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GENDER AS FACTOR DIFFERENTIATING EDUCATIONAL PATHS AND PROFESSIONAL CAREERS Renata Siemieńska. Population aged 15 and more a by educational level 1988-2002 ( N , %).

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  2. Population aged 15 and more a by educational level 1988-2002 (N, %) a For 1988, data of the National Census, concerns the population aged 15 and more; for 2002, data of the Population and Housing Census, b In the numerator data concerns the population aged 15 and more. Source: 1988 - GUS, Rocznik Statystyczny 1991, page 44; 1995 - GUS, Rocznik Statystyczny 1997, page 97; 2002 - GUS, Rocznik Statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Warszawa 2004, page 196.

  3. Net enrolment in 1992 – 1996 by sex. a Without schools for adults, b Only students of higher education institutions. Source:Raport o rozwoju społecznym Polska 1998 – Dostęp do edukacji. Warszawa: UNDP, p. 114.

  4. Net enrolment in 2004/2005 by sex (%) * Without foreigners Source: Unpublished data GUS 2005

  5. Table: Pupils and students of primary and junior and upper high schools in 2004/05 by gender and urban – rural areas (N,%) a post- primary vocational schools and post junior high schools vocational schools b post- primary amd post- junior high schools c post primary secondary vocational schools and post-junior secondary vocational schools, upper secondary specialised schools, and art upper secondary schools with vocational diploma. Source: unpublished data GUS, Warszawa 2005.

  6. Population with tertiary education 2002 (20 V 2002) (T,%) Source:Narodowy Spis Powszechny2002, GUS.

  7. Students of higher education institutions by study system 1990/91 - 2004/05 (in thousands)

  8. Students of higher education institutions by study system 1990/91 - 2004/05 (in thousands)cont. Source: 2001 i 2003: Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse 1999, 2001, 2003, GUS 1990 -2000: Rocznik Statystyczny RP 1995, 2000, GUS 2004/05 - Unpublished data GUS 2005

  9. Students of non-state higher education institutions 1992, 1995, 2001, 2003 and 2004/05 (in %) 2004/05 - without foreigners Source: Szkoły wyższe w roku 1992/93, Szkoły wyższe w roku 1995/96, Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse w 2001 r., Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse w 2003 r., unpublished data GUS 2005

  10. Students of higher education institutions by fields of education,% of women in total 1962 – 1999. Source:Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse 1993, 1997, 1998, 2000, Warszawa: GUS, and Siemieńska 1990

  11. Table: Students of higher education institutions by fields of education and gender in 2004/2005 (%) Source: GUS, unpublished data for school year 2004/5 Life science includes biology, botany, biochemistry, toxicology, genetics, zoology. Physical science includes astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology.

  12. Doctor degrees awarded in 1980 - 2003 by sex (in %) Source: 1980 - dane Ministerstwa Nauki, Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Techniki 1985 - dane Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego • - dane Centrum Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej 1991 - 2002 - dane Ośrodka Przetwarzania Informacji (OPI) Nauka i technika w 2002, Warszawa, GUS 2004, p. 190; 2003 – Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse w 2003 roku, Warszawa, GUS 2004, p. 79.

  13. Habilitated doctor degrees awarded in 1980 - 2003 by sex (in %) Source: 1980 - dane Ministerstwa Nauki, Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Techniki 1985 - dane Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego • - dane Centrum Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej 1992 - 2002 - dane Ośrodka Przetwarzania Informacji (OPI) GUS, "Nauka i Technika w 2002 r.", Warszawa GUS 2004, p. 191 2003 – Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse w 2003 roku, Warszawa: GUS 2004, p. 79.

  14. Titles of professor awarded in 1991 - 2003 by sex (in %) Source: dane Kancelarii Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, za: GUS, "Nauka i Technika w 2002 r.", Warszawa 2004, s. 191

  15. Promotions according to academic field Figure: Habilitated doctor degrees granted in 2000 - 2002 according to academic field and gender (%). Source: OPI calculations. On the other hand, the percentage of women among those receiving the professor title in years 2000-2002 (chart 2) has increased in all of the compared fields. Figure:Professor title granted in years 2000-2002 according to gender and academic field (%) Source: OPI calculations

  16. Research Productivity of Full Professors (study 2003) and of Young Scientists(study 2005) Table: Number of publications (means ) In brackets: standard deviations

  17. Table: Scientific publications of „Young Scientists” in Poland within the last two years according to gender and scientific field (means). * small base ** very small base (under 30) ineligible for sig testing. The letters show significant differences between columns

  18. Table: Support of men and women (supervisors, colleagues, collaborators) to others according to young scientists and full professors (% of those who received)

  19. Table: Perception of gender inequality by “Full professors” 2003 and “Young scientists” (30-40 y old) 2005” (in %) #Answers : „strongly agree „and „agree“ or *„strongly disagree „and „disagree“ depends on the question. ^ Study on full professors conducted in 2003, on young scientists in 2005

  20. Women among academic teachers in Poland and EU by fields of education 1998 – 2002 (%)

  21. Women among academic teachers in Poland and EU by fields of education 1998 – 2002 (%) (cont.)

  22. Desired tertiary (university) education for daughter 2004 (women N = 520, men N = 473) for each category. ***N≤10 Source: CBOS, Aktualne problemy I wydarzenia (167) – IV 2004


  24. Table: Family structure of junior high school students and their exam results in math- natural science part in 2006 (random sample ) (N,%)

  25. Table: Parents’ education and the exam results of junior high school students in math- natural science part in 2006 (random sample ) (%)

  26. Figure: Economic activity of mothers and fathers and exam results of junior high school students in math-natural science part in 2006 (random sample) (%)

  27. Figure: Economic activity of mothers and fathers and exam results of junior high school students in math-natural science part in 2006 (random sample) (%) - cont.

  28. Figure: Number of computers in students’ households (students of junior high school with the worst and the best exam results in math-natural science part ) (%)

  29. Figure: Number of mobile phones in students’households (students of junior high schools with the worst and the best exam results in math-natural science part ) 2006 (%)

  30. Figure: Educational aspirations of male students of junior high school with the worst and the bestexam results in math-natural science partand their parents’ aspirations concerning boys’education 2006 (%)

  31. Figure: Educational aspirations of female students of junior high school with the worst and the bestexam results in math-natural science part and their parents’ aspirations concerning girls’ education 2006 (%)

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