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For each adjective presented here, pretend that the noun in parentheses is actually present. Ask yourself the following questions about the adjective: Preceded by: “der” word -- “ ein ” word -- nothing ?
For each adjective presented here, pretend that the noun in parentheses is actually present. Ask yourself the following questions about the adjective: Preceded by: “der” word -- “ein” word -- nothing ? Gender/number : masculine -- feminine -- neuter -- plural ? Case: nominative -- accusative -- dative -- genitive ? Remember the most basic rules for adjective endings: --ALL preceded adjectives in the Dative, Genitive, and Plural end in –en! --Unpreceded adjectives take the ending of the “der” word (except m./n. Genitive –en instead of –es). --The rest are not that hard to memorize. Note: If the adjective funtions as a noun (i.e. the noun is implied, but not present), the adjective is capitalized. Adjectives Used as Nouns with “der” word with “ein” word unpreceded
Die Dumm___ (Leute) habendas Pulvernichterfunden.Abersieschießendamit.
BleibenSieimmeroffenfürAnregungen und IdeenIhrerMitarbeitend____ (Kollegen).
Wenn die Klüger___ (Menschen) immernachgeben, geschiehtnur das, was die Dumm___ (Menschen) wollen.
Vernünftig___ (Personen) fahrenhiernichtmitdem Rad. Ander____ (Leuten) istes verboten.