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Serpukhov-is native town. Serpukhov. Serpukhov - the city of Moscow region, located 99 kilometers south of the capital.
Serpukhov Serpukhov - the city of Moscow region, located 99 kilometers south of the capital. The first mention of Serpukhov is located in the spiritual literacy Ivan Kalita and refers to 1339. Emerged as a fortress on the border of Oka during a long battle with the Mongol-Tatar, and Polish conquerors Serpukhov has long remained a reliable outpost of the Moscow principality. Named after the small river Serpeyki flowing into his line into the river Naru - left tributary of the Oka.
With the development of Serpukhov inextricably linked to the names of great men - servants of the Church, well-known Russian figures of warriors: Sergei Radonezhsky, Alexei Moskovsky, the Primate of Vysotsky monastery, Athanasius, and Athanasius Elder Jr., the first abbot of the monastery of Barlaam Vladychny, glorious grandchildren Ivan Kalita - Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir the Brave. The latter brought Serpukhov special glory.As Serpukhov Prince Vladimir and his warriors took part in the Battle of Kulikovo, prejudging its successful outcome. For this feat of arms of the prince was given the nickname the Brave.
In 1761, 30% of exports from Russia duck has Serpukhovskoe origin. City goes to fourth place in Russia in the linen industry after Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Moscow. The number of employed in the textile industry with 3 thousand people in the 50-ies up to 5.5 thousand in the end of the century.
Coat of arms of Serpukhov Coat now Coat 1781 Coat 1967 Coat 1883
Serpukhov Kremlin The unique monument of Russian architecture of the fortress XVI-XVII centuries. First of all, its unique construction material: the Kremlin is fully built of white stone. Oak in Serpukhov Kremlin was built back in 1374. After 1507, when the Crimean Khanate became a permanent and implacable enemy of Russia, on the banks of the Oka Basil II creates a powerful line of defense, based on the Oka old city.
Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum As unique Serpukhovskiy Regional History and Art Museum, which is famous for not only the richest in the Moscow collection of masterpieces, but also the history of its creation. Mansion widow Anna Vassilyevna Maraevoy became a museum after the revolution in 1920. The basis for his collection served as the paintings that the owner of the house has become one of the ruined nobleman. Over the years the existence of this collection is multiplied many times over. In the halls of the museum you can see the rare sculptures Konenkova, trace the stages of development of Russian painting school of icon painting up to now and in the department of Western European art to admire paintings by Dutch, Italian, French, German, Spanish masters of past centuries.
Vysotsky monastery Founded in 1374 Serpukhov prince Vladimir the Brave, with the blessing of PRP. Sergius Radonezhsky, delivered the first abbot of the monastery of Saint Athanasius Vysotsky Senior. Cathedral church in the name of Conception of the Blessed Virgin and the chapel in the name of St.. Athanasius of Athos, built in 1878, during the Soviet era was destroyed. Gate under the bell tower of the church was consecrated in the name of the Three Saints, built in 1840, Chapel of All Saints was built in 1846 on the means of NI Konshina, and revived in 1991 Today at Protection Church is the main shrine of the monastery - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice".
Vladychnoe Nunnery Founded in 1360 by the wonderful instruction of the Mother of God holy Alexis the Metropolitan of Moscow as a monastery. In 1598 the monastery was in the center of the location of troops, Boris Godunov, ready to repel invasion of the Crimea: but according to the time that the saint and martyr George the Victorious at night went on a white horse from the monastery and went to the camp of the enemy, striking fear and terror in the Crimea Khan and his army.
Nikolsky Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Nicholas White) In 1713 issued a decree on the construction of a stone church in honor of St.. Nicholas. Initiator of the construction was a clerk Zemskaya house of Serpukhov Mikhail Popov. Already in March 1721 Mikhail Popov wrote: "... and now I'm on his promise instead of the dilapidated stone church built on the upper side of the church made by rank. In the same year the temple was consecrated. The temple itself was a then topped with a head chetverik with an altar annexe, which had symmetrical hipped end over the altar and diakonnikom. The building was made of hewn blocks of local limestone. Hence the local name has become accepted temple - Nicola White.
Church of Elijah the Prophet Church of Elijah the Prophet on the site of a wooden church, which stood at the market square of old, built in 1748 on the means of merchants Serpukhov Popov. Chapels - St. Catherine, and arranged in our time, in the name of Mother of God icon "Seeking the Lost". In the middle of the XIX century. was changed shape heads (bulbs replaced "bowls"), and the facades of the temple are decorated with stucco. Ilinskij temple - unique in Serpukhov, escaped closure and bankruptcy of the Soviet era.
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary In 1744 built a stone church of the Assumption. Damaged by fire in 1817, he rebuilt the means of hereditary honorary citizen Nicholas Maksimovic Konshina (1798-1853) and consecrated in 1854 in the chapel of the temple are three: in the name of the Apostle St. John the Divine, Mother of God icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow" and the name Venerable. Nikola hypocrites (in the lower tier of the belfry).
O. Stepanov’s Park Chekhov Street with monument Our Drama Theatre
Vuchetich’s monument The Central Round Square
Our founder-Vladimir Andreevich Horobry. He was the cousin of Dmitry Donskoy. Pushkin’s monument
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