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General Direction for Innovation & Competitiveness. OECD- Gwangju Workshop on Smart Specialization Session V: Extension of Smart Specialisation to Other regions: Concepts and Considerations Synchronization of National and Regional Innovation Strategies: the case of Spain
General Direction for Innovation & Competitiveness • OECD-Gwangju Workshop on Smart Specialization • Session V: Extension of Smart Specialisation to Other regions: Concepts and Considerations • Synchronization of National and Regional Innovation Strategies: the case of Spain • Roberto SánchezSánchez • SG Competitividad y DesarrolloEmpresarial April 4, 2013
General Background information Area: 504,750 km2 Population: 46.125.154 GDP: 1.063.355 Million € GDP /capita: 23.271 € Central Government Parliament (Two Cameras) 17 Regions (Government & Parliament) Autonomous Cities
Less Developed Regions GDP per capita < 75% UE average Transition Regions GDP per capita >75% & < 90% UE Developed Regions GDP per capita > 90% UE Background information Spanish Regions in the European context Canarias Guyana Reunión Guadalupe/Martinica Madeira Azores Malta
R&D information Regional R&D Expenditure as % of GDP R&D Expenditure in Million €
Innovation Ranking IUS 2011 Spain: 18th (Moderate Innovators) Few Regions Ranking Medium –High Innovators
Strategic framework One single nationwide Strategy (EECTI) Common for all the Regions (directly involved in its design and approval process). Sharing objectives, challenges, instruments and indicators. Wide stakeholders involvement in its definition and implementation. Based on realistic diagnostic and SWOT analysis. To be developed through: National RDI Plan (PEICTI) & Regional strategies RIS3 http://www.mineco.gob.es
Spanish Strategy development Policy development Instruments 2013-2020 National Plan PEICTI 2013-2016 (2017-2020) Regional Strategies RIS-3 Coordination Instruments Spanish Strategy
Regional and national coordination framework / 1 Regions All the regions represented by the heads of their departments related with RDI. (one or more dependent on the region) Central Government 10 Departments (represented by the Heads of the Ministries): Economy (RDI) + Sectorial policies Ministries (Industry, energy, environment, agriculture, health,…) Executive Committee (General Directors) Science, Technology & Innovation General Council
Regional and national coordination framework / 2 The RDI Network is configured as the meeting point for all the stakeholders whose mission is to contribute in the development of the innovation in Spain, either at national and regional level. RDI NETWORK • The main objectives are: • To optimize the design, the implementation and the development of the current and future public measures and instruments to support the innovation, contributing to the better expending of the public funds. • To promote the innovation in the Spanish companies • To contribute to reach the goals established in the National and Regional Strategies.
Regional and national coordination framework / 3 Key issues of the objectives are: • To avoid duplication in the definition of programs and use of resources • To foster the cooperation and dialogue among the different administrative levels • To generate synergies between actors and increase the support of innovation activities • To improve the information systems • To propose ways to increase the use of the programmes funded with ERDF • To identify priorities in knowledge areas and / or sectors
Regional and national coordination framework / 4 Lines of action • Generation of knowledge and management of information to allow a better coordination of policies and programs. • Actions for better spending of the public funds, in particular ERDF “Technological Fund” • Best practices exchange
Regional and national coordination framework / 5 RDI Network Structure The Nodes Cooperation for Innovation (NCIS) are advisory and consulting firms whose primary mission is to help in identifying projects for better spending the public funds: Identify cooperative R&D projects to be cofunded and submitted to National Calls. Identify best practices in R&D. Produce useful information on the implementation of ERDF Fund in Spain and making recommendations for improving the performance and coordination of policies and programs for innovation support. Technical Secretariat is in charge of coordination tasks, promotion and implementation of the activities of the Network as a whole, being the link between the permanent members (Chairs and Plenary) , the ATIs and NCIs.
Regional and national coordination framework / 5 Structure: ATIs – Members The Territorial Agents of Innovation (ATIs) are regional actors whose mission is: to contribute to a better articulation between the objectives of the regional and national strategies for improving innovation to help in the articulation of regional innovation strategies with supporting frames and European Funds, relying in the activity of the Nodes Cooperation for Innovation
Regional and national coordination framework / 6 • The RDI Network plays an important role in the definition and development of the Regional RIS3 Strategies • Through their working groups allows open discussions between stakeholders and policy makers national and regional to solve technical issues. • The open discussions and the conclusions facilitates the formal decision making process, alleviating regional- national discrepancies and disputes. • A good example of the success of this working groups are the so called Interregional Thematic Tables (MTIs) where by groups several regions together with the NCIs discuss about specific topics related with RIS3 methodological definition or implementation: • Entrepreneurial discovery, Specialization, Governance,...
One best case of coordination The RDI Platform for Offshore Wind Power From traditional fixed-bottom wind turbines to floating wind turbines
Background Green Energies Spain has a sound background on renewable energies: It counts with specialised R&D institutions, manufacturing, developing and power supply companies worldwide recognised, leaders in production and distribution of renewable energies. Spain is the leader in wind power generation in Europe and the 4th worldwide. Is the country with more Thermo solar energy capacity installed and the second worldwide producer of photovoltaic energy.
Background R&D Platformsfor GreenEnergies One example of the R&D platforms installed in Spain is the Solucar Centre, located near Seville in the South of Spain The Solucar Centre combines operational plants and probably the biggest RDI Platform for Solar Energy. In this centre are located the two first solar tower plants in operation (PS10 and PS20)
The opportunity To develop an RDI Platform for Offshore Wind Power, with the focus on floating wind turbines Based on the discovery process lead by ALINNE (Strategic Alliance for Energy) and the Technological Platforms in the framework of the European SET Plan (Strategic Energy Technology). To developed and evolve to another segment of the green energies. Taking advantage of the continental platform of Spain: Three different seas with different characteristics (Atlantic Ocean, Cantabric Sea, Mediterranean Sea) Very deep at short distance from the coast.
The project The Offshore Platform for RDI wind power (floating) Objective: Technological leadership in 2016 Installation with capacities for R&D, pilot projects, trials and demonstration projects At the same time: 1st worldwide operational installation to supply power from offshore floating wind turbines to a city (Las Palmas, Canary Islands)
The difficulties Many Regions involved and interested Several RDI centres and Universities interested and located in different parts of the territory, national and regional. Many actors involved. Multiple demand for projects and support from public and private sector. In this sector territorial aspects are fundamental. Legal authorities and competence is divided between administrations. (environment is regional, sea protection and coasts are national,...) The installation of wind turbines have a social impact that should be politically address, requiring the collaboration of regional and national governments.
The coordination & cooperation role • The project has come to a reality after a coordination process based on smart specialisation allowing: • The coordination of several administrations in different territories Several RDI centres and Universities interested and located in different parts of the territory, national and regional. • Many actors involved. Multiple demand for projects and support from public and private sector. • Key issues: • Regional Involvement through the network and complementarities of actions in different territories. • Heavy firms involvement form the beginning. • Sharing funding
The coordination & cooperation role • The project has come to a reality after a coordination process based on smart specialisation allowing: • The coordination of several administrations in different territories Several RDI centres and Universities interested and located in different parts of the territory, national and regional. • Many actors involved. Multiple demand for projects and support from public and private sector. • Key issues: • Regional Involvement through the network and complementarities of actions in different territories. • Heavy firms involvement form the beginning. • Sharing funding
Sea Platform with combined capacities Marine & shipbuilding platforms PLOCAN Cantabria BIG Tank