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UCDB (Universidade Católica D om Bosco)

GETED (Group of research and studies about Educational Technology and Distance Education) Maria Cristina Lima Paniago Lopes Education Post-Graduation Programme Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB) cristina@ucdb.br. UCDB (Universidade Católica D om Bosco).

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UCDB (Universidade Católica D om Bosco)

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  1. GETED (Group of research and studies about Educational Technology and Distance Education) Maria Cristina Lima PaniagoLopesEducationPost-GraduationProgrammeUniversidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)cristina@ucdb.br

  2. UCDB (Universidade Católica Dom Bosco)

  3. GETED- Registered at Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

  4. GETEDComposed by: professionals from Institutions of Higher Education (private and public) middle and high schools professionals master and PhD students All of them: concerned with the insertion of information and communication technologies (ICT) and virtual environments at the teaching and learning processes.

  5. 2006The use ofthe communication andinformationtools (ICT) atundergraduatecoursesbydistanceeducation.

  6. RESULTSTheimportance to considertheinter-relationsteacher/technology; teacher/teacherhimself, teacher/digital society; teacher/methodologyandteacher/students. Thenecessity to understandtheteacher as a humanbeing, to understandthetools, to have a criticalpositionatthe digital society, to re-elaboratemethodologies, to valorize thestudents. To use appropriatelanguage, notmonologic, butdialogic to ensureinteraction.

  7. 2007DistanceEducationand its inter-relations: disruptionsandimplementationsatteachingandlearningprocess

  8. RESULTS There are difficultiesofteachersandstudentsusingdifferent medias (audio, video, ICT) demandingthemcertainadaptation to theunexpectedsituations;Newdealwiththeunknown;Necessity to learn to learn; Constant processoflearning (continuousformation);Requirement to overcomethe passive role of receptor to becomeprotagonistofprocess;Individual andcollectiveconstructionofknowledge;Emphasisonproblematizingsituations to promotecriticality.

  9. 2008 ContinuousFormation in virtual community: a space for reflectionandcollaboration

  10. RESULTS • The data showedthattheparticipantsusedtheintertext, makingreferences to otherreadings, books, texts, buildingandrebuildingconcepts; • Therewas more interactionatface-to-face meetings thanatthe virtual environment, becauseofthelittlefamiliarity to the use ofthe ICT whichgenerated a certaindiscomfortandnoisesatthe communication; • Thenecessity to promoteclosertiesamongtheparticipants in thesense to feelwilling to participate; • Theimportance to considerreasonandemotion to enrichtherelations in a continuousformation; thecreationofinterpersonnalties; collaborativeattitudesandreceptivity.

  11. 2009 Conceptionsofteachersaboutteachingandlearningmediatedby laptops atfull time publicprimaryschools: momentsofcollaborativereflections

  12. RESULTS • More thanmereillustrtionattheeducationalcontextbut a mediumofmediationandproductionofknowledgeand it mustbeexploredatteacherformation; • Necessity to problematize situations to promotereflections, collaborationandautonomyandalso to valorize theindividualityofeachstudents; • Necessity to riskattheeducationalcontextmediatedby laptops in thesenseoflearning to learncontinuously, ofbeingopened to thenewpossibilitieswhich emerge attheteachingandlearningprocess to theformationofcriticalandparticipativecitizens; • Thenewpossibilitiesofteachingandlearning are related more than to the use ofthenewtechnologies, but to theattitudewe assume: pedagogicalpractices, interpersonalrelations, collaboration, reflection, interaction, differentdimensionsofteacherandstudents roles.

  13. 2010 a virtual community-based approach to promote Teacher’s lifelong training: the collaborative learning mediated by digital technologies

  14. How teachers are being educated, how the collaborative aspect is being realized and how the ICT practices are being put in practice?

  15. Interaction, Dialogue, Collaboration, Communities

  16. Collaboration • According to Freire (1993, p.9), men learn the reality by a net of collaboration, in which one helps one another to develop, at the same time he develops himself. Everybody learns together and in collaboration. Nobody trains anybody or nobody educates himself: men train themselves in communion, mediated by the perception of the world.

  17. What is the role oftheteachertowardthesechallenges?

  18. Community • Lave and Wenger (1991, p.98) state that “Community does not imply necessarily co-presence, a well-defined identifiable group, or socially visible boundaries”. • Accordingly to them, “It does imply participation in an activity system about which participants share understandings concerning what they are doing and what that means in their lives and for their communities”.

  19. According to Wenger et al (2002), we can meet because we think it is valuable our interaction, we can spend time together because we can share information, insight, and advice and also learn together. We can develop personal relationships and establish ways of interacting and also a common sense of identity.

  20. Can we change our familiar forms and routines of literacy education and of using technologies and get away from the syndrome of the new wine in old bottles and also from the 19th century image seen into a contemporary classroom by the time travelers?

  21. When everyone in the classroom, teacher and students, recognizes that they are responsible for creating a learning community together, learning is at its most meaningful and useful. In such a community of learning there is no failure (Bell Hooks, 2010)

  22. Learning? Ecology? Collaboration? Differences? Similarities? Community?Buildingandre-buildingconceptions?

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