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叶健威 黄钰玲 郑海双

叶健威 黄钰玲 郑海双. What is Sino-West cultural communication?. The Sino-West cultural communication refers to the exchange, propagation and interaction between the Chinese main-stream culture and Western main-stream culture. importance.

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叶健威 黄钰玲 郑海双

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  1. 叶健威 黄钰玲 郑海双

  2. What is Sino-West cultural communication?

  3. The Sino-West cultural communication refers to the exchange, propagation and interaction between the Chinese main-stream culture and Western main-stream culture. importance

  4. The cultural communication and merge is the main propelling force for culture development. The cultural communication between China and other nations is one of the major forces of Chinese culture development .

  5. 文化 • 文化是一个复杂的总体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗,以及人类在社会里所得的一切能力与习惯。文化虽然看似包罗万象,但正如很多专家所认为的那样,大致可归纳出三个方面的含义,即观念形态、精神产品、生活方式 。

  6. 道可道,非常道,名可名,非常名天地与我并生,万物与我合一道可道,非常道,名可名,非常名天地与我并生,万物与我合一

  7. 罢黜百家,独尊儒术

  8. 魏晋文化 ------玄学 • 隋唐文化 -------佛学 • 宋明文化--------理学 • 清朝文化--------实学

  9. 中世纪基督教文化 • 文艺复兴文化 • 启蒙文化 (伏尔泰 卢梭 培根) • 现代人文主义文化 • 现代科学主义文化

  10. 利用文化帮助我们成功

  11. 文化同化 • 元朝和清朝的启示 • 新客家,老客家,来到惠州就是一家。 • 蒙古人,满人,来到中原就是一家人。

  12. How to study this subject well?

  13. ※Practical ways : • Read books about related aspects books are our best friends as well as our good teachers, also,they are mines of human knowledge from which we can learn whatever we want. With books in your hands,you are holding the key to the treasure house of culture!

  14. Watch some movies or documentaries Some ancient cultures are so far away from present that we may feel totally confused even with the help of books.the essential function of movies and documentaries is reappearing history and it provides us with an easy and relaxing way to have a deeper understanding about culture.

  15. Brave Heart Dance With Wolves Brokeback Mountain Kung Fu Panda

  16. Go to experience by youself Generally,what you have experienced always influences you most. If you go to the places of whose culture you are eager to know ,it will benefits you a lot.Being in the environment will enable you to form an all-around concept of the life style ,the custom and the value .

  17. Heroes in the Olympic Games Flying Fish Failed Winner Black Horse

  18. Heroines in the Olympic Games Strong Flower Great Mother Brave Challenger

  19. Different cultures One world One dream!

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