with challenging and promising projects (with financial incentives to be developed during the energywater project) - Opportunity for trained auditors: training to energy efficiency related to water processes + increase of visibility H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  11. ENERGY ANGELS Training Objectives: 1- train energy auditors and managers, especially for the context of energy efficiency related to water processes 2- increase the visibility of EMSA tool and the network of Energy angels London Brussels Paris Gdansk or Warsaw  5 training sessions (workshops) Madrid Water process technologies Access to finance ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management System Water treatment technologies European Standard on Energy Audits: EN16247 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Thanks to a Moodle Platform EMSA WEB TOOL H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  12. ENERGY ANGELS Business Plan (to be developed) H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  13. COLLABORATIONS Do youwant to be a volunteer TO TEST THE EMSA web-tool? Do you want to become AN ENERGY ANGEL? • Feel free to contact us via (maite.cobo@itcl.es) • Sign a letter of intention (seeyou at the table/coffee break) H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  14. ENERGYWATER PARTNERS H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

  15. Thank you very much! Contact person: MaiteCobo E-mail: maite.cobo@itcl.es Tel: + 34 947298471 H2020-EE-2015-3 Market Uptake · Project nr: 696112 · Coordinator: ITCL

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