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How do reports impact case management?. WorkSource Case Management reports. OSST and the Welfare Transition Program. What comes first the report or the data? Data of course! Where does the data come from? Case management staff collect it from participants.
How do reports impact case management? WorkSourceCase Management reports
OSST and the Welfare Transition Program What comes first the report or the data? Data of course! Where does the data come from? Case management staff collect it from participants. What comes next is the most important part for reporting. Recording the data!!!!
OSST and the Welfare Transition Program Data and reporting Case managers and data entry Reports are only as good as the data available. It’s easy to forget where the data came from when creating a report. Staff may say “I know more of my customers got a job”! That may very well be true but if it wasn’t recorded in OSST how can we know for sure?
OSST and the Welfare Transition Program Report staff and case management staff must understand what each one is responsible for and the importance of each. When reporting we need to be aware that a report is more than just “numbers”. These are real individuals that we are counting not just numbers.
OSST and the Welfare Transition Program • The Welfare Transition reports to be discussed today are all dependent on staff entering data accurately and timely. • Performance is dependent upon staff assisting participants in meeting the requirements of a structured work program. • Performance is equally dependent upon following penalty guidelines for non-compliant participants.
OSST Ad Hoc Queries • Ad hoc queries help in Welfare Transition performance reporting in the following ways • Quickly identify areas needing improvement • Entered Employment • Average Wage • Federal All Family Participation Rate • Federal Two-Parent Participation Rate
OSST Ad Hoc Queries • Ad hoc queries help in Welfare Transition case management in the following ways • Quickly identify problems areas such as • Activity assignment • Scheduled hours • Time limited Activities • Participation hours
Data Available from OSST Data Store • TANF Adult File Information • Temporary Cash Assistance Recipients • Mandatory for work requirements • Exempt from work requirements • Identify those who have exceeded their 90-day exemption due to new baby • Time limits to identify hardship cases • Family type, all family or two-parent family • TCA and FS benefits • File contains 68 columns of data
DCF TANF Adult File • The data comes from the Department of Children and Families (DCF). • A query to run to obtain the data will be available as will an Excel spreadsheet. • The query has been modified to include the OSST case ID, unit and case manager, if the case has been referred for work activities.
DCF TANF Adult File, Modified • A modified query that limits the number of columns of data to those most important to case managers. • The query can be run before the beginning of the month to see if cases in current caseloads are going to be in the participation denominator for the upcoming month. • The report is not dependent upon the work referral codes. The update of this table occurs between the 25th and 30th of the month after pull down for recurring benefit payroll.
OSST Data Store – Client Table • Client table • OSST unique identifiers • OSST ID • SSN • Name - First, Middle, Last • Address • Telephone • E-mail • Other individual customer data
OSST Data Store – Training Table • Training table • Activity codes • Service codes • Anticipated and Actual Start Dates for activities • Anticipated and Actual End Dates for activities • Activity Outcome Reasons • Other data attached to activities and services The training table can be joined to the client table as well as employers, providers, the TANF Adult table and other tables as needed.
OSST Data Store – Benefitand Household Tables • Benefit table • Temporary Cash Assistance amount • Food Stamp amount • Eligibility begin and end dates • Benefit status – single or two-parent household • Household table • Other household members • Demographic data
OSST Data Store – Deferral and Sanction Tables • Deferral table • Type • Start and end dates • Outcome reason • Sanction table • Level penalty • Penalty dates • Penalty outcomes • Pre-penalty reason, date and outcome
TCA Cases Not Open – On Recurring Payroll for Month • The TCA cases that are not open for any month they are on the recurring benefit payroll have the potential for impacting local participation. • This report provides those cases in one report making the cases easy to view. • The DCF TANF file is joined to the OSST Client table to pull in the most recent case manager, OSST case ID, county and unit. • The report has the first and last referral date for work requirements and the OSST case closure date and reason for closure.
Open Cases with All Case Assignments and TANF Adult File • Cases include core and core plus activities, services, deferrals, sanctions and cases without activities. • This is a point in time report and changes daily dependent upon OSST case updates input by staff. • The report is most effectively used once per week and compared against the previous report. • May be compared to the No Reportable Activity report to identify cases that have not been worked timely.
No Reportable Activity • This report provides a list of all cases that are not in a reportable activity. Cases not meeting participation can be easily identified at the time the report is run. • The date can be set for any number of days prior to current date to adjust for the local operating procedures in the region. If letters are mailed with appointments scheduled 10-14 day out, the date can be set for that number of days in the past to limit the query results.
JPRs by Activity and Case Closure Data • This JPR report with Activities combines training activities, jobs, and JPRs in one report to see at a glance how many hours for each activity or job the customer has participated in and have been documented for the week or month. • The case closure date (if applicable) and closure reason are included in this report to identify cases that may have been sanctioned during the month. This will also identify cases that have been closed pre-maturely by the case manager. • The query is based on the participants who are on the recurring benefit payroll for the participation month.
JPR Report Summed for Month • This report provides a look at monthly hours of participation greater than or equal to 0 with DCF TANF Adult File. • This report allows staff to see the cumulative total of hours for the participation month for actual hours of participation, excused hours and holiday hours. • When exported into an Excel spreadsheet a column should be added to total the three combined number of hours in order to see the total participation hours for the month. • The best use of this report is to run it twice weekly beginning the first working day of the month following the participation period until the 15th of the month when participation hours are pulled by DCF.
