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HYDRODYNAMIC PRINCIPLE OF VSP • Blades project vertically below the ship’s hull and rotate on a rotor casing about a vertical axis, performing an oscillatory motion around their own axis that is superimposed on this uniform motion. • The oscillating movement of blade determines the magnitude of thrust through varying the amplitude (pitch) while the fast correlation determines the thrust direction between 0 and 360 degrees. Hence an identical thrust can be generated in any direction.
HYDRODYNAMIC PRINCIPLE OF VSP Cycloidal path of a Blade Kinematics of VSP
ADVANTAGES OF VSP • Stepless Control • Equal thrust & propulsion efficiency in all directions • Main engines can be operated with constant or variable speed • Service life of propeller is as long as vessel life. • Rapid and precise thrust variation • Additional roll stabilization of the vessel.
DEEP WATER DEFINITION • Shallow Water or Conventional Depth < 400 Meters • Deep Water > 400 Meters and < 1500 Meters • Ultra deep Water > 1500 Meters
CHALLENGES OF DEEP WATER OPERATIONS • Complex and harsh environment which requires long term investment and commitment. • Technical and logistical challenges • Continuous & innovative technologies required to withstand the hostile and harsh conditions • Unique production challenges which requires more sophisticated breakthrough technologies in order to achieve economically sustainable production. • Significant increase in drilling capacity required for deep water production to have an impact on energy supply
TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR DEEP WATER OPERATIONS • Vessels should be equipped with better dynamic positioning system e.g. DP3 • Safe anchor handling system requiring minimum number of crew members in the aft deck. • Requirement of higher bollard pull OSV’s • Using Remote operated vehicle
Supply Needs • Sub-Sea Installation • Anchor handling • Survey • Construction Work • Towing • Well Stimulation • Stand By Rescue • Diving Works
North of Arctic area has an estimated 90 billions barrels of undiscovered oil. • Arctic accounts for • 13% of undiscovered oil (13.5 billions tones) • 30% of undiscovered natural gas • 20% of undiscovered natural gas liquids
CHALLANGES • Harsh Climate including strong winds and cold temperature • Sensitive environment & slow recover from damages • Unknown actual impacts. • Potential damage to fish, birds and marine mammals through industrial activities such as noise from seismic survey, shipping, drilling, increased pollution and oil spill risk.
OVERCOMMING CHALLANGES • Services required for OSV’s operation in Arctic are as follows: • Fire Fighting • Oil-Combating / Oil Spill • Escort Ice breaking Prevention • Ice Management • Stand by / EER (Emergency, Evacuate, Rescue) • Towing • Anchor handling • Construction Assistance / Cargo Supply
FIRE FIGHTING • Future fire fighter vessels shall be designed with active protection, giving it the capability to withstand higher heat radiation loads from external fires. • Continuous fighting of large fires from a safe distance • Efficient water pumping capacity and more comprehensive firefighting equipment. • Availability and accessibility of sufficient quantity of fuel oil for continuous fire fighting operation with water monitors for a period of not less than 96 hours. • Foam-forming liquid for continuous foam production for longer durations • Crew operating the fire fighting systems should be well equipped and trained. • Efficient Maneuverability of the vessel having side thrusters and propulsion machinery of sufficient and adequate power requirements.
ICE MANAGEMENT • With proper ice management, the drilling season can be extended in some areas from a 2-3 months window to all year round, resulting in the cost per well being substantially decreased. • Ice management is about ice monitoring, meteorology. • Aircraft or helicopter surveillance is used to identify critical sea ice. The sea ice is equipped with GPS transponders reporting speed and course. • The demand for vessels performing ice management services varies from 1-4 vessels for a single drilling unit depending on ice severity (thickness and movement) and the drilling unit’s capacity to withstand the forces from the ice.
STANDBY / EER • In case of an emergency evacuation, there is a need for supply vessels to be able to accommodate personnel from the affected facilities. • The demand for standby vessels depends on distance to shore and size of the site etc. and range from 2-5 vessels per site . • According to Canadian law, a standby vessel is required to be within 20 minutes from the offshore installation.
