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UNITARY vs MULTIPLE SEMANTICS: PET STUDIES OF WORD AND PICTURE PROCESSING P. Bright, H. Moss & L.K. Tyler. ISRAEL DE LA FUENTE April 5, 2010. Papanicolaou (1998). Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Positron Emission Tomography (PET).
Papanicolaou (1998) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
PET: the nature imaged • Neurons utilize a variety of organic molecules and compounds to subsist and to function (i.e. to receive and transmit messages). • Since the overall activity of cells throughout the brain is not uniform, the distribution of molecules is not uniform either. • PET images capture the distribution of particular organic molecules and compounds throughout the brain, reflecting local variations in either metabolic or blood flow rates.
PET: the electromagnetic signal • The constituent elements of these molecules and compounds (e.g. oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.) are not radioactive, therefore they do not emit any electromagnetic signals. • It is possible to introduce into the brain, through the blood (via intravenous injection), equivalent organic molecules that contain atoms that are isotopes of the natural ones and that emit positively charged particles (positrons). • Positrons interact with electrons and produce photons that can be detected over the head surface.
PET: the electromagnetic signal (cont’d) • These compounds, charged with radioactive atoms (manufactured in particle accelerators), are called tracers or probers. • They allow us to “trace” the processes of neural signaling and metabolism by revealing their position and their relative concentration by means of shedding their excess positrons. • The time required for all positrons to be emitted differs from one type of isotope to the other and is measured in half-life.
PET: formation of surface distribution • Positrons collide with one of the electrons in their environment and both are annihilated, i.e. they are converted into a pair of high-frequency photons. • Photons fly with equal speed in diametrically opposite directions and constitute the electromagnetic signals that form the surface distribution imaged.
PET: recording apparatus • It consists of an array of scintillation detectors arranged around the head. • When a photon hits the crystal, visible light is emitted. • This light interacts with a cathode plate and with a series of dynodes resulting in a sufficiently amplified electrical pulse.
PET: recording apparatus (cont’d) • A photon pair is likely to interact with a pair of detectors simultaneously if the origin of photons was mid-way between the two detectors. • The duration of the time-of-flight of each pair can be used to estimate the position of the tracer molecule inside the brain. • The relative degree of activation of the different areas can be inferred from the relative number of photons originating in each.
PET: developing the functional image • Errors in estimating the true origin of photon pairs Photons originate in the same collision point but their course is deflected Though coincident, the two recorded photons do not belong to the same pair More photons of superficial origin are likely to be detected
PET: developing the functional image (cont’d) • Solution: back projection • Given a coincident detection of two photons, their common origin is assumed to be, with equal probability, anywhere along the line between the detectors.
PET: developing the functional image (cont’d) • We apply the same procedure to all trajectories of coincident photons and transform the sums of probabilities in each pixel into colors, each representing a different range of values of these sums • We add the probabilities of a photon emission origin at each pixel – some pixels have a much higher probability of containing the origin of the emissions than others
PET: developing the functional image (cont’d) • Each different shade of color represents a different degree of activation of the underlying brain structures • To identify which are the structures more or less activated, it is necessary to superimpose these functional images on structural ones
PET: fidelity of the image • It is easier to represent the type of activation intended when the radioisotopes used are part of particular neurotransmitter molecules that bind to receptors of specific types of cells.
PET: fidelity of the image (cont’d) • Spatial resolution: • Size of the detectors (the wider the detector, the poorer the resolution) • Energy of the emitted positrons (depending on the type of radioisotope, the average distance between the two points can vary from a fraction of a mm to more than one mm) • Number of detectors (the greater the number, the more adjacent activated areas that can be resolved and the greater the volume of the brain that can be monitored)
PET: fidelity of the image (cont’d) • Temporal resolution: • Requisite number of photon pair counts for establishing a surface distribution • Each isotope has a specific half-life that determines the length of the recording interval and, therefore, the temporal resolution of the image • For example, 15O allows construction of images of the greater temporal resolution, since its half-life is in the order of 2 minutes • Pawel: type of radioisotope and temporal resolution • Albert: PET temporal resolution and relation to stimuli presentation
Bright, Moss & Tyler (2004) Unitary vs multiple semantics: PET studies of word and picture processing
Motivation for the study • Conceptual knowledge (e.g. language comprehension and production, reasoning, and object recognition) • Are all these processes employed by a unitary system of conceptual representations? • Unitary semantics account (all processing routes converge on a single set of conceptual representations common to all modalities) • Are there separate representations for the same concept for different modalities of input or output? • Modality-specific account (there are distinct conceptual representations for the verbal and visual input modalities)
Motivation for the study • Investigate whether the conceptual knowledge accessed by pictures and words form two neurologically distinct components of the semantic system (modality-specific semantics) or whether both stimulus types converge on the same set of representations (unitary semantics)
Modality-specific semantics account • Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory (Paivio, 1971) • “One (the image system) is specialised for dealing with perceptual information concerning non-verbal objects and events. The other (the verbal system) is specialised for dealing with linguistics events” • The two systems are assumed to be functionally and structurally distinct although interconnected by referential relations between representations in the two. • Is this dissociation located at the level of conceptual representation or within the pre-semantic representations or processes necessary for access to the conceptual system?
