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International cooperation on R&I in the forest-based sector : Inra’s situation and needs

International cooperation on R&I in the forest-based sector : Inra’s situation and needs. 5 FEBRUARY 2019. JEAN-MARC GUEHL. CONTENTS. Inra scientific orientations. An active strategy for the coming years . Identified needs for R&I in the forest-based sector.

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International cooperation on R&I in the forest-based sector : Inra’s situation and needs

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  1. International cooperation on R&I in the forest-basedsector : Inra’s situation and needs 5 FEBRUARY 2019 JEAN-MARC GUEHL

  2. CONTENTS • Inra scientific orientations. • An active strategy for the comingyears. • Identifiedneeds for R&I in the forest-basedsector. JOUR / MOIS / ANNEE

  3. Inra’spositioning at a global level Scientific orientations Inra promotes an upstream research and innovation vision for the forest-based sector, with scientific orientations guided by one of Inra priorities for FP9 Horizon Europe : « Towards carbon-neutral & climate-resilient agrifood systems ». http://institut.inra.fr/en/INRA-and-the-world/All-tne-news/INRA-priorities-for-Horizon-Europe

  4. Scientific orientations for forests • Increase organic carbon sequestration in forests and forest products : • monitoring ; • resources characterization… • Increase the resilience of forests by : • modelling the evolution of forest ecosystems in a changing context ; • studying the functional role of biodiversity and related environmental services ; • designing improved conservation options of forest resources ; • breeding for resistance/tolerance to abiotic and biotic constraints ; • promoting the combination of carbon storage and resilience with support of models, data and research, through stakeholder dialogue. • Support basic science to document several processes : • mechanisms of C storage (photosynthesis, microbial ecosystems,…); • mechanisms of adaptation (drought, extreme climate events, biotic threats including epidemics and biological invasions) ; • impacts of practices on biodiversity at different scales.

  5. A reinforcedstrategy • A reinforced organisation with Inra / Irstea merger on January 2020, in particular for : • Bioeconomy and circular economy ; • Social Sciences and Humanities approaches for the forest-based sector ; • Researches on the diversity of forest ecosystems (mixed forests, mountaneaous forests, …). • An active strategy for European and international cooperation for the forest-based sector • Coordination of H2020 projects (eg. B4EST, GENTREE, HOMED….) ; • Shared research infrastructures (eg. ICOS, Trees4Future, ANAEE, sites for NFI…) ; • Participation in international bodies (eg. IUFRO, FAO, …) • Creation and development of international tools (eg. International Associated Laboratories (LIA) in China (IFOPE) and in Argentina (FORESTIA). • http://presse.inra.fr/en/Press-releases/partnerships-between-INRA-and-China • http://presse.inra.fr/en/Press-releases/INRA-strengthens-ties-with-Brazil-and-Argentina

  6. Identifiedneeds • A better structuring of research networks, research tools (platforms, pursuance of Trans-National Access – TNA, …) and infrastructures at a European and global scale ; • A better sharing of collected data,interoperability of information systems and knowledge integration ; • More consideration of the diversity of forest ecosystems (in the whole Europe, but also tropical forest species) ; • More visibility and space for forestry and the forest-based sector in European and international calls (eg. Forests are not present in article n.° 185 PRIMA on Mediterranean basin) ; • More promotion of interactions and co-construction between researchers, actors and stakeholders at a European and international level to reach the expected impacts.

  7. Identifiedneeds Alsowithin the French R&I plan for the forestbasedsector 2016-2025, JM Carnus, March 2017 3priorities 13 strategicprojects (Somecovered by≠ national funding sources) Improve performance of the sectorthroughsystemic and innovativeapproaches A Developwood utilisation and new wood-basedproducts for a competitivebioeconomy B Adaptforests and prepareforestresources for the future C

  8. Identifiedneeds Adaptforests and prepareforestresources for the future C.1 Enhance resilience of forests facing global change • Diagnostic tools, resilience indicators including soil-plant-microbiota interactions • Multiple risks assessed under two visions (prediction and impact of risks, highly impacting biological invasions and their prevention). • Predictive modelling in biology and ecology C.2 Improve sustainable production • Maintain long-term fertility and forest soil carbon • Prepare and anticipate the adaptation of forests to climate change • Genetic selection C.3 Promote smart forest monitoring and resource management • Development of remote sensing technologies in forestry • Enhance methods and tools for assessment and prediction of forest resources and NFIs C.4 Forest biodiversity • Links between biodiversity and ecosystem services • Monitoring of biodiversity and functional role of biodiversity at landscape level including the microbiota as biodiversity indicators • Tools for assessing biodiversity (eg. Meta-barcoding) C

  9. Identifiedneeds Improve performance of the sector through systemic and innovative approaches A A.3 Develop systemic innovations and living labs • Coordinate experiments and develop new research facilities • Facilitate open innovation processes and platforms (living labs, demonstrators,..) Develop wood utilisation and new wood-based products for a competitive bioeconomy B B.4Develop new markets, processes and products to support the transition towards circular bioeconomy: • Bioeconomy and circular economy with an integrated approach of the forest sector • Using wood molecules for green chemistry and bioenergy.

  10. THANK YOU ! jean-marc.guehl@inra.fr

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