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Market Trials Phase 5.0

Market Trials Phase 5.0. Kick Off Meeting. April 29, 2010. Antitrust Admonition. ANTITRUST ADMONITION

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Market Trials Phase 5.0

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  1. Market Trials Phase 5.0 Kick Off Meeting April 29, 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 1

  2. Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. http://nodal.ercot.com 2

  3. Agenda • Introduction • Market Trials 4.0 RTM / LFC – How’d We Do? • Nodal Phase 5.0 Kick-Off • Phase 5.0 Objective and Scope • Communications Plan / Issue Management • Nodal Production Environment • ERCOT Support • Access / URLs • Common Information Model / Data Set • Known Issues • Phase 5.0 Activities Review • May, 2010 • June, 2010 • July, 2010 • August ,2010 • Next Steps • Nodal Readiness Scorecard

  4. Nodal Defects Trends - High Priority (Must Fix Before Go-Live)

  5. Nodal Defects Trends - High Priority (Must Fix Before Go-Live) 1Q2010 Focus on: Real-Time Telemetry (1-day response time) Real-Time Submissions (across the week) Complete Network Model Validation by TSPs Quality/realistic data (realistic offers) 2Q2010 Focus on: Load Frequency Control (2-hour nodal grid frequency control May) Day-Ahead Market & Reliability Unit Commitment Settlement Trials (invoice and shadow settlements) Quality/realistic data (realistic bids/offers) 3Q2010 Focus on: Proving Readiness Final system tests and scenarios 7x24 monitoring 48-hr LFC Test (48-hour grid control) 168-hour Test (Board approval) Final Qualification Window 4Q2010 Focus on: Go-Live Sequence Parallel Operations: Network Modeling and Outages October/November production activities: Execute/Settle CRR Auction November- Operational production activities sequencing into go-live (eg Load Forecasting and Current Op Plans) Dec 1 Go-Live Parallel zonal/nodal 30-days

  6. Market Trials Phase 4.0 RTM / LFC – How’d We Do? • Day Ahead Market • Participation levels: • 169 / 265 QSEs actively participating in the Day Ahead Market >50% of the • 7 / 265 are newly registered and ramping up • 45 / 265 are participating under the 50% requirement • 44 / 265 are not participating • Cleared 9 Market-Facing Day Ahead Markets and ran DRUC, SASM and HRUC • Real Time Market • Telemetry update • ERCOT continues to reach out to TSPs and QSEs on telemetry issues • 260 QSE telemetry points • Mostly due to incorrect ownership information • 145 of these will be corrected in the next model load • 357 TSP telemetry points • 288 of these are being worked by the TSPs • The remainder fall into the following categories: ERCOT investigating, considered “future” points and ownership issues • Expect resolution of most points by 5/10/2010 • Quality (ICCP server to server only) • TSP Quality currently has 1356 suspect points: 97.9% Good overall • QSE Quality currently has 871 suspect points: 94.9% Good overall http://nodal.ercot.com 6

  7. Market Trials Phase 4.0 RTM / LFC – How’d We Do? • Real Time Market (continued) • Submissions • >95% of the expected TPOs are consistently submitted • Individual LFC tests • 23 tests conducted in MT4 • 10 additional tests are scheduled prior to the 5 / 7 timeline • Model / Data Update • Delayed the start of weekly updates (currently on bi-weekly updates) • Continue to work on registration data • CRR Monthly Auction ran and invoiced as planned • Settlements Began on time for DAM / RTM Operating 4/21/2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 7

  8. Nodal Market Trials Phase 5 Kick Off 1/6/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 8

  9. Communications Plan / Issue Management • Weekly Conference Calls: • ERCOT’s primary tool for communicating updates, status and general information will occur on the weekly Market Trials Market Call • Each functional area will have a dedicated time slot allocated for ERCOT’s weekly update and the Market’s questions • The agenda will be as follows starting on May 7, 2010: • 09:00 AM-09:30 AM Outage Scheduling • 09:30 AM-10:00 AM Congestion Revenue Rights • 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Day Ahead Market / RUC / SASM • 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Real Time Market / LFC • 12:00 PM-01:00 PM Break • 01:00 PM-02:00 PM Settlements and Billing / COMs • Details on how to join this call along with posted materials can be found at: http://www.ercot.com/committees/nodal/mt/ • Note that ERCOT also hosts a weekly kick off call every Monday at 10am. • This call is to review that week’s activities and field any questions from the Market • Details are also posted at http://www.ercot.com/committees/nodal/mt/ http://nodal.ercot.com 9

