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End of Year (EOY) 2 & 3 Reporting. Program Participation and Discipline. Who’s Supposed to Be Here. Individuals a ssigned to CALPADS maintenance. Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS. Training Sequence. Courtesy Guidelines. Mute yourself. Silence cellphones. HOLD. 1 c onversation
End of Year (EOY) 2 & 3 Reporting Program Participation and Discipline End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Who’s Supposed to Be Here Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staffassigned to CALPADS End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Training Sequence End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Courtesy Guidelines Mute yourself Silence cellphones HOLD 1 conversation at a time Name & LEA End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Agenda Overview EOY 3:Discipline EOY 2: Program Participation Wrap-Up End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Overview End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Acronyms • EOY(ee-oh-why) End of Year • AY(ay-why) Academic Year • CARS (cars) Consolidated Application Reporting System • CSIS (cee-sis) California School Information Services • CSPR(cee-ess-pee-are) Consolidated State Performance Report • EDEN (ee-din) Education Data Exchange Network • ESEA(ee-ess-ee-ay) Elementary and Secondary Education Act • FCMAT(fik-mat) Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Acronyms cont’d • GFSA (gee-eff-ess-ay) Federal Gun-Free Schools Act • LEA(el-ee-ay) Local Education Agency (site, COE, etc.) • NCLB(n-cee-el-bee) No Child Left Behind • SIF(siff) CBEDS School Information Form • SIS(ess-eye-ess) Student Information System • SSID (ess-ess-eye-dee)Statewide Student Identifier • UMIRS(yu-mers) Uniform Management Information Reporting System End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Information Reported in EOY EOY2: Program Participation Count of homeless students and students participating in programs EOY3: Student Discipline Count of specific disciplinary incidents End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Schools Which Need to Report Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data (1) Students completing courses in grades 7-12 only (2) Only schools with students in grades 10-12 (3) Records for students enrolled at Nonpublic Nonsectarian Certified Schools (NPS) should be submitted using school code 0000001 in the School of Attendance field (1.05) and NOT the individual NPS school codes. The actual NPS school code is submitted in the School of Attendance NPS field (1.06) (4) Open and recently closed schools are included (5)ROC/Ps will not submit data directly to CALPADS. CALPADS will collect data on student ROC/P course enrollment and completion through the student's primary school course enrollment and completion submission. (7) Home and Hospital schools are assigned a distinct county-district-school code and are not the same as a district-level operated Home and Hospital Program End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Schools Which Need to Report (8) Updated SINF data for Infant, Toddler, and Prekindergarten in EOY 2 are only required for purposes of certifying report 5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled - Unduplicated Count by School End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
How Data Was Reported Before End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
How Data Will Be Used Aggregate Numbers from all End of Year submissions will be posted to DataQuest. ESEA – Elementary and Secondary Education Act CSPR – Consolidated State Performance Report EDEN – Education Data Exchange Network End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Updating CALPADS for End of Year • Update CALPADS with EOY records throughout the Academic Year (AY) • July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 • Any student enrolled during the Academic Year will be counted • All new and updated records must be posted the day before certifying to be included in the snapshot End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
What Record Types to Enter or Update U= UpdateR=Required * Full replacement files End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Batch Submission 1 2 3 EOY 2 & 3 file types are highlighted. Submit updates on other file types as needed to ensure accuracy. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
End of Year Roles End of Year EOY2 Data collection Certifier SPRG 2 EOY3 Data collection Certifier SDIS 3 • Superintendent Certifier SENR SINF All End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Important Dates for EOY 1-4 CALPADS Calendar: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/rptcalendar.asp *There is no amendment window for EOY for 2013-2014 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Program Participation EOY 2: Program Participation End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Purpose Federal program participation counts (Title I)* US Department of Education Federal NCLB reporting requirements State program participation counts CA Department of Education State reports * Formerly reported through the Consolidated App Reporting System (CARS/Con-AP) End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Information Reported Program Participation Homeless Students End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Data Included Program Participation End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Programs Reported Legend Do not report Title I Part A Basic Targeted program records for schools that are NCLB Title I schoolwide Programs should be reported at each school a student attends except for summer schools End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Student Information • Student