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VOCABULARY13 . Civil War and Reconstruction. States’ Rights. Idea that states have the right to limit the power of the Federal Government. Secede. To withdraw from something, such as a nation. Confederacies. Alliances of people or groups that unite for a common purpose. Vigilante.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VOCABULARY13 Civil War and Reconstruction

  2. States’ Rights Idea that states have the right to limit the power of the Federal Government

  3. Secede To withdraw from something, such as a nation

  4. Confederacies Alliances of people or groups that unite for a common purpose

  5. Vigilante A person who takes the law into their own hands

  6. Arsenals Storehouses for weapons

  7. Blockade Closing of a port by positioning weapons or ships to prevent people or supplies from moving in or out

  8. Blockade Runners Ships that slip past a blockade to deliver goods

  9. Reconstruction Federal Government’s plan to restore the South to the Union after the Civil War

  10. Sharecropper A farm worker who works someone else’s land and pays for its use by giving the owner a share of the crops grown

  11. Dred Scott vs. Sandford A court decision that stated that people of African ancestry were not included under the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and could not claim any of the rights and privileges provided to citizens of the United States.

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