  10. Communications Plan / Issue Management • Emails / Phone Calls to Individual Market Participants: • All general communications from ERCOT regarding Market Participant – specific information will be routed through your Nodal Project Manager as identified in the “Nodal Contact Declaration Form” • For specific topics, we will contact the individual for that area (e.g. ICCP issues reach out to the ICCP contact) as identified in the “Nodal Contact Declaration Form” • A copy of that spreadsheet may be found at: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/rq/documents/index.html • If you wish to view what contacts are currently on file, please send an email to nodalmarkettransition@ercot.com to request a populated version of the spreadsheet http://nodal.ercot.com 10

  11. Communications Plan / Issue Management • Questions to ERCOT: • At any time, questions can be emailed to markettrials@ercot.com • This mailbox is monitored Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm. • Nodal Market Trials Readiness Center Website • The Nodal Readiness Center will continue to be leveraged for any required documents MPs need to reference • All functional areas will continue to have a specific subsection under the Market Trials front page: • Real-Time Market/LFC • Congestion Revenue Rights • Outage Scheduler • DAM/RUC • COMS/Settlements • For documents that apply to all functional areas, those will be posted to the Market Trials Front Page under Key Documentshttp://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/index.html http://nodal.ercot.com 11

  12. Communications Plan / Issue Management • Issue Management • Market Participants will report all issues using the markettrials@ercot.com email address • Business oriented issues • Initially reviewed by the ERCOT Wholesale Client Services Account Managers • If required, issues are escalated to the Market Trials Lead responsible for that functional area • More complex or in-depth questions will be ultimately escalated to a Subject Matter Expert (SME) • Technical issues • Initially reviewed by the Market Trials Technical Generalist for initial triage • If required, issues will be escalated to IT Production Support • If determined to be a variance / defect, ERCOT will leverage our existing defect management process to estimate, analyze and prioritize the resolution • Our goal is that all questions will be responded to within 24 hours • Typically responses are that same business day • If you have not received a response within 24 hours, feel free to re-forward • ERCOT will continue to maintain a known issues spreadsheet for each functional area on the Nodal Readiness center • Will be updated every Friday by EOB (note that if no new known issues are discovered or closed, the spreadsheet will remain static) • Will only detail those issues affecting the scope of Phase 4.0 as well as any work-arounds • Known issues will be added as a standing agenda item on the Friday Market calls http://nodal.ercot.com 12

  13. Market Trials Core Team http://nodal.ercot.com 13

  14. Nodal Production Environment - ERCOT Support • Nodal Production Environment Status • Phase 5 is the fourth major release of the Nodal Production Environment • ERCOT continues to perform Integration and Performance Testing • It is expected that issues will be found during Phase 5 by both, ERCOT and Market Participants • Additionally, ERCOT will also be testing their fail-over procedures periodically throughout Market Trials Phase 5 • Supported days / hours for Market Trials during the month of May • The Nodal Production environment is still considered a test environment, consequently it will be necessary to bring the environment down periodically to perform maintenance and patch releases to the software • The following details the supported days and hours ERCOT is actively monitoring the nodal production environment • CRR, OS and External Web Services, MIS: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm • MMS, SCED, EMS, Telemetry: 24x7 • Maintenance: • For those systems that are not 24x7, they will remain accessible outside of their support windows, however there is no guarantee of system stability or accessibility • For those items that are supported 24x7, ERCOT will communicate to the market via a market notice when maintenance or planned outages will take place http://nodal.ercot.com 14