Unitary semantics account • Caramazza et al.’s (1990) Organized Unitary Conceptual Hypothesis (OUCH) • A common conceptual system will be recruited during the processing of an item, irrespective of modality. • While the semantic representation of a visually presented object and its verbal description is the same, the procedure to access that representation is different: • A visually (and aurally) presented word will activate the lexicon, which will in turn activate the semantic properties that define its meaning • A visually presented object will directly access those same semantic properties
Previous neuroimaging studies • Previous studies found no differences between word and picture processing, favoring a unitary conceptual system (e.g. Wise et al., 1996) • The inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) has been found to be consistently activated, irrespective of the modality of input (e.g. Demb et al., 1995) • Distinction between modality-specific activation of conceptual knowledge and modality-specific activation associated with earlier stages of input processing • Two posterior regions generally associated with the latter: • The lateral occipital complex (pictures of objects with clear shape interpretations) • The middle portion of the left fusiform gyrus (BA 37) (visually presented words)
Research questions & predictions • Are there distinct (separable) neural regions that underlie the semantic representation of objects and words? • Two competing predictions: • If conceptual representations for words and pictures are separable and non-overlapping, we would expect them to involve distinct semantic processing regions • If the unitary conceptual system position is correct, there should be extensive co-activation for word and picture categorization in the more anterior, semantic regions, although there may be differential activations in posterior areas related to modality-specific pre-semantic effects
Materials and methods • Meta-analysis of four PET studies (three semantic categorization tasks and one lexical decision task), two using pictures and two using words • Marianna: why not visual vs auditory stimuli? • Methodologies and procedures, stimulus sets, and scanner settings were held constant across all tasks • Subjects: • 38 in total (mean age=30; range=21-48; 37M, 1F) • Lynn: age range and language experience • All were right-handed, native English speakers, without any known history of neurological or psychiatric illness • No subject participated in more than one task • Lucy: session length and individual variation
Words 1: Lexical decision • 12 participants • Lexical decision task on visually presented words • 10 scans acquired for each subject (2 for each semantic condition –animals, fruits, vehicles & tools –and 2 baseline scans) • Baseline condition: find the x in orthographically illegal letter strings • Marianna: baseline and main task unrelated • Words were matched on familiarity, concreteness, neighborhood size, written word frequency, number of letters, and number of syllables • Baseline stimuli matched the non-lexical and non-semantic properties of the test stimuli
Words 1: Lexical decision • In the first 45s, 10 words from a single category appeared in a pseudorandom order, intermixed with 5 non-words • Each item was presented for 500ms, with 2500ms between successive items • The same words were repeated in a different order for the remaining 45s, intermixed with 5 different non-words • Subjects responded with a right-button (word/x) or a left-button (non-word/no x) press • Albert: does pressing a button affect the PET scan?
