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Test your knowledge on cells, tissues, organelles, and cellular processes with this engaging quiz. From epithelial tissues to cellular life, challenge yourself with a variety of questions!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Anything Goes Epithelial Tissues The Cell Tissues Cellular life Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from The Cell Organelle that converts carbohydrates and Oxygen to produce ATP

  3. $100 Answer from The Cell Mitochondria

  4. $200 Question from The Cell The Smallest unit of life

  5. $200 Answer from The Cell The Cell

  6. $300 Question from The Cell Digests Cellular Debris and Bacteria

  7. $300 Answer from The Cell Lysosomes

  8. $400 Question from The Cell Synthesizes Cholesterol and Fat

  9. $400 Answer from The Cell Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

  10. $500 Question from The Cell Part of the cell that increases surface area Of plasma membrane for absorption

  11. $500 Answer from The Cell Microvilli

  12. $100 Question from Tissues Type of tissue that can contract And produce movement

  13. $100 Answer from Tissues Muscle Tissue

  14. $200 Question from Tissues Type of tissue that can be classified As simple or stratified

  15. $200 Answer from Tissues Epithelial tissue

  16. $300 Question from Tissues Adipose tissue is commonly called:

  17. $300 Answer from Tissues Fat

  18. $400 Question from Tissues Type of tissue that is Avascular but Regenerates quickly

  19. $400 Answer from Tissues Epithelial Tissue

  20. $500 Question from Tissues Consists of living cells surrounded By extracellular matrix

  21. $500 Answer from Tissues Connective Tissue

  22. $100 Question from Cellular life The formation of a scar happens Due to a process known as:

  23. $100 Answer from Cellular life Fibrosis

  24. $200 Question from Cellular life Phase of Cell cycle characterized by The division of the nucleus.

  25. $200 Answer from Cellular life Mitosis

  26. $300 Question from Cellular life A phase characterized by the division Of the cell and its organelles into 2 Daughter cells.

  27. $300 Answer from Cellular life Cytokinesis

  28. $400 Question from Cellular life List all 3 major components of the cell:

  29. $400 Answer from Cellular life • Nucleus • Cytosol/ Cytoplasm • Plasma Membrane

  30. $500 Question from Cellular life The major difference between Active and Passive transport is that Active transport requires ________ While Passive transport does not.

  31. $500 Answer from Cellular life Energy / ATP

  32. $100 Question from Epithelial Tissues Epithelial tissue areas that are Subjected to a lot of Wear and Tear Are usually found in multiple layers. This is known to be:

  33. $100 Answer from Epithelial Tissues Stratified

  34. $200 Question from Epithelial Tissues Glands that secrete their products Directly into the blood stream rather Than through ducts are classified as What type of gland?

  35. $200 Answer from Epithelial Tissues Endocrine glands

  36. $300 Question from Epithelial Tissues The free surface of the epithelial Cell may contain organelle(s) on its surface To aid in movement of the cell. There are 2 of them. What are they?

  37. $300 Answer from Epithelial Tissues Cilia and Flagella

  38. $400 Question from Epithelial Tissues Epithelial tissue has little to no Blood supply. This is known as:

  39. $400 Answer from Epithelial Tissues Avascular

  40. $500 Question from Epithelial Tissues The function of epithelial tissue is to:

  41. $500 Answer from Epithelial Tissues Cover and Lines the body’s surfaces

  42. $100 Question from Anything Goes The most abundant type of tissue In the human body is __________tissue.

  43. $100 Answer from Anything Goes Connectivetissue

  44. $200 Question from Anything Goes What type of Muscle Tissue is Involuntary and striated?

  45. $200 Answer from Anything Goes Cardiac Muscle

  46. $300 Question from Anything Goes These organelles of the cell are found Within the cytoplasm and on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

  47. $300 Answer from Anything Goes Ribosomes

  48. $400 Question from Anything Goes Goblet Cells produce mucus and are Found on the free surface of this Tissue type:

  49. $400 Answer from Anything Goes Epithelial Tissue

  50. $500 Question from Anything Goes Julia tore her achilles tendon. What tissue is this?

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