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Deploying the IT Service Management Ontology Semantics:: “To serve man”

Deploying the IT Service Management Ontology Semantics:: “To serve man”. Authors CHECKMi CEO & Chief Architect (BCML & Checkmi:Mate) CarlMattocks@checkmi.com PJAlagna@checkmi.com A poster contribution to the Fourth Semantic Interoperability for Egovernment Conference.

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Deploying the IT Service Management Ontology Semantics:: “To serve man”

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  1. Deploying the IT Service Management OntologySemantics::“To serve man” • Authors CHECKMi CEO & Chief Architect (BCML & Checkmi:Mate) • CarlMattocks@checkmi.com • PJAlagna@checkmi.com • A poster contribution to the Fourth Semantic Interoperability for Egovernment Conference

  2. Movies have always provided clues • “Why can’t we all just get along?” • “Different people have different missions” • BUT the need never goes away

  3. Movies-2 • When worlds collide • My first exposure to bureaucracy • it is instinctual to protect what you own

  4. Movies-3 • “What we have here is a failure to communicate” • it was a failing of mine, I was not understood -Napoleon • In any body of knowledge I can find that which will praise my belief, that which is heretical and that which is of no consequence - Bayes

  5. Movies-4 • “To serve man” • my first exposure to semantics

  6. Take Away #1 • In order to be interoperable you must first be operable • Interoperation will not make you operable

  7. ImplementationLayer . Implementation Upper Semantic Alignment Solution Envisioning Memorandum of Understanding (CPP/A) Appendix A: Interface Specification Self-Synchronization Form Identify Event  Condition (Rule) Project Mgmt: Cost / Schedule / Risks, etc. Transaction Collaboration Appendix B: Terms Alignment Determine Tactics: Use Case / Scope / Transition Identify Initiative Champions Context Base Design & Development (Integration/Programming) Attribute; Mandatory vs. Optional netCentric Conceptual Model MetaLink Phased Demonstrations Requirements  Test Plan, Data, & Testing Codelist Sub/Superset Link Interface(Publish/Subscribe, etc) Deploy Services How do you know the initiative is done? Physical – Content Assembly Training Publish Feedback – Lessons Learned Extension Layer Condition (Rule) Outreach External Alignment: Stds, Specs & Frameworks Communication Alignment - Maps Identify Community of Interest (CoI) Development Training Materials and Education Perform Industry Survey of Leading Practices Channel Development Stds, Specifications and Frameworks Identify Demo / Solution CoI’s Specific Requirements Net-based Collateral Develop/Join Social Working Environment (wiki, etc.) Baseline Architecture for Business Artifacts for Stds Change Mgmt Activities Draft Initiative Brochure Per Community Baseline Architecture for Required Technologies for Stds Collaboration - Collection Work Derive Community Requirements Develop Guidelines / Alignments - Maps Brochures - Press Home Documentation Is A Business Layer Business Case Analysis Business Process Business Intelligence Business Objects Vision Statement Define Value-chain Visibility Strategy Reporting Requirements Publish Identify Stakeholders – New Stakeholders? Identify Facets (Classification) Define Events/Triggers Pinpoint Challenges / Issues Per Stakeholder Include Facet in Navigation Framework Identify Form/Transaction Service Assumptions  Assertion Evaluation Define Slice & Dice (Filter) Tactics Business Object Identification Address Feasibility, Risk, Cost Benefit Dashboard Loaders Discover/Define Services List Success Metrics Per Stakeholder Dashboard Setup & Security Define Roles & Security Determine Scope: In Scope / Out of Scope Exceptions & Notifications Define Workflow/Choreography Part of Conceptual Layer Story Lower Semantic Alignment Ontology Describe Scenarios & Interface Types Identify Business Concepts / Atomics Person Develop Concept Operations (ConOps) – Happy Path Identify Authoritative Sources ConOps – Sad Path Define Concept Location Identify Like/Exact Terms Patterns Develop/Add to Terms Service Recognize Business Model Property Business Centric Methodology Checklist Add/Converge/Link Ontologies • Concept • Definition • Steward • Thesaurus Develop Playbook Codify/List Concepts Baseline Capability Inventory Terms Service Determine (Meta) Link Opportunities Enterprise Architecture Fit / Compliance

  8. Take away #2 • You don’t need to be common - ever • Comfortable levels of convergence • Cooperation without compromise

  9. User Interface - Presentation Apps Web Browser Email Client Telephone Wireless Front-End Assurance DCR Registry Workflow Access SOA Enterprise Information Services Layer - EISL DCW DCD Exchange Collaboration Gateway Service Management Business Applications Back-End Financial Budget Management Configuration Management Capacity Management Release Management Incident / Problem Management Business Centric Management Language Agent Warehouse Agent

  10. BCML • business centric framing language allows standards to interplay • enables a business processing system to actualize a collection of schemas How? • web service subscription • ascribe to known behaviors • data centric execution • actuation schema • declare interplay of agents Standards? • born from industry • published definitions • defined usage

  11. BCML is XML rendered into RDF

  12. XML is • A set of points defined by an XSD • with rules between them • that a browser follows • RDF can relate sets of points • 2 phase compiler… more or less

  13. Agents • autonomous software systems • do some work (fixed task) • communicate with other agents • continuously awaits new work • die on command ............................................ • Execution Paragraphs • Data Structures • Named Data sets • explicitly named data • implicitly named data • SKOS, active naming • indirectly named data • (Smart data) • Code calls • Service calls • Paragraph calls • Data-set Management • Agent Communication

  14. Take Away #3 • You don’t have to agree completely • SKOS • render to ID • dissection of definition • this we agree • my caveats • compound definition • related definitions

  15. IT Service Management Ontology • OWL classes that define ITSM domain • Concepts of ISO 20000 (BS 15000 / ITIL Framework) businessprocesses • Service Delivery • Availability / Capacity / Continuity/ Financial / Service Level Management • Service Support • Change / Configuration / Incident / Problem / Release Management

  16. Class: WebService •owl:Thing •ITServiceManagement •ITInfrastructure •Configuration •ConfigurationIdentification •FunctionalBaseline •Composition •SubSystem •Modules •SoftwareObject •WebService

  17. Alignment via Affinity Matrixes • Element level accuracy for activities, flows, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) • data dictionary items • class / element / datatype in Templates • forms, messages, metrics • state transition values • data models subject areas • CMDB, CPDB

  18. Thank YouCheckMi

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