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CACFP Meal Pattern. Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. AGE GROUPS. MEAL COMPONENTS. Print Meal Pattern 1-12 year olds Guidance Memo 12C: http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_centermemos. Food Buying Guide Crediting Handbook.
CACFP Meal Pattern Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
AGE GROUPS MEAL COMPONENTS Print Meal Pattern 1-12 year olds Guidance Memo 12C: http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_centermemos
Food Buying GuideCrediting Handbook http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/resource-library
Creditable & Non-Creditable Foods • Creditable Foods: • Foods that may be counted toward meeting meal pattern requirements • A meal is reimbursable if it contains creditable foods in the amounts in the CACFP meal pattern • Non-Creditable Foods: • Foods that do not count toward meeting meal pattern requirements • Supply additional nutrients and calories that help meet energy and nutritional needs of participants
Serving Meals Assure each child receives at least the minimum serving amount of each component as indicated by the meal pattern
Milk * Includes low-fat & non-fat forms of lactose reduced, lactose free, buttermilk or acidified milk
Milk • Only fluid milk is creditable • Breakfast / snack: Beverage, used on cereal or both • Snack: Not to be served when juice is the only other component
Meat/Meat Alternate * No more than one-half of the meat/meat alternate requirement for lunch and supper
Meat/Meat Alternate • Lunch/Supper • Main dish • Main dish and one other item • ¼ ounce is minimum amount that can be served
Fruit/Vegetable 100% Juice Fruit Vegetable Potatoes are a vegetable (Baked, mashed, roasted, hash browns, French fries, tater tots)
Fruit/Vegetable • Lunch/Supper: • Combination fruit or vegetable products (fruit cocktail, mixed fruit or mixed vegetables) are considered to be one fruit/vegetable • Snack: • Two fruits, two vegetables or one of each (including juice) cannot be the only two items • Juice not to be served when milk is the only other component
Fruit/Vegetable • Cooked dry beans or peas are a vegetable or a meat alternate, not both in the same meal • Small amounts (less than 1/8 cup) and garnishes do not count toward the meal pattern
Grains/Breads Bread, biscuit, roll, muffin, crackers, hot and cold cereal, rice, pasta, waffles, tortillas, pancakes, granola bars Whole-Grain or Enriched Primary grain ingredient
Grains/Breads ½ or 1 serving of one item can be less than ½ or 1 serving of a similar item of a different size
Grains/Breads Chart Food Buying Guide page 3-15 Crediting Handbook pages 48 & 49 DPI website http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/files/fns/pdf/grain_bread_chart.pdf
Common Non-Creditable Food Items • Popcorn • Jelly/jam • Ice cream • Frozen yogurt • Sherbet • Pudding • Fruit snacks • Tofu / Tempeh • Lemonade • Cranberry juice cocktail • Velveeta™ • Cream cheese • Sour cream • Jell-o Resources • Food Buying Guide • Crediting Handbook
Special Diets- Disability A center is required to provide food substitutions or make modifications in meals for children whose food allergies become a disability or when other disabilities restrict their diets A medical statement signed by a licensed physician must be on file
Special Diets- Disability • The physician's statement must identify: • the child's disability; • an explanation of why the disability restricts the child's diet; • the major life activity affected by the disability; • the food or foods to be omitted from the child's diet, and the food or choice of foods that must be substituted. • Eating and Feeding Evaluation form • Guidance Memo 12C http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_centermemos
Special Diets – Non-disability A center may provide food substitutions, at their discretion, for individual children who do not have a disability, but who are medically certified as having a special medical or dietary need Food intolerances or allergies that do not have life-threatening reactions (anaphylactic reactions)
Special Diets – Non-disability • Medical statement from a physician or recognized medical authority for any child with a special diet that excludes a required meal pattern component • Must indicate the food(s) to be omitted and foods that may be substituted • If parent supplies substitution the center must supply all other components to claim
Parent Provided Foods If no medical statement is on file, the center cannot claim meals for reimbursement when parents provide foods that replace what the center provides
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