OIL COMBATING / OIL SPILL • One of the biggest threats to the environment is oil spill in ice infested waters. In addition, there is limited knowledge regarding the impact of an oil spill in the Arctic region. • There are different techniques on how to contain and recover oil spills and in some cases the low temperature may have a positive effect, since the oil thickens in low temperatures as well as the ice can act as a natural barrier to prevent the oil from spreading. • Together with standby and EER services, oil spill recovery is one of the most important services in order to guarantee social and environmental safety. • Though important, oil spill recovery is a subordinate service and is applied in case of an oil spill emergency but will most probably be a feature which all Arctic supply vessels will have.
CARGO SUPPLY • The cargo demand differs slightly depending on the facility, where mud is needed to control the pressure in the well when drilling and methanol is needed for production. To be able to supply both types of material would therefore be an advantage, which can be satisfied if a tank onboard a supply vessel is able to carry both materials . • If a supply base is not established, a better solution, is to have bigger (up to five times) supply ships, which are able to carry the necessary supplies for the entire period, delivering directly from international ports .
CONSTRUCTION ASSISSTANCE • Regarding construction assistance services, it is difficult to specify the requirements since they are highly dependent on the type of facility being constructed. Different requirements constitute in the vessel being equipped with cranes, Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV’s) and a helicopter deck if the drilling unit does not have one . Another aspect regarding construction assistance is that it is not needed when exploring a site, but rather when a significant discovery is found and the field is to be developed. • A large vessel with icebreaking capabilities constitutes a good platform for extending it to a construction assistance vessel and vice versa .
ANCHOR HANDLING • Scantling of foundations and supports of towing pins shall be based on 2 times the specified maximum static working load. • Designing of following equipment's like anchor handling winch, shark jaw, towing pins & stern rollers with appropriate alloys compositions or composite materials of greater strength.
CARGO SUPPLY • Used basically for supply of liquid mud, fuel oil and base oil etc. for offshore structures like well head platforms (manned / unmanned) FPSO’s, drilling ships etc. • Cargo pumps shall be provided with remote shutdown devices capable of being activated from a dedicated cargo control location which is manned at the time of cargo transfer. • Segregation between the cargo piping system where the cross contamination of the supply items causes safety hazards by using spectacle flanges etc. • Vessels intended for transportation of liquid with flashpoint below 60 DegC shall be designed with appropriate safety measures. In the case of supply of cement and dry mud systems, the engine room should be as far as practicable or should be separated by steel deck and bulk heads.
FOCUS AREAS • Energy Efficient Design Index (EEDI) • Building more energy efficient vessels, which requires less fuel consumption. • Energy efficient operational Index (EEOI) • Emission Control • Ship Energy management Plan (SEMP) • Optimization of Cargo handling, power requirements & Crew management etc. • LNG Propelled OSV’s • Using of Wind Energy in OSV
NEW ECO-FRIENDLY FEATURES OF OSV • Fuel oil tanks protected on the sides to avoid contact in case of accident. • Fuel used by engines is MGO, having very low sulphur content, hence minimal pollution. • The refrigerant used by AC plants must have at least ODP. • Vessel with incinerator plant for burning garbage at sea. • Vessel with sewage treatment plant for treating prior to discharge overboard. • Tank washing system for the mud/brine tanks. Tank washing/residue sent to slop tank and not directly discharged overboard. • The vessel having green passport upon delivery.
ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN • Propulsion efficiency devices. • Waste Heat Recovery System • Cold Ironing. • Energy Savings Systems like for main sea cooling water pump : a computerized system which controls the speed of the pump by controlling the three way valve as per the sea water temperature.
NEW TANKS LAYOUT • Introducing new cargo pumping arrangement by submersible pump for mud/brine/ORO operated by hydraulic power pack. • This provides for flexible and safe power transmission for cargo pumping system for an OSV carrying cargoes with a large variety of viscosities and specific gravity.
LNG PROPELLED OSV • Some of the salient features of using LNG in place of conventional MGO are • Up to 90% NOx reduction and 20% CO2 reduction • Operational flexibility • Lower Fuel Cost • Lower Maintenance Cost
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