SOS Venezuela Thefightforfreedom
Theongoingstudent-led anti-governmentproteststhatstarted in my country Venezuela onFebruary 12, 2014, againsttheauthoritarianregime in power has beenthesource of inspirationformyproject. Afterourstrongtradition of fightsfordemocracy, a studentmovement has emerged againstthebreaking of allrightsforfreedom and civil libertiesbythe actual government and thestudentshavebecomevictims of brutal repression, killings and detentionsbytheNationalPolice. Beingmyselfan active protester, this crisis encouraged me todesignoutfitsthatsymbolizetherestless, urban, youngfighters. I wouldlikethesedesignsto show awarenessto local and global audiences of theimportance of freedom, justice and thestruggleagainsttheongoing abuses perpetratedbyauthoritarianregimes. Forinstance, theVenezuelanflagcolors (yellow, blue and red) are present in some of thegarments; a jacketwith a blood-splashed-likefabricremindsus of theshot and injured; a blackoutfitmournsthedead; a cottondresswithsmoke-printedfabricrepresentsthetear gas usedagainstdemonstrators. I hope thatmycollection inspires otherstudentsaroundtheglobe of theimportance of fightingfor human rights and a free world.