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Robert Hooke

Robert Hooke. Wrote Micrographia : 1 st book describing microscopic life a flea “Cells” of cork. Anton van Leeuwnehoek (1680s). As a dry goods apprentice, used lenses to count threads in cloth Taught himself to grind and polish lenses Was able to make lenses

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Robert Hooke

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Robert Hooke • Wrote Micrographia: 1st book describing microscopic life a flea “Cells” of cork

  2. Anton van Leeuwnehoek (1680s) • As a dry goods apprentice, used lenses to count threads in cloth • Taught himself to grind and polish lenses • Was able to make lenses which magnified up to 270 times • 1st to see life in a drop of pond water

  3. van Leeuwenhoek’s Microscopes

  4. Electron Microscopes • Used to see 3-D surfaces

  5. foot of a house fly mosquito head Images from an electron microscope

  6. Compound Microscopes Used to observe small objects in the laboratory

  7. Compound Microscope Frog blood Human hair

  8. Stereomicroscope (dissecting scope) • Used to see things in 3-D in the laboratory

  9. Thumb relief seen thru a dissecting microscope

  10. The COMPOUND Light Microscope is so called because there are 2 areas of magnification. L i g h t M i c r o s c o p e

  11. To calculate the magnification: Multiply the objective power by the eye piece power. Example: If the microscope is on low power (4x). What is the total magnification of the object?

  12. P r o p e r u s e o f o u r m i c r o s c o p e s : • P i c k u p t h e m i c r o s c o p e w i t h b o t h h a n d s . • A l w a y s b e g i n o n l o w p o w e r - t h e n s w i t c h t o h i g h e r p o w e rs i f n e e d e d .

  13. P r o p e r u s e o f o u r m i c r o s c o p e s : • Never use the coarse focus when on high power. • When work is complete – Always return to low power, turn off the microscope, unplug it and wrap the cord around the base

  14. Complete the microscope lab in the back of the room. Make sure you are able to identify all the parts of a microscope before you are through.

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