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Course Enrollment Guidelines for Master’s Students, for the Fall Semester of 2011/12. For more information you may contact the School Office: Sunday through Thursday from 8:00 to 16:00 Tel. 08-6596733 (internal phone no. 96733) E-Mail: dschool@bgu.ac.il , Fax: 08-6596985
Course Enrollment Guidelines for Master’s Students, for the Fall Semester of 2011/12 For more information you may contact the School Office: Sunday through Thursday from 8:00 to 16:00 Tel. 08-6596733 (internal phone no. 96733)E-Mail: dschool@bgu.ac.il, Fax: 08-6596985 http://www.bgu.ac.il/akis
Contents • Introduction • Rules and Regulations • Academic Requirements • Study Leave • Study Extension • Lab Safety Courses • Timetable for the Academic Year 2011/2012 Semester A • Enrollment in "Thesis Writing" course • Timetable • Course Enrollment (for Hebrew-speaking students) • Course Enrollment dates • Course Enrollment Confirmation • Course Enrollment (for non-Hebrew-speaking students) • Course Enrollment dates • Course Enrollment Confirmation • Fulfilling the Preparatory Courses for a Master’s Degree ("preparatory students" or "students on probation")
Introduction • The fall semester of the 2011/2012 academic year will start on October 30th 2011. • As of the fall semester of 2011/12, Hebrew-speaking students are to enroll into their courses online, independently. • Since the online enrollment system is in Hebrew, non-Hebrew speaking students should enroll for their courses via the school secretariat. • The required course programs for completing a Master’s degree can be found on the AKIS website: • M.A/M.Sc. degree in Desert Studies (press here). • M.Sc. degree in Hydrology and Water Quality (press here).
All students are required to look over the academic study programs and choose a list of courses for the semester, in coordination with their supervisor. Students must receive approval for this list from the head of the academic teaching committee. • The time frame for online enrollment is determined individually for each student according to their academic status and progress. • Using the online time frame for purposes other than its proper designation, or for other than personal purposes, constitutes a disciplinary offense.
Rules and Regulations Academic Requirements • Following are the academic requirements for graduate students studying for their Master’s degree: • An overall grade point average of over 65. Stipend recipients should achieve a grade point average of over 85, as a condition for funding continuation. • During the first year of study at least one third of the credit points required for completing the program must be accumulated. Stipend recipients must complete 50% of their study program (21 credit points). The credit points for the study program include those awarded for the "final thesis".
A preliminary research proposal should be submitted within three months from the date of admission. • A full research proposal should be submitted within nine months from the date of admission. • A progress report should be submitted within 15 months from the date of admission. • The final thesis should be submitted after four semesters of study. For full details see: Academic Bylaws.
Rules and Regulations Study Leave • Any request for a study leave for the fall semester of 2011/2012 should be submitted no later than September 1st 2011. • Students must either enroll for the fall semester, or alternatively file a request for a study leave – otherwise their studies will be discontinued by the school. • Press hereto download the study leave application form.
Rules and Regulations Study Extension • Students who have completed four semesters of study but have not submitted their final thesis, must submit a reasoned application for extension of their study period. • Press hereto download the study extension application form • The study extension application form should be submitted no later than September 1st 2011 • The form should be approved and signed by the student's advisor and by the head of the academic teaching committee. • Enrollment for courses will only be made possible after the request is approved by the head of the school.
Rules and Regulations Lab Safety Courses It is mandatory for all students working in a chemical or biological lab to participate in a lab safety course, once a year. Further details regarding the schedule of these courses will be posted in the near future.
Timetable for the Academic Year Enrollment in "Thesis Writing“ Course • All students enrolled in the thesis track must enroll for the "thesis writing –part 1" course (001-2-9991) during the third semester of their studies. • All students enrolled in the thesis track must enroll for the "thesis writing –part 2" course (001-2-9991) during the fourth semester of their studies.
Students who have completed four semesters of study and have received approval for extending their study period, must enroll for the "Thesis Writing – continued" course (001-2-1000), during each semester of the approved study extension period, even if they have enrolled for other courses.
Timetable for the Academic Year Timetable • For downloading an academic timetable in Hebrew press here. • For downloading an academic timetable in Desert Studies in English press here. • For downloading an academic timetable in Hydrology and Water Quality in Englishpress here.
Course Enrollment (for Hebrew-speaking students) • As of the fall semester of 2011/12, Hebrew-speaking students are to enroll into their courses online, independently. • Courses must be chosen in accordance with the study program and in coordination with the student’s advisor. • The school secretariat will not enroll Hebrew-speaking students into any courses. • Should Hebrew-speaking students wish to enroll for courses outside of the School for Desert Studies, they should apply to the school secretariat.
Course Enrollment Dates • The dates for online course enrollment are as follows: September 14th-15th 2011, October 23rd 2011. • Stipends will not be approved for Hebrew-speaking students who did not enroll online. • For online course enrollment, press here.
The “change period” for making changes online in your courses is between October 30th and November 13th 2011. • Enrollment for courses after the "change period" will entail a fine of 220 NIS. • If you cancel your enrollment for a course after the change period, you will be charged for full tuition for the course, as well as the 220 NIS fine.
Course Enrollment Confirmation • After performing the online enrollment procedure, the course enrollment printout should be submitted to the school secretariat, signed by the student's advisor and by the head of the teaching committee. • The course enrollment printout can be downloaded from the “Student Information Kiosk”. • For enrolling into courses that deviate from the academic program, students must receive consent in writing from their advisor/s and from the head of the academic teaching committee, before enrollment.
Course Enrollment (for non-Hebrew-speaking students) Since the online enrollment system is in Hebrew, non-Hebrew-speaking students should enroll for their courses via the school secretariat. Course Enrollment Dates • Non-Hebrew speaking students should list the courses they wish to enroll for on the course enrollment form (press here). This form should be submitted to the school secretariat no later than September 11th 2011. • Non-Hebrew-speaking students from abroad who have not yet arrived in Israel by this date can submit the form when they arrive.
Changes can be made in course enrollments between October 30th 2011 and November 13th 2011 (the "change period"). For download the enrollment form for changes press here. • Enrollment for courses after the "change period" will entail a fine of 220 NIS. • If you cancel your enrollment for a course after the change period, you will be charged for full tuition for the course, as well as the 220 NIS fine.
Course Enrollment Confirmation • The course enrollment form should be submitted to the school secretariat, signed by the student's advisor and by the head of the teaching committee. • The school secretariat will issue a computerized course enrollment report for each student. • Students should go over this enrollment report, check for discrepancies and should these exist, report them to the school secretariat.
Fulfilling the Preparatory Courses for a Master’s Degree (“Preparatory Students" or “Students on Probation“) A student who is fulfilling the prerequisites of eligibility to do a Master’s degree must enroll for the courses detailed in our letter of acceptance. Once the student has completed the prerequisites, they should notify the school secretariat so that they may be accepted into the Master’s program as an "ordinary student“.