  15. Nodal Production Environment - ERCOT Support • Outage and Restoration • In the event of an outage or significant degradation in performance during an active support window, ERCOT will send a market notice followed by periodic status updates as they are available. • The expected restoration time for outages will be on an ‘as soon as possible’ basis http://nodal.ercot.com 15

  16. Nodal Production Environment – Access / Location • Following are the URL’s to be used during Phase 5 • Market Information System (MIS)https://mis.ercot.com/pps/tibco/mis • Market Manager User Interface:https://mis.ercot.com/pps/tibco/mis/Pages/Applications/ApplicationsNavigate to the Applications Link and select “Market Manager” from the ERCOT Applications Portlet • Outage Schedulerhttps://mis.ercot.com/pps/tibco/mis/Pages/Applications/ApplicationsNavigate to the Applications Link and select “Outage Scheduler” from the ERCOT Applications Portlet • Web Services Endpoint URL:https://misapi.ercot.com/2007-08/Nodal/eEDS/EWS http://nodal.ercot.com 16

  17. Nodal Production Environment – Access / Location • Authentication • Users that currently have an ERCOT production digital certificate, will continue to use this certificate in the Nodal Production Environment • Users that do not have an ERCOT production digital certificate should request one from their company’s User Security Administrator (USA) • If you do not know who your USA is, contact markettrials@ercot.com and ERCOT will send their contact info to you. • New Market Participants will obtain certificates via the ERCOT registration process • Authorization (Roles) • Nodal Roles are currently available in the production Market Participant Identity Management (MPIM) system • Market Participant USAs must assign the appropriate role to users that will be testing in the Nodal Production environment • See next slide for a list of Nodal Roles http://nodal.ercot.com 17

  18. Nodal Production Environment – Access / Location • Authorization (Roles) – continued • Note that certificates to be used for the Web Services Interface need to have the API Certificate checkbox checked

  19. Nodal Production Environment – Common Information Model / Data Set • Network Model / Common Information Model (CIM) Loads • ERCOT is working towards loading the CIM on a weekly basis • Currently, we are loading on a bi-weekly basis • In May the following dates are targeted: • 5/03/2010 (data as of 04/16/2010) – zonal load also • 5/10/2010 (data as of 04/23/2010) – first weekly load • 5/19/2010 (data as of 04/30/2010) – zonal load also • 5/24/2010 (data as of 05/07/2010) • Note that typically we will be on a 7 day load cycle, but will coincide with Zonal database loads • Settlement Point Information and Market Participant Short Names extracted from each CIM load continue to be posted after each load at the following location: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/index.html • NPRR-202 ERCOT redacted model delivered in June 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 19

  20. Nodal Production Environment – Common Information Model / Data Set • Work In Progress with the Network Model • Modeling issues with a few Generation Sites • Minor RARF updates for several sites • ERCOT Checking  Ratings • ERCOT Checking Impedances • Finalizing Load Resources in the model • Finalizing NOIE Load Zone Loads • Automating Generation of Contingency List http://nodal.ercot.com 20

  21. Phase 5 Activity Review Note that this review is designed to be at a high level. For detailed coverage of each of the activities to be conducted in Phase 5, please refer to the handbooks linked below: RTM: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/rtm/index.html DAM/RUC SASM: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/dam/index.html CRR: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/crr/index.html Outage Scheduling: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/os/index.html Settlements/COMS: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/coms/index.html MIS: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/mis/index.html 1/6/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 21

  22. Phase 5 Activity Review – Overview • The following review will cover Phase 5 Activities in monthly sequences • Each of the activities will be covered in detail on the Friday Market calls as we near those dates • In general, Phase 5 will be approached with flexibility in mind to adjust and focus on activities where issues or problems are encountered • The objective is to exercise as much of the critical functions and processes as possible in order for ERCOT and the Market Participants to address issues sooner rather than later http://nodal.ercot.com 22

