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USING INTERNET TOOLS FOR TEACHING CLIMATE ISSUES. Imbi Henno National Examination and Qualification Centre. Today’s problems. A declining interest in the study of science . O ld-fashioned methods of learning and teaching . A single-subject approach of teaching.

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  1. USING INTERNET TOOLS FOR TEACHING CLIMATE ISSUES Imbi Henno National Examination and Qualification Centre

  2. Today’s problems • A declining interest in the study of science. • Old-fashioned methods of learning and teaching. • A single-subject approach of teaching. • Scientific knowledge as the most important part of environmental education. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  3. Seeing education anew • The traditional science education needs to be re-thought in light of changes. • It is important to formulate a vision of why and how we have to change methods. • Teachers have to be able to promote the students` problem solving skills, autonomy and ability to reflect, conceptual thinking. • It is important to to create new teaching and learning styles supported by new media and technology. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  4. The GLOBE program • One challenge and remarkable initiatives is the GLOBE program. • The GLOBE program provides teachers with the opportunity of using Web-based materials in their teaching. • GLOBE provides an inquiry-based approach to studying and understanding the environment as a science. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  5. The e-LSEE project represents innovative approach to science • ELSEE project: • builds a real integration between the ICT and regular school education, • stimulates teachers to use ICT as a pedagogical and didactical tool in their subject teaching. • The developed educational materials support multi-disciplinary inquiry-based learning, project work and teamwork by students. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  6. The Estonian National Curriculum for Basic and Secondary Schools • The last version of Estonian National Curriculum for Basic and Secondary Schools was approved by Government in January 2002. • The general part of our national curriculum establishes such universally recognised issues as: • development of all students, • student’s activity and responsibility, • balance and integration, • problem orientation • curriculum openness and etc. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  7. Our national curriculum supports the use of ICT in schools at all levels and in all subjects. • One of so-called “integrated themes” in our curriculum is topic environment and sustainable development • Each school is free to draw up its own curriculum and subject syllabi on the bases of the national curriculum. Teachers are free to use the teaching methods and textbooks of their choice. • In Estonia the geography teaching begins at grade 7. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  8. The objectives for geography teaching in Estonia The objectives are to ensure that the students are able: • to understand the natural phenomena and processes on the Earth and the relations between them; • to value the possibilities of human actions as well as the consequences of human activity in different natural conditions; • to understand the need for sustainable use of resources; • to read and use maps and to use geographic knowledge acquired in school in everyday life etc. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  9. Climates issues • We start with topic climate in grade seven • Much time is devoted to: • the factors affecting climate; • solar energy and its seasonal changes; • energy balance; • the impact of the ocean on the climate; • continental and maritime climate; • the impact of the relief on the climate and other themes. • The GLOBE program provides excellent recourses for studying these geographic themes. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  10. A web-based material “Continental and marine climates” • The educational task was to compose on the basis of GLOBE recoursesand the themes of curricula of Estonia and other developed countries the e-learning and teaching materials. • The web-based material was developed to support teachers to use internet tools for teaching climate issues. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  11. The material is divided into several pages for teachers and learners: • background information; • students` worksheets; • self-evaluation tests; • recommendations for teachers. • The materials include simple guidelines for using data and images from the GLOBE database. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  12. Time requirement and recommendations on age of learners • A majority of activities can be done with three class periods. • This web-based material provides a range of activities, from activities to be used by teachers of intermediate level students to advanced activities for the advanced level. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  13. Educational goals and keywords • The educational goals of this web-page are: • to developstudents` understanding that climatic condition at different distances from oceans and at same latitude are very different; • that the temperature and precipitation patterns are influenced by a combination of latitude, elevation and geography. • The keywords of this web-page are climate, air temperature, precipitation and latitude, marine and continental climate. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  14. Development of different skills The material promotes the development of different skills: • Mapping data with the GLOBE Student Data Server to explore continental and marine climate patterns.  • Graphing GLOBE data. • Generating questions and developing hypotheses.  • Designing and conducting an investigation.  • Drawing conclusions. • Communicating conclusions to others. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  15. Student worksheet: Coastal and inland climate comparison • The first page topic"Climatic conditions at same latitude"of web-page “Continental and marine climates” provides background information for students. • This page provides instructions: "How to display different maps?" how to use GLOBE data and graphing tools to display regional and global temperature and precipitation patterns data on maps.  • For comparing coastal and inland differences students can useworksheet "Coastal and inlandclimate comparison".  "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  16. Student worksheet: School investigations comparison • Students have to compare same latitude climate patterns of sites at different distances from oceans in North America and Europe (student’s worksheets: “School Investigations Comparison I and School Investigations Comparison II”). • The student's worksheets (doc files) “Comparing Mean Temperature and Monthly Precipitation Data”No 1and No 2 (these worksheets could be filled electronically or could be printed before hand) and “Self-evaluation test No 5” is for filling in the classroom. "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  17. Learning process • Various worksheets and electronic tests provide teachers with necessary feedback. • Worksheets can be used without any changes or might serve as examples for teachers to work out their own ones. • Students can work individually or in small groups and develop a class-wide understanding of each site they studying. • The analysis can also be assigned as homework.  "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  18. By the end of this activity, students should be able to prove and to use graphs and data to support the claim that continental and marine climate patterns are different and influenced by a combination of latitude, elevation and geography. • A comparison of using GLOBE recourses in classroom with non-using have been shown that the using GLOBE recourses produces positive impact on student learning and performance (less memorizing), improves student higher order thinking skills (interpreting data). "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  19. The other GLOBE examples of good practice • The ideas and concepts, tested in GLOBE, are represented also in a regular textbook. Mr. Mart Kuurme, a GLOBE teacher of Tallinn Science High School recently issued a science textbook for grade 7 that was approved by Ministry of Education. The textbook and the accompanying worksheets include several hands-on activities originated from the GLOBE Program. • GLOBE data have also been used in the yearly national progress tests in science and mathematics, organised by Ministry of Education for school stages I and II (stage I - grades 1 - 3; stage II - grades 4 -6). "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

  20. Thank for your attention "ELSEE" conference 2003 in Tartu, Imbi Henno

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