Words 2: Semantic categorization • 8 participants • Semantic categorization task on visually presented words • Same 4 semantic categories – 2 semantic conditions (living and non-living things) • 12 scans acquired (4 for each of the 2 conditions and 4 baseline) • A trial comprised 3 lower-case cue-words (200ms each), followed by a target in capital letters (200ms) • Words were matched for frequency, familiarity and letter length • Baseline condition: 3 variable length strings of the same letter and a target string of the same capitalized letter or a different capitalized letter
Words 2: Semantic categorization • Inter-stimulus duration was 400ms, with 1500ms between successive trials • 12 trials (cue triplets plus target) were presented for the initial 45s of the scan followed by a blank screen for 45s • Participants had to indicate whether the target was a member of the set defined by the three cue items or not by pressing the right (SAME) or left (DIFFERENT) button • 96 semantic categorization trials and 48 baseline trials
Pictures 1: Semantic categorization • 9 participants • Same semantic categorization task with pictures as stimuli • 10 scans acquired for each subject (2 for each of the four conditions and 2 baseline scans) • Pictures were matched for familiarity, visual complexity and semantic relatedness • Baseline condition: simple 2D shapes of different shapes and colors
Pictures 1: Semantic categorization • Trials consisted of 3 pictures presented sequentially for 400ms each, followed by a framed target picture • Inter-stimulus duration was 200ms, with 2217ms between trials • Participants had to indicate if the target was a member of the set defined by the three cue items or not by pressing the left (SAME) or right (DIFFERENT) button • In each condition, 12 trials were presented during the initial 53s of the scan, followed by a blank screen for 37s • 96 test trials and 48 baseline trials
Pictures 2: Semantic categorization • 9 participants • Semantic categorization task on pictures • Experimental design, test stimuli, and timings were identical to those employed in Pictures 1 task • New baseline condition: meaningless simple shapes made up of combinations of small squares which varied in number and color
Data collection & analysis • GE Advance PET Scanner • 18 rings of crystals – 35 image planes (4.25mm thick) • Axial field-of-view is 15.3cm – whole brain acquisition • Participants received a bolus of 300 MBq of H2O15 before each scan (total radiation exposure of 4.2mSv) • Emission data was acquired with the septa retracted (3D mode) and reconstructed using the PROMIS algorithm • Voxel sizes were 2.34, 2.34 and 4.25mm • Stimuli presentation and behavioral data collected with DMDX software • Structural and functional images were created according to the MNI mean brain parameters
Data collection & analysis (cont’d) • Conjunction analysis that calculates main effects by summing simple main effects and excluding regions where there are significant differences between main effects • Masking procedures were conducted to distinguish between common and specific activated cluster when comparing conditions of interest (words and pictures)
Results: regional specificity of word and picture processing
Results: regional specificity of word and picture processing (cont’d)
Results: regional specificity of word and picture processing (cont’d)
Discussion • Both words and pictures robustly activated a common region of the left fusiform gyrus (BA 36/37), left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47), the most anterior aspect of the left temporal pole (BA 38) and the right inferior frontal gyrus. • There was regionally extensive recruitment of anterior temporal lobes during semantic judgments of words but not pictures. • Picture-specific activations were primarily restricted to occipital and posterior temporal areas, bilaterally, including inferior occipital gyrus (BA 19), fusiform gyrus (BA 19/37) and lingual gyrus (BA 11).
Discussion: common effects for words and pictures • Anterior fusiform (BA 37) involvement in semantic processing is not differentiated by form of input • Both verbal and visual input routes seem to converge on these anterior temporal sites • Activation in posterior regions (BA 19) seems not to differentiate meaningful from non-meaningful stimuli, whereas anterior and medial regions (BA 37/20/36) become significantly more active during the processing of meaningful stimuli • Common activation of the inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45/47)
Discussion: word-specific effects • More extensive anterior temporal activation for words relative to pictures which involved a broad region of bilateral temporal poles (BA 38) • Anterior temporal regions may be involved in processing detailed aspects of object attributes (i.e. when fine-grained discrimination among similar objects is required but not when discriminating among semantically meaningless stimuli) • Activation in the right temporal pole (semantic system bilaterally represented) • These regions (temporal poles) may be involved in semantic representation in both modalities but their engagement might be determined by the level of processing required for the task
Discussion: picture-specific effects • Picture-specific recruitment was restricted to more posterior regions, including inferior occipital gyrus (BA 19), lingual gyrus (BA 18) and fusiform gyrus (BA 37) • Activation of more posterior aspects of the anterior fusiform gyrus • Functional differences throughout the posterior-anterior extent of this region, with modality-specificity (pictures) recruitment of posterior BA 37 • Anterior regions of the lateral occipital cortex (posterior and mid fusiform gyrus) are activated more strongly by whole, intact objects than by scrambled objects – no distinction between familiar and novel shapes • Picture-specific activations in this area reflect an intermediate or pre-semantic stage of visual processing
Conclusion • Critical role of the anterior extent of fusiform gyrus in the representation of conceptual knowledge, irrespective of the modality of visual input • This suggests that it holds unitary semantic representations formed via converging inputs from more posterior areas • Left parahippocampal and perirhinal cortex recruited when a semantic level of representation is required • Integration of sensory information into semantically meaningful polymodal feature combinations • Common recruitment of left inferior frontal gyrus • Executive or working memory role
Conclusions (cont’d) • Word-specific activations in anterior temporal cortex • Picture-specific activations in occipitotemporal cortex • This activation might relate to intermediate, non-semantic levels of representation • Pawel: couldn’t this be because the semantic information is input specific? • Temporal poles are an important part of a distributed system subserving semantic representations, but their involvement may depend on the level of specificity of object-presentation