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Chapter 12: Section 4

Chapter 12: Section 4. The Civil War is Coming. The Election of_____. Around _____, people were still thinking that the nation was going to avoid a ________. When the year _____came around, the ____________ were still a national party. The Democrats Divide.

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Chapter 12: Section 4

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  1. Chapter 12: Section 4 The Civil War is Coming

  2. The Election of_____ • Around _____, people were still thinking that the nation was going to avoid a ________. • When the year _____came around, the ____________ were still a national party.

  3. The Democrats Divide • The Democratic convention was scheduled to meet in ______________________. • At this meeting, the southern delegates demanded support from the party for _________ __________________ • ___________ and other northerners rejected this idea. • Many arguments followed and the north finally refused to adopt this policy. The delegates from the south __________________.

  4. The Democrats Divide • The great Democratic party was falling apart. • The ___________ Democrats who had left this convention met in ________________. • There, they named their own _________, Breckinridge, President of the United States. • He believed in protecting __________. • After this, the “__________” political parties were no longer national.

  5. Constitutional-Unionists and Republicans • The ________________ party was made up of ___________ who feared the breakup of the Union if the __________ candidate was elected. • They wanted to avoid the _________ issue entirely. • Some people who carried this idea were ________of Tennessee and __________ of Massachusetts.

  6. Constitutional-Unionists and Republicans • The main opposition to the Democratic party was the _____________party. • The Republicans were still waiting for some national appeal. They named one man who was the most ____________ in their party. • Abraham Lincoln, nicknamed “_____________” was the man. He came from ________.

  7. Honest Abe • Abraham Lincoln and his family came from __________ to New England and then to Pennsylvania. • His great-grandfather had lived in Virginia and had five sons. • Abraham’s father was raised in ________ and in 1809, Lincoln was born. • Lincoln was born in a __________. • Lincoln Movie!~

  8. Honest Abe • When he was only _______ years old, his family moved again to __________. • When he was _________they moved again to _______. • He built a __________and navigated it down the Mississippi to New Orleans. • He also worked as a ___________________________ _____________________________________________

  9. Honest Abe • Lincoln educated ______ and later became a _______. He was really successful in front of juries. • He had one term in __________, after serving in the Illinois legislature. He opposed the Mexican War while in Congress. • Lincoln had magic in his speech. He often used words from the _________.

  10. Honest Abe • Lincoln was firm on the slavery issue, but he was __________________. • He married a Southerner and was from the South, so he ____________the South. • If Abraham Lincoln couldn’t put the Union back together, no one could.

  11. Lincoln is elected The election of November 1860 • Lincoln was deprived of all _____________from 10 southern states. • In the electoral college, • Lincoln carried all ______________ • Breckinridge carried eleven slave states • Douglas got popular votes in the North but carried only Missouri and a minority of new jerseys split electoral vote • John bell carried 3 border slave states

  12. Lincoln undoubtedly won in the electoral college, but took _____ of the popular vote • His opponents had almost _________________votes • However, the votes Lincoln did get were from just the right states. • When southern states heard of Lincoln’s election, they _______ from the Union.

  13. Attempts to prevent war • _______________ believed withdrawing from the Union would be illegal, but he also thought the government should not be able to force a state to stay in the Union. • __________________a Northern opponent, was happy to see the South remove itself from the Union • ___________ a pacifist, would rather the states “go in peace” so as not start a war by demanding that they remain in the Union

  14. Desperate attempts were made at finding a ________ between sections. • “___________________” were proposed by the senator of Kentucky which would push the _________between slavery and free soil to California, to keep the federal government from interfering with slavery in the states. • _____________ refused, Lincoln believed this would only lead to the attempt to seize more southern territory to make more slave states. • They wanted the North to stand strong and not give in to the southerners demands so as to discourage _______________

  15. Because the United States were considered a ____________by the confederate states of America, they could not keep its arsenals and forts inside the _________ of the seceded states • U.S. troops mostly gave in, except for a few strong positions including _____________in the Charleston Harbor which was in serious need of food. Lincoln had a decision to make: either surrender Fort Sumter to the South, would mean no civil war and the end of the Union, or provide the supplies and put them at risk of a war to keep the states in “__________________”

  16. Determined to stand firm, Lincoln decides to __________Fort Sumter. • After notifying South Carolina of his decision to send supplies over, Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard began ____________ Fort Sumter from the Charleston shore batteries on ________________. • The fort was surrendered by Major Robert Anderson the next afternoon. This was the ___________________ of a war.

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