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Friday 14th October 2011. Maxime ARU French, 23 year old Born in Verdun (55), Come from Metz (57) ( North East of France) H obbies: Sport ( Mountain Bike , Ski, Football, Tennis…), Music , Reading, Traveling. Master degree at Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC)
Friday 14thOctober 2011 Maxime ARU French, 23yearold Born in Verdun (55), Come from Metz (57) (North East of France) Hobbies: Sport (MountainBike, Ski, Football, Tennis…), Music, Reading, Traveling Master degreeat Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) - Mention Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication - Speciality Intelligents Systems for Transports 2011 2011 Engineering degreeat Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique d’Amiens (ESIEE-Amiens) - SpecialityElectrical Engineering and SustainableDevelopment Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique 2010 Erasmus Semester at Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) in Milan, Italy (5 months) - Electrical Engineering Courses - Technical Visits (ATM, Ferrovie Nord, Instituto di Fisica del Plasma)
Master and Engineering Thesis CERN – Technology Department - Cryogenic Groups – Controls and Electricity Section: - Support and maintenance of control systems for cryogenic systems and test areas - Support for electrical equipment and various cryogenic infrastructure - Update control systems of cryogenic equipment and test areas including migration UNICOS Two projects: 1. Renovation of SM18 Cryoplant (Cold Box and Compressor) - Migration of the control system of the Linde Cold Box 6 KW (Summer 2011) Migration of the control system of the Linde Compressor and Tank-Balloons GHe, CPs Burkhardt (Summer 2012) 2. Development of an Adaptive Priority System (APS) for the management of the distribution of liquid helium for SM 18 different test benches
Migration of control systems of the cryogenic installations • - Renovation of control systems ABB of the cryogenic installations • - Replace the old physical machines ABB by PLC Schneider Electric or Siemens- Translate the ABB programs to the standard UNICOS • - Standardize the control logic of the various equipment (Cold Box, ...) Hardware Standard: Software Standard: Database, Specification, Program, ... The tools UNICOS (UNifiedInstance COntrolSystem) is a standard control for various control systems developed at CERN. Example of the structure UNICOS Control architecture UNICOS
SM 18 Adaptative Priority System (APS) Distribution management of liquidhelium: CTH: Priority management for each client • - Study of the process • ProcessModelisation and simulation with EcosimPro (Library CRYO_CERN - B. Bradu EN/ICE) • Implementation of the control for the two distribution valves of liquidhelium • - Testing and validation