  23. Phase 5.0 Objective and Scope • Objective of Phase 5.0 • Exercise a fully integrated Nodal Production environment • Execute realistic scenarios • Execute specialized “scripted” scenarios • Rehearse 7 consecutive days prior to 168 Hour Test • Scope of Phase 5.0 • Scope: Phase 5 of Market Trials will introduce the following functionality: • All Day Ahead functionality • All Real Time functionality • All CRR functionality • All Settlements and Billing functionality • All Credit functionality • Reports will continue to be delivered throughout phase 5 (details will be covered weekly in the Friday Market Call) http://nodal.ercot.com 23

  24. Phase 5 Activity Review May 2010 1/6/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 24

  25. Phase 5 Activity Review – May 2010 • May will focus on ramping DAM to 5 times / weekly as well as performing the first closed loop LFC test • Day Ahead Market / RUC / SASM • Ramp DAM to 5 times weekly • Execute SASM • Initially in May, SASM will be run regardless of AS requirements • SASM will transition later in May to be run only when needed • Execute RUC • HRUC will be run periodically • DRUC will be run after each DAM • WRUC is out of scope for May • Credit Integration • Real Time Market / LFC • LFC 2-Hour Closed Loop Test • 5/6/2010: Workshop to review details of tests • Week of 5/17/2010: Conduct 2-Hour Closed Loop LFC Test • Telemetry • Monitored in Real Time for quality issues • RTM • SCED runs continuously • Three Part Offers, INC/DEC Offers or Output Schedules submitted daily by QSEs with Resources http://nodal.ercot.com 25

  26. Phase 5 Activity Review – May 2010 (continued) • Congestion Revenue Rights • Complete Balance of Year Auction • Run Monthly Auction for June • Credit Integration • Settlements / COMS • Statements and Invoices: • RTM • DAM • CRR • Actual Billing Determinants only (no scripted) • Outage Scheduling • ERCOT will continue to import outages from Zonal to Nodal on a weekly basis • As this process only imports 85% of the outages, users may electively fill the gaps • Users may also make updates to imported outages as they occur in Zonal (e.g. Actual Start / End times) • Test outages may be entered effective only for Saturday / Sunday operating days or for the following month http://nodal.ercot.com 26

  27. Phase 5 Activity Review June 2010 1/6/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 27

  28. Phase 5 Activity Review – June 2010 • June’s focus will be on “scripted” operational scenarios that will test specific functionality with the Market • ERCOT has left several open windows available for Market Defined Scenarios • The first operational scenarios will be held the week of 5/31/2010 • ERCOT will accept scenario suggestions up until 5/17/2010 • Use markettrials@ercot.com to submit suggestions • Not all scenarios suggested will be conducted • Day Ahead Market / RUC / SASM draft scenarios and activities: • Activities • Guardrails removed except for limitations of the solution engine • We will continue to run DAM 5 times / weekly • Tuesday and Thursdays will be dedicated to operational scenarios • Draft operational scenarios: • RUC Fails, Commit / Decommit via VDI • DAM Failure • More than 1 SASM for same Operating Hour • Extend DAM for insufficient AS • RUC for AS • Cancellation of previous RUC commitment • Manual DRUC commitment • Exercise all SASM types • DAM solution delayed past DRUC timeline http://nodal.ercot.com 28

  29. Phase 5 Activity Review – June 2010 (continued) • Real Time Market / LFC Activities and Draft Operational Scenarios • Activities: • LFC 8-Hour Closed Loop Test • Week of 05/31/2010: Workshop to review details of tests • Week of 06/14/2010: Conduct 8-Hour Closed Loop LFC Test • Telemetry • Monitored in Real Time for quality issues • RTM • SCED runs continuously • Three Part Offers, INC/DEC Offers or Output Schedules submitted daily by QSEs with Resources • Draft Operational Scenarios • Note that ERCOT has not locked in dates for the RTM operational scenarios • The handbooks will be updated and reviewed at a Friday Market call mid-May • Examples of scenarios being considered: • Emergency base point flags • RRS / NSRS deployment • SCED Failure • Declare EEA http://nodal.ercot.com 29

