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cover. Workshop on Industry and Labor Dynamics. The Agent-based Computational Economic approach. Introduction by Pietro Terna Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e finanziarie G.Prato, Università di Torino pietro.terna@unito.it web.econ.unito.it/terna. _Simulation.

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  1. cover Workshop on Industry and Labor Dynamics. The Agent-based Computational Economic approach Introduction by Pietro Terna Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e finanziarie G.Prato, Università di Torino pietro.terna@unito.it web.econ.unito.it/terna Wild@Ace, Torino

  2. _Simulation _______________________________________ From the simulation as a (assisted, opaque) mental experiment … _______________________________________ Wild@Ace, Torino

  3. molecular interaction and protein folding of an alpha helix using distributed dynamics From www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/ • Folding the smallest protein one could imagine: a single alpha helix. • A complex structure generated from elemetary rules about inter-molecular interaction Wild@Ace, Torino

  4. _Agent-based choice _______________________________________ … to ACE, Agent-based Computational Economics and, more generally, ABS, Agent-based Simulation _______________________________________ Wild@Ace, Torino

  5. From www.icosystem.com/ interaction among individuals pt pt looks at A as its defender at to B as an offender or pt has to defend A from B A B action Wild@Ace, Torino

  6. simulation and agent models Social simulation as a computer based way to execute complex mental experiments, but also as a via to represent the complexity of real world simulation = agent-based models Wild@Ace, Torino

  7. _How to use agents _______________________________________ How to use agents in simulation models: a radical view _______________________________________ Wild@Ace, Torino

  8. a radical view The radical characterization of an ABM must be found into the possibility of real –direct or indirect – interaction amid the agents, instead of modeling it in a simplified way with aggregate simultaneous equations Wild@Ace, Torino

  9. _A general structure _______________________________________ A general structure for agent-based simulation models _______________________________________ Wild@Ace, Torino

  10. ERA NN CS GA Avatar http://web.econ.unito.it/terna/ct-era/ct-era.html Wild@Ace, Torino

  11. _An application: enterprise simulation _______________________________________ An application: enterprise simulation _______________________________________ Wild@Ace, Torino

  12. enterprise simulation (1) Recipes and production units market Enterprise front end A system of enterprises and micro productive units (a swarm) 1-2 2-13 8-28-27-7 ... recipes units FE 8 7 FE our jES (a swarm of units) 28 7 27 Wild@Ace, Torino

  13. Recipes on move enterprise simulation (2) 8-28-27-7 we have the phases a, b, c, then in x we have a choice problem a units FE • Avatar, genetic algorithms, classifier systems to experiment and to simulate the effects of decision making: • experiments in a usual context • soft computing applications 8 b 7 FE ? 28 c ? x 7 27 The orders are placed in the unit waiting lists and executed according to the FIFO criterion Wild@Ace, Torino

  14. the relevance of our work … relevance needed … Wild@Ace, Torino

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