Welfare Transition Participation Cases and Rate • There are three reports provided for the Participation rate. • The All Family Participation Rate • Single Parent Family • Two Parent Families • The Two Parent Participation Rate • Two Parent Families • The Federal Participation Sample • Single Parent Family • Two Parent Families Note: Participation date is available as “raw” and “federal” data, raw data is available earlier than the final federal data.
All Family Participation Rate • All Family Participation Rate • This report is based on the Federal Participation Rate and TCA participants with a work requirement. • The report uses the DCF TANF Adult file which has been updated with the JPR data pulled from OSST. • The numerator and denominator are flagged for easy identification. • Copying and pasting (special values and formats) into Excel spreadsheet provided gives you a user friendly look at the cases that are used in calculating the All Parent Participation Rate for Florida. • Excel spreadsheet must be revised with local region, county (counties) and units on summary page. • Two parent families should be counted only once. Number all cases, then sort by the Florida case number and delete one county code for each family.
Two Parent Family Participation Rate • Two Parent Family Participation Rate • This report is based on the Federal Participation Rate and TCA participants with a work requirement. • The report uses the DCF TANF Adult file which has been updated with the JPR data pulled from OSST. • The numerator and denominator are flagged for easy identification • Copying and pasting (special values and formats) the data into the Excel spreadsheet provided gives you a user friendly look at the cases that are used in calculating the Two Parent Participation Rate for Florida. • Excel spreadsheet must be revised with local region, county (counties) and units on summary page • Two parent families should be counted only once. Number all cases, then sort by the Florida case number and delete one county code for each family.
TANF Federal Participation Sample • Federal Participation Sample Rate • This report is based on the Federal Participation Rate and a sample of TCA participants with a work requirement. • The report uses the DCF TANF Adult file which has been updated with the JPR data pulled from OSST • The numerator and denominator are flagged as selected sample cases for easy identification. • Copying and pasting (special values and formats) the data into the Excel spreadsheet provided gives you a user friendly look at the cases that are used in calculating the Two Parent Participation Rate for Florida. • Excel spreadsheet must be revised with local region, county (counties) and units on summary page. • Two parent families should be counted only once. Number all cases, then sort by the Florida case number and delete one county code for each family.
Welfare Transition Closed Case Outcome Rate • The numerator is the number of cases that closed with employment based on the 13 DCF defined closure reasons. • Cases with other closure reasons with open jobs in OSST during the report period. • The denominator is the unduplicated number of cases receiving TANF closed during the report period.
Welfare Transition Average Wage of Job Placements The average wage of all jobs open in OSST during the month the DCF case is closed. The wage rate is calculated by dividing the average wage by the regions LLSIL.
Workforce Investment Act WIA EFM Data Store • The EFM data store is updated nightly with WIA and Wagner-Peyser (WP) individual and employer data. WP data includes customer self-service and staff entered data. • WIA data is staff entered and the accuracy and timeliness of the data entry is crucial to reporting and performance.
Workforce Investment Act WIA EFM Data Store • Reporting for federal reports are by their nature are long term. • The regions have a need to develop local short term reports to gauge performance. • We will review reports that were developed by the state and modified to meet local performance needs.
Workforce Investment Act WIA EFM Data Store • The local reporting WIA queries have been modified to report based on offices, groups, contracts (youth) and staff with caseloads. • Local processes drive the value of the reports. In region 8 our processes allow us to use local performance reporting to project performance. • The following reports (queries) are based upon the MMR queries for short term performance.
Workforce Investment Act – WIA Local Monthly Management Reporting • Employment Rate for Those Needing Training Related Services • All adults, employed and unemployed at participation, and dislocated workers who are employed at closure are included in the numerator. • The denominator is all adults , employed and unemployed at participation, and dislocated workers closed during the report period.
Workforce Investment Act – WIA Local Monthly Management Reporting • Earnings Rate for Those Receiving Training Related Services • All adults, employed and unemployed at participation, and dislocated workers who are employed at closure, during the report period, are included in the average wage. • The rate is calculated by dividing the average wage by the regions LLSIL.
Workforce Investment Act – WIA Local Monthly Management Reporting • Youth In-School Outcome Rate • In-school youth receiving a credential, employed, and/or obtained a diploma are in the numerator for cases closed during the report period. • All in-school youth closed during the report period are counted in the denominator who had no high-school diploma or equivalent at participation and were not exited for other reasons.
Workforce Investment Act – WIA Local Monthly Management Reporting • Youth Out-Of-School Outcome Rate • Out-of-school youth obtaining a credential or diploma and/or were in post-secondary education, advanced training, qualified apprenticeships, in the military or entered employment are in the numerator if closed during the report period. • All out-of-school youth closed during the report period are counted in the denominator if not in school at participation or case closure and were not exited for other reasons.
Workforce Investment Act – WIA Local Monthly Management Reporting • Youth Skill Attainment • Total number goals attained timely by the end of the anniversary date during the report period make up the numerator. • Total number goals set and due during the report period make up the denominator.
Workforce Investment Act – WIA Local Monthly Management Reporting • Younger Youth Exiters With Positive Outcomes • The numerator for younger youth (14-18) closed during the report period are those with positive outcomes in entered employment, military, apprenticeship, advanced training post-secondary education or received a diploma . • The denominator is comprised of all younger youth closed during the report period.
Queries and Excel Report Formats • See me after this session or contact me and I will share the queries and report formats I use to provide to our management team.
Questions? • Contact: • Joyce Harris, Management Analyst • First Coast Workforce Development, Inc • WorkSource (Region 8) • (904) 213-3800 (2084) - work • (904) 699-2995 - mobile • jharris@worksourcefl.com