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RECOGNIZING MI THEORY IN TURKEY. The first studies in Turkey about MI theory appeared during the second half of the 1990s. Simple models transferred from the United States clarified the theory .

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  1. RECOGNIZING MI THEORY IN TURKEY Thefirststudies in Turkeyabout MI theoryappearedduringthesecondhalf of the 1990s. Simplemodelstransferredfromthe United Statesclarifiedthetheory. Speakersfromvariouscountriesgavelecture.Thequestion, “What is MI?” wasemphasized.

  2. After 1997,a differentquestion, “Why MI?” emerged. • Duringthethirdstage,thequestion of “How” became popular. • Finally a newstory of a Turkey-specificdevelopmentpathwayfor MI theoryappeared.

  3. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AS AN ORGINIZING PRINCIPLE FOR SCHOOLS IN TURKEY • Theinitialeffortstoimplement MI theory in theTurkisheducationsystembegan in theEnkaprivateschools in İstanbul towardtheend of the 1990s.

  4. TheenkaschoolspublishedInterviewsandEssays(1999),thefirstTurkishversion of a bookpublished on multipleintelligences. • Thetheorywasinitiallyseen as a newfashion,andfewuniversityscholarstookinterested in it. • Ziya Selçuk of the Gazi University of Ankara,analyzedschools in the United States. • In 1998,he openedthefirstinstitute of education.

  5. As a result of studiesmade in Gazi University,MultipleIntelligencesPracticeswaspublished. • InPrivate Gazi ElementarySchool,threeeffects of MI implementationbecameevident: • Interdisciplinarycooperationbecameneccessaryamongteachers.

  6. Aftertheintroduction of MI,teachersperceivedstudentsdifferently. • Beforetheapplication of MI,teachersusedto pay attentiontomeasurement but neglectedevaluation.

  7. Hüseyin,theChangedTeacher BEFORE MI THEORY AFTER MI THEORY • He startedtothinkthatstudents can teacheachother. • He begantouseactivitiesbased on theinterpersonaldevelopment of students. • He realizedthatevenmusicalactivities can contributetheunderstandingmathematicalandlinguisticsubjects. • He understoodthatkinestheticactivities in understandingmathematicalandgeometricalsubjectswasunbelievable. • He was a self-centeredteacher. • He didall his teaching in a • mathematical-logicalstyle. • Mathematical,linguistic,andvisualfields of intelligentweremoreimportant.

  8. He alsotalkedabouttheadvantages of MI. Forexample, manyintelligenceactivitiesgave us manywaysof instruction. Puzzles,posters,museums,streetsbecamecoursematerials. Theotheradvantage of MI wasthat it gave us an opportunitytoknowourstudentsbetter.

  9. Mehmet,the “Unsuccessful-Successful” Student • Mehmet is a strongleader. • He is activeandruns a lot. • However,his math,science, languageachievementsareweak. • His self-confidence is veryhigh in somesubjects but verylow in others. • Therefore,he describeshimself as “unsuccessful-successful.” • After MI principleswereapplied in school, manythingschanged. • Mehmet overcome his mathanxietybyusing MI practices.

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