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What is Future Taranaki?. It's a collaborative grouping of organisations set up to achieve s14 1e of the Local Government Act??a local authority should collaborate and co-operate with other local authorities and bodies as it considers appropriate to promote or achieve its priorities and desired out
1. Future Taranaki Presentation to
Society of Local Government Managers
Shared Services Conference
April 2007
2. What is Future Taranaki? Its a collaborative grouping of organisations set up to achieve s14 1e of the Local Government Act
a local authority should collaborate and co-operate with other local authorities and bodies as it considers appropriate to promote or achieve its priorities and desired outcomes, and make efficient use of resources
And s91 2d-e
The purposes of the identification of community outcomes
(d) to promote the better co-ordination and application of community resources; and
(e) to inform and guide the setting of priorities in relation to the activities of the local authority and other organisations.
3. Community Outcomes Collaborative approach to outcomes identification initiated by Taranaki Regional Council in January 2003
Outcomes to be:
identified through robust consultation
via contractor appointed through tender
community-centric not council-centric
discernable in terms of differences in nature & priority at district level.
also meaningful at the regional level
4. Community Outcomes Cost sharing formula
Dedicated project manager (part-time)
Project chaired by TRC Chief Executive
Multi-faceted consultation
focus groups
regional hui
public meetings
telephone survey
questionnaire to every mailing address
5. Taranaki Region Taranaki is a geographically distinct region with is fairly easily defined borders.
Its has a rich & compelling history, particularly around the time of European settlement, which affects pakeha/tangata whenua relationships to this day.
Its people have a strong sense of identity with the region, as well as with their local towns, rural areas & surf beaches.
There is little sense of identity with areas defined by territorial local authority borders.
Taranaki has a strong ethos of pragmatic collaboration between a wide range of organisations.
6. Future Taranaki In identifying their outcomes the Taranaki local authorities, contacted:
52 Businesses & business sector organisations
24 Services organisations & community groups
4 Environmental groups
8 Education providers
36 Govt Ministries, Depts & Crown Agencies
4 Members of Parliament
25 Iwi/hapu organisations
48 Maori business & service organisations
201 entities in total
7. Community Outcomes 38 distinct statements, aggregated into 7 community outcomes:
Secure & Healthy
8. Same outcomesdifferent priorities
9. Importance ? Action
10. Stakeholders Due to the thