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SAI Platform Symposium Bruxelles , 12th May 2010 JP RENNAUD. European Food SCP Rountable: Key characteristics. Official launch: 6 May 2009 in Brussels Vision: Embed food chain as major contributor to sustainable consumption and production in EU
SAI Platform Symposium Bruxelles , 12th May 2010 JP RENNAUD
European Food SCP Rountable:Key characteristics Official launch:6 May 2009 in Brussels Vision: Embed food chain as major contributor to sustainable consumption and production in EU Objectives: Methodology, communication, continuous improvement Approach: Working across the entire food chain Scope: Clear-cut focus on food and drink products Actors:9 founding organisations; numerous applications pending Co-chairs: European Commission, Food chain representative Support: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) European Environment Agency Participation: Criteria based on expertise and commitment, EU level
Three Key Objectives: • Establish scientifically reliable and uniform environmental assessment methodologies for food and drinks • Identify of suitable tools for voluntary communication to consumers and other stakeholders • Promote and report on continuousenvironmental improvement along the entire food supply chain;
Founding organisations • CELCAAEuropean Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri‐Food Trade • CIAA Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries in the EU • COPA‐COGECA European Farmers and European Agri‐cooperatives • EFMA European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association • EUROCOOP European Community of Consumer Cooperatives • EUROPEN European Organization for Packaging and Environment • FEFAC European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation • IFAH-Europe International Federation for Animal Health – Europe • PRO EUROPE Packaging Recovery Organisation Europe Numerous applications pending . . .
Pending applications • The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) • EuropaBio- The European Association for Bio-Industries • Primary Food Processors of the EU (PFP) • European Bioplastics • European Aluminium Association (EAA) • European Plastic Converters (EuPC) • The Alliance for Beverage Carton and the Environment (ACE) • European Producers of Steel for Packaging (APEAL) • Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) • European Metal for Packaging Association (EMPAC) • European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO)
Participation • The RT is open to food chain operators, consumer organisations, NGOs, science, and policy makers having a genuine interest in the RT objectives • Participants must perform an activity directly relevant to • the food value chain (integral part of the food chain) • the assessment and/or management of its environmental implications and/or • the communication of food and drink products’ performance, including their environmental performance, to consumers • European federation/organisation (companies nominated by organisations) • European dimension in support of an EU-wide approach 6
Time schedule • Principles on F&D product assessment and communication: • end of 2009 • Frameworkassessment methodology for F&D products: • Interim Report by 2010 • Finalisation by 2011 • Product category specifications: on a continuous basis • Promotion of continuous improvement initiatives across food chain:: • Website: end of 2009/beginning 2010 • Report: on a continuous basis, starting in 2010 7
Mandate of Working Group 1 Overall objective: • Development of principles/guidelines on the environmental assessment of food and drink products including their packaging. • Establishment of a framework assessment methodology for food and drink products - including where appropriate product category specification - by 2011 building on international standards and existing and emerging methodological developments at national and EU level, including the work of the European Commission and its Joint Research Centre (JRC). 9
Mandate of Working Group 1 Mandate 2009 / first plenary 2010: • Develop “principles” on the environmental assessment of F&D products as part of the overall “RT principles on environmental assessment and voluntary environmental communication on food and drink products ” in cooperation with WG 2. Mandate 2010: • Establishment of a framework methodology for the environmental assessment of F&D products, based on the RT principles 2009. Mandate 2011: • Finalisation of the framework methodology • Exact mandate to be adopted by the end of 2010 10
Principles for the voluntary environmental assessment of food and drinks products Principle 1: Identify and analyse the significant environmental aspects at all life-cycle stages Principle 2: Assess the significant potential environmental impacts along the life-cycle Principle 3: Apply recognised scientific methodologies Principle 4: Periodically review and update the environmental assessment Principles for the voluntary environmental communication of environmental information along the food chain including to consumers Principle 5: Provide information in an easily understandable and comparable way so as to support informed choice Principle 6: Ensure clarity regarding the scope and meaning of environmental information Principle 7: Ensure transparency of information and underlying methodologies and assumptions Principles for both voluntary environmental assessment and communication Principle 8: Ensure that all food chain actors can apply the assessment methodology and communication tools without disproportionate burden Principle 9: Support innovation Principle 10 : Safeguard the Single Market and international trade