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Engendering National Statistical Systems For a Knowledge-Based Policy Formulation UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) – World Bank Institute 2007-2009 New Delhi, August 10, 2007. Gender-sensitive and sex-disaggregated data are critical :. Why Gender Statistics?.
Engendering National Statistical Systems For a Knowledge-Based Policy Formulation UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) – World Bank Institute 2007-2009 New Delhi, August 10, 2007
Gender-sensitive and sex-disaggregated data are critical : Why Gender Statistics? for planning, implementing and gender-responsive development actions for capturing gender differences in opportunities, capabilities, and contribution to economic output for monitoring progress toward the MDG 3, and to assess women’s (lack of) advancements in many areas.
Partnerships for a Long-Term Engagement Start of collaborative process between WBI, UNECE and the regional NSOs under the framework of the Conference of European Statisticians. Joint WBI-UNECE 3-year project on Gender Sensitization Training, 2007-2009 (funded by the DGF under the Marrakesh Action Plan for Statistics (MAPS) 2003 2006 Start of ToT, Community of Practice Inter-agency Task Force on gender sensitization training for statisticians Mainstreaming of gender into the production and dissemination of statistics in the ECA Region. 2005 2007 The Task Force includes staff from UNECE, World Bank, UNDP, USAID, FAO, ILO, US Census Bureau, UNFPA and National Statistical Systems of the ECA countries
Geographic Coverage Currently, the project includes the following CIS and South East European countries: • Bosnia & Herzegovina • Kazakhstan • Kyrgyz Republic • Moldova • Russian Federation • Serbia • Tajikistan • Turkmenistan • Uzbekistan
Improve sensitization of users and statisticians to the production, use and update of gender statistics Improve sensitization of National Statistical Systems in all areas of work (especially in economic and business statistics, administrative registers, etc) Improve availability and quality of gender statistics data in areas where gaps are more relevant (entrepreneurship, transport, communications, etc.) Raise awareness on the difference in opportunities of women and men and ultimately advocate the need for more gender-sensitive policies Contribute to the World Bank Gender Strategy and GAP, Action # 3 (to improve knowledge and statistics on women’s economic participation and the relationship between gender equality, growth and poverty reduction.) Program Objectives
Program Components The program consists of three main components: Regional and National Capacity Building Support research and analytical work, preparation of the training manual Upgrading and Updating of the Gender Statistics Databases
Capacity Development Component: Strategies and Approaches Participatory Ownership of the project and active participation of the direct beneficiaries – NSOs from recipient countries Adaptive User friendly modules, customized to individual country realities and needs Proactive Advocacy tools to create awareness at all levels of the NSSs Results-oriented Activities are designed to focus on processes, outcomes, and expected impacts
Capacity Development Component: Instruments Development of a Consolidated Training Manual Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) National follow-up Workshops (by local trainers) CoP Web Portal Provide a structured resource for trainers Have trainers Experience the Interactive learning design and build confidence and trust Organize larger- scale dissemination of information to build awareness and ultimately effect policy decision making Support trainers in the preparation of national trainings, foster peer-to-peer learning and create a sustainable community of experts in the region
Capacity Development Component: Training of Trainers + National Trainings Highly Interactive Action Learning approach • CONTENT • Multimedia presentations • Video interviews: key opinion leaders • LEARNING ACTIVITIES • group exercises • case studies • role plays • competitions (i.e., develop advocacy slogan on the need for GS). • -> “learning by doing” • DIRECT APPLICABILITY • activities targeted to individual country-context • planning activities to shape national trainings
The CoP was formed during the Regional TOT in Almaty, April 23-27, 2007.
Thematic Focus Why do we need GS? Making it Happen – Strategic organization within the NSSs – Advocacy tools GS in selected statistical areas: labor statistics (reconciliation of work and family life; making labor force surveys gender sensitive; informal employment; gender pay gap; entrepreneurship); gender-based violence, decision making Capacity Development Component: Training of Trainers + National Trainings
Thematic Focus (continued) Decision making in : Public institutions Large Enterprises Small Enterprises Gender budgeting Population subgroups (minorities) Dissemination, Outreach and Marketing Writing statistical articles Developing graphs On-line dissemination Capacity Development Component: Training of Trainers + National Trainings To be developed: Agriculture Health, disability and care Education, science and research Gender attitudes Decision making in households Time use Training of users Migration
Capacity Development Component: Creation of a Community of Practice The CoP is a network of practitioners as trainers on GS at the national level Long-term engagement / Sustainability Knowledge base Help desk Peer to peer learning Quality Control e-discussions, file sharing, news/events board, advertising, peer-to-peer feedback on a variety of the content and teaching techniques for the national TOT courses.
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Expand the focus of the program in the ECA countries, by strengthening the network of trainers Where possible, coordinate and join efforts with the other donors (Statistics Sweden, UNDP, UNSD, FAO, ILO, etc) Replicate the developed expertise to other Regions: Latin America Middle East Africa South/East Asia and Pacific Find synergies with the World Bank Statistical Capacity Building project, and other programs with the similar objectives. Ways Forward
UNECE/WBI web portal for trainers on gender statistics: http://info.worldbank.org/etools/genderStat/forum/login.asp Login: guest Password: guest Web link to the portal :