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Entanglement in the Quantum Many-Body World Karyn Le Hur, Yale University, DMR 0803200. Entanglement between spins & Environment.
Entanglement in the Quantum Many-Body World Karyn Le Hur, Yale University, DMR 0803200 Entanglement between spins & Environment Quantum Entanglement is a «non-local connection » in which the quantum mechanical states of two or more objects are described with reference to each other, even though the objects are spatially separated. Our research goal is to advance the understanding of how condensed-matter systems are entangled. I and collaborators have made a breakthrough in the understanding of entanglement between a spin coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators resulting in the spin-boson model. An intimate correspondence between entanglement and decoherence has emerged. Quantifying the degree of entanglement between a qubit (spin) and its environment constitutes an important progress in the field; any realization of a quantum computer has an environment which is entangled, to some extents with the qubits. Damping of the Rabi oscillations induced by this entanglement t
Entanglement in the Quantum Many-Body WorldKaryn Le Hur, Yale University, DMR 0803200 Colloquia -Yale University, December 2008 (audience: undergraduate students) -Brown University, January 2009 -Wuerzburg (Germany), July 2009 May 2008, organization of a Workshop at ICTP Trieste with I. Cirac, D. Loss and P. Zoller on quantum computing & Applications July 2009, organization of a 2-week summer school on condensed matter at Cargèse, Corsica (France) with 3 other women scientists, L. Greene, A. Jagannathan, C. Pépin Education The PhD student Francis Song is supported by this grant. The postdoctoral fellow Doron Bergman was partially supported by this grant