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Rhetorics. English 7. To speak. Give a speech at a party Present something to the class Inform your co- workers Sell a product Remember : prepare yourself !. How to start…. Gather information to build the speech Create a mind map

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rhetorics English 7

  2. To speak • Give a speech at a party • Present somethingto the class • Informyour co-workers • Sell a product Remember: prepareyourself!

  3. Howto start… • Gather information tobuild the speech • Create a mind map • Sort the funny/interesting/convincing arguments

  4. The structureof a speech • Introduction Veryimportant part! Createcredibility Catch the attention Start with: a hot topic from media an example a question

  5. The structureof a speech • Main speech Make sure youhave a structuretofollow! For example: In order oftime In order of events In order ofcomparisons In order ofthem

  6. The structure of a speech • Conclusion Last chancetobring forward yourmessage! Youcan: • connectthe end and the beginning • end with the same quote as youstartedwith • If youstartedwith a rhetoricalquestionyoucan end by answering it

  7. Rhetoricalmoves • Allitteration Meansthat 2 or 3 wordsaftereachotherbeginwith the same letter Big brownbears • Irony Meansyousaysomething in a positive waybutyouare negative (and vice versa) Why stop smoking? I love yellowteeth, wrinkles and cancer! • Parallelism Meansyousay the same thing in twosimilarmeanings Duringworldwar 2 jewswereexecuted. Howcouldthishappen? Howcouldthis go on? • Acceleration Meansyousay the same thingmanytimes, buteachtimeyou switch a wordinto a stronger one. Renting an apartment is good, renting a house is better, butowning a house is the best

  8. Howtorememberyourspeech • Practiseyourspeech • Moreinteresting for the audienceifyouknowmost parts by heart • Usenotes

  9. Equipment • The white board Write down important information • The powerpoint presentation Text AND picture • Otherequipment Physical gadgets, music, clips

  10. THE SPEECH THAT MADE barac Obama president • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFPwDe22CoY • Finds common grounds – family • Tells stories • Uses repetition • Uses hands pointing

  11. Examples • Be a moreconfident speaker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tShavGuo0_E • Dalton Sherman’sspeechto the teachers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAMLOnSNwzA

  12. Examination • Make a sellingspeech -make mewanttobuy a certainthing • Present it in front of the class OR • Videotape yourself at home and show the teacher and/or the class

  13. To thinkabout! ECA Clear structure with:Different parts are linked Introduction and conclusion Introduction are well linked Main speech conclusion Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Use equipment Well used equipment The equipment should be used with confident to lift the presentation Make eye contact Independence of script The pace, the tone of voice the feeling of the speech engage the audience

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