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TSA November Conference – Project 14. Members: Louis Garofalo*, Kevin Deak , Andre Tribble , Kyle Vaughan, Jeff Budnick * Denotes Leader. Project 14.
TSA November Conference – Project 14 Members: Louis Garofalo*, Kevin Deak, Andre Tribble, Kyle Vaughan, Jeff Budnick * Denotes Leader
Project 14 • TSA will run a leadership workshop for 250-300 students. THIS GROUP will plan workshops and activities on IT careers, mentoring, communication, and leading for two audiences (middle school and high school) as well as some ice-breakers. • Location: TBA • November 17-20, 2010 • Source: • http://www.floridatsa.com/Pages/Deadlines.html
What is TSA? • And more importantly, why do they have conferences and should I be afraid? • Technology Student Association • Motto: Learning To Live in a Technical World • Mission Statement: The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in technology, innovation, design, and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts through co-curricular activities, competitive events and related programs. • No reason to be afraid. Yet.
Workshop Format • Showing of videos created by the WHY IT project. • Good Ice Breaker • Shameless Plug for the CCI • Students will be divided into groups of 10 to 15. They will go to each activity until they have completed all of them. • Number of activities (and group sizes) depend on how many FSU students can make it to Orlando.
Pipeline - Deak • Summary: A fast paced activity that can be modified to suit age and setting. Each participant gets one gutter or half pipe tubing. The object is to move a marble or assorted size balls using lengths of guttering from point A to point B without dropping them. • Materials: 1 half pipe per person, one marble/ball per group.
The Helium Stick - Garofalo • Video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6724955815679026927#docid=5913888628115590383 • Materials:Aluminum Tent Pole • The team must all be holding this "Helium Stick" from the bottom using extended index fingers. They must all lower the stick to the ground while never losing contact with the stick or they must restart. The Stick is extremely light and the pressure upward just from everyone touching the stick is more than the weight of it. This causes the stick to rise instead of fall.
Obstacle Course - Budnick • A fast paced exercise where one person leads a blindfolded team of kids through an obstacle course or objects. Each kid goes through one by one and when they're all through we switch up the course and have each kid in the group lead the others through. This can be used to highlight the need for dynamic problem solving and the fact that everyone interprets instructions differently. • Materials: Cardboard Boxes, Tape
Goals For Next Group • Raise funds for required materials • Acquire materials • Find volunteers to travel to Orlando • Learn location of conference • Need to know size, audio/visual capabilities
Thank You • Questions? • Comments?