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Choose Joy in Trial James 1:2-8. Blake J ennings @GraceBibleBlake. Choose Joy in Trial James 1:2-8. “trials” hardships that test us “various” any hard circumstance “when” trials are inevitable. “when you encounter various trials”. Genesis 1:31
“trials” hardships that test us “various” any hard circumstance “when” trials are inevitable “when you encounter various trials”
Genesis 1:31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good... “when you encounter various trials”
“trials” hardships that test us “various” any hard circumstance “when” trials are inevitable “encounter” to fall into unexpectedly “when you encounter various trials”
“joy” is not “happiness” is an attitude of gratefulness “consider” choice to regard something to be true, even if it doesn’t feel true “consider it all joy”
“consider it all joy” choose to be grateful choose to believe that God is GOOD even when life is not “consider it all joy”
John 11:32-35 Therefore, when Mary came where Jesus was, she saw Him, and fell at His feet, saying to Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”... “consider it all joy”
John 11:32-35 ...When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and was troubled, and said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to Him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept. “consider it all joy”
“consider it all joy” opposite is NOT grief, tears, sadness opposite is BITTERNESS choice to believe God is NOT good choice to embrace anger “consider it all joy”
“consider it all joy” choose to be grateful choose to believe that God is GOOD even when life is not “consider it all joy”
Builds character now (v3-4) trials can grow endurance endurance makes us mature BUT only if we obey v2 Brings reward later (v12) Why should I consider it all joy?
Just ask God for wisdom (v5) “wisdom” = insight to apply v2 But ask in faith (v6-8) “doubt” = to distinguish, divide How do I choose joy in trials?
Just ask God for wisdom (v5) “wisdom” = insight to apply v2 But ask in faith (v6-8) “whatever comes, I accept” “wherever you lead, I will follow” “not my will, but yours be done” How do I choose joy in trials?