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School Reporting Teacher’s Guide Familiarisation Training

School Reporting Teacher’s Guide Familiarisation Training. version 3.1-3. Objective. Familiarisation Operational workflow Understand the operational concepts (Grades, Units, sign-off) Training Key points for Teachers to fully utilise myMART 3

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School Reporting Teacher’s Guide Familiarisation Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. School Reporting • Teacher’s Guide • Familiarisation • Training version 3.1-3

  2. Objective • Familiarisation • Operational workflow • Understand the operational concepts (Grades, Units, sign-off) • Training • Key points for Teachers to fully utilisemyMART 3 • Step-by-step exercises in the features for Teachers

  3. Agenda • Training and Familiarisation • Access • Logon • Menu navigation • Class Lists • Access student information • Quick Entry • Results • Unit Comments • Rubrics • General Comments • Absentees

  4. myMART 3 Concepts • Grades • A-E • End of Semester result (not end of year) • Units • E.g. Mathematics Year 4 • Year based view of the subject • Same outcomes for all year groups • Can have different outcomes active for different year groups • Form Class – for Interpersonal and Personal Development • Sign-off • Lock the data • Ready for final print • Can “un-sign” if need be

  5. myMART 3 Access • http://schools.mymart3.com.au • Download of myMART 3 Silverlight Application • Login • Authenticates user • Access to school data • One login per school • Quick Links • Easy access • Different set per role • Menu System • Top tabs – pull down • Full-screen – F11 or Apple + Enter

  6. Class Lists • Classes you have access to • Students in the selected class • Used for selection on the other forms (Quick Entry, Student Card, School Reports, etc) • Collapse to “paperclip” to hide

  7. Student Details • Double-click student in the Students list • Student Card(s) Multiple Student Cards Double-click

  8. Report Definitions Grades,Effort & Rubric Effort Grade Rubric

  9. Quick Entry… Results Select Class • Select the Class • Select the Unit • Column (down) data entry • Single key stroke entry • Effort – O,V,S,I else 4, 3, 2, 1 • Outcome – A,B, C,D,E else 5,4,3,2,1 • Override – Principal or Admin Select Unit Principal (or Admin) override

  10. …Quick Entry Unit Comments • Enter (or cut-and-paste) comments • Count-down of remaining characters as you type • Warning (orange) if too many characters Count-down

  11. …Quick Entry… Sorting • Sort any column • Group all “A”s, “B”s, etc • Group all “O”s, “V”, etc • Data entry will resort dynamically

  12. …Quick Entry… Moving & resizing columns • Move columns to suit your data entry • Resize columns

  13. …Quick Entry… Interpersonal & Personal • Choose Form Class from Unit List • All rubric items listed in the header • Data Entry • C, F, O, R Else • 4, 3, 2 or 1 Form Class Unit Rubric item in header

  14. …Quick Entry… Gen. Comments & Absentees • General Comment – by Class Teacher • Principal Comment • Absentees – full days (or part there of e.g. 2.5) • In-active columns will no be shown • If all 3 columns are in-active – then no tab Columns will be hidden if set to “in-active” (by Admin)

  15. …Quick Entry Sign-off • Grade Data Entry: A,B,C or D Else 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 When all data has been entered (and checked) • Sign-off => locked in, ready for final printing • Data is now read-only • Can “un-sign” if need be Sign-off Read-only

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