  30. Phase 5 Activity Review – June 2010 (continued) • Congestion Revenue Rights • Run monthly Auction for July • Settlements / COMS • Activities • Statements and Invoices: • RTM • DAM • CRR • Operational Scenarios • Specified Billing Determinants will exercised during operational scenarios • Late fee • CARD • Balancing Account • Outage Scheduling • ERCOT will continue to import outages from Zonal to Nodal on a weekly basis • As this process only imports 85% of the outages, users may electively fill the gaps • Users may also make updates to imported outages as they occur in Zonal (e.g. Actual Start / End times) • Test outages may be entered effective only for Saturday / Sunday operating days or for the following month http://nodal.ercot.com 30

  31. Phase 5 Activity Review July 2010 1/6/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 31

  32. Phase 5 Activity Review – July 2010 (continued) • July’s focus will be running the ERCOT systems based on market inputs only (no scripted scenarios) • Additionally, we will run two 7 consecutive day tests to exercise weekend processes and procedures • Day Ahead Market / RUC / SASM • Guardrails removed except for limitations of the solution engine • Week of 07/12/2010: Run DAM/DRUC 7 consecutive days (HRUC 24x7) • Week of 07/26/2010: Run DAM/DRUC 7 consecutive days (HRUC 24x7) • Real Time Market / LFC • LFC 48-Hour Closed Loop Test • Week of 06/28/2010: Workshop to review details of tests • Week of 07/12/2010: Conduct 48-Hour Closed Loop LFC Test • Telemetry • Monitored in Real Time for quality issues • RTM • SCED runs continuously • Three Part Offers, INC/DEC Offers or Output Schedules submitted daily by QSEs with Resources http://nodal.ercot.com 32

  33. Phase 5 Activity Review – July 2010 (continued) • Congestion Revenue Rights • Run monthly Auction for August • Settlements / COMS • Statements and Invoices: • RTM • DAM • CRR • Actual Billing Determinants only (no scripted) • Outage Scheduling • ERCOT will continue to import outages from Zonal to Nodal on a weekly basis • As this process only imports 85% of the outages, users may electively fill the gaps • Users may also make updates to imported outages as they occur in Zonal (e.g. Actual Start / End times) • Test outages may be entered effective only for Saturday / Sunday operating days or for the following month • The week of 07/12/2010 QSEs and TSPs will be asked to perform dual entry (Zonal and Nodal Outages Schedulers) for two specified days (note these will be the same operating days that the 48 hour test occurs). http://nodal.ercot.com 33

  34. Phase 5 Activity Review August 2010 1/6/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 34

  35. Phase 5 Activity Review – August 2010 • August will remain open to cover any final tests based on the results of the previous 3 months • Additionally, preparation activities for the 168hr tests will occur (e.g. data clean-up, defect reviews, etc) • Note that the following activities will take place in addition: • Real time submissions • Telemetry (monitored and issues resolved as needed) • CRR Monthly Auction for September • CRR Annual Auction • Examples of activities that could take place in August: • Additional closed loop LFC tests • Additional operational scenarios • Repeat of failed operational scenarios http://nodal.ercot.com 35

  36. Phase 5 Activity Review – August 2010 (continued) • August will remain open to cover any final tests based on the results of the previous 3 months • Additionally, preparation activities for the 168hr tests will occur (e.g. data clean-up, defect reviews, etc) • Note that the following activities will take place in addition: • Real time submissions • Telemetry (monitored and issues resolved as needed) • CRR Monthly Auction for September • CRR Annual Auction • Examples of activities that could take place in August: • Additional closed loop LFC tests • Additional operational scenarios • Repeat of failed operational scenarios http://nodal.ercot.com 36

  37. On the Horizon 1/6/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 37

  38. On the Horizon • 5/25/2010 Market Readiness Seminar #4 • Focus will be on cutover activities • Link to detailed agenda, location and WebEx information:http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2010/05/20100525-MT • Month of July Kick off for the 168 hour test • This seminar will cover the preparation activities and execution details for the 168 hr test • A market notice will be sent with details as we near that date http://nodal.ercot.com 38

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