Enrollment EOY 2: Data Included • Primary Residence Category Code* of any of the following: • Temporary Shelter (100) • Hotel / Motels (110) • Temporarily Doubled Up (120) • Temporarily Unsheltered (130) Homeless Students * Homeless students are identified by Primary Residence Category not by a program record. CALPADS maintains a history of the data included in this field, but most SIS programs do not. If a student is reported as homeless at any time during the Academic Year, it is important to update CALPADS as soon as possible or that data may be lost and not reported End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Required Fields Program Participation See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Required Fields Program Participation End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Required Fields Homeless Students End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Required Fields Homeless Students End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Required Fields Homeless Students End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Online - Adding Program Records 1 2 5 3 4 Search for an existing SSID or choose a list to view 6 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Online - Adding Program Records 7 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Online - Adding Program Records 8 Must be within the student’s enrollment at the ‘School of Attendance LEA’ above End Date optional except NSLP requires End Date Required 9 Optional End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Online - Adding Homeless Student Data To classify a student as Homeless, populate the field with any of the four homeless codes Required Conditional End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Error Highlights Rejected Records Certification Errors End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Reports 5.1– Program Participants – Count 5.3 – Program Participants – Student List 5.2 - Program Participants – NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Education Services 5.4- Homeless Students Enrolled 5.5 – Homeless – Student List End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: 5.1 - Program Participants - Count Student Programs (SPRG) data • *Formerly Cal-SAFE • **For Title I Part A Basic School-wide schools, counts in this column are based on cumulative Academic Year enrollment, not program records. Refer to CALPADS Update Flash 74 for CDE’s process to identify a school-wide site End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: 5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled Student Information (SINF) data End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 2: Reminders Homeless students are identified by Primary Residence Category (SINF), not a program record (SPRG) With the exception of 504 Accommodation Plan, program participation (not eligibility) should be reported for EOY 2 Make sure to check with your vendor about how homeless data is stored, specifically discuss if and how history is maintained EOY 2 counts all students who participate in EOY 2 programs or are identified as homeless at any time during the year End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
Break Time! 5 minute break Remember that you can attend the CALPADS Q & A sessions on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. if you have additional questions during the submission window. Sign up on the CSIS CALPADS training registration page listed in the Resources section near the end of this presentation. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Discipline End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Purpose • Student discipline information* US Department of Education • Federal reporting required by NCLB Title IX • Consolidated State Performance Report CA Department of Education * Formerly reported through the UMIRS page of the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Terminology Federal requirements implemented for academic year 2011-12 require discipline data to be reported at the Incident level • IncidentThe event that occurred • OffenseThe infringement or crime student committed End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Information Reported * Limited to offenses defined in Education Code 48900 or 48915 Offenses* committed by non-special education students that resulted in a (full day or more) suspension or expulsion Offenses* committed by Special Education students (all offenses regardless of outcome and any duration of time) Offenses* that involved a weapon (all offenses regardless of outcome) Summer school discipline incidents must be reported in CALPADS End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: How Records Are Related Incident Student Offense Offense &%$#@! Student Offense End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Data Included Offenses Resulting in a Suspension or Expulsion * Limited to offenses defined in Education Code 48900 or 48915 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Data Included Special Education Offenses Student Enrollment Student Information Student Program Student Discipline Grades K-12, UE and US Special Ed (144) Offense* that has a code defined in CALPADS * Limited to offenses defined in Education Code 48900 or 48915 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Data Included Weapon Offenses End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Required Fields All Discipline Records See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Required Fields Expulsions Weapon Offense Special Ed Student Offense End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014
EOY 3: Online - Adding Student Discipline Information 1 2 5 3 6 4 Search for an existing SSID or choose a list to view End of Year 2 & 3 Training v1.5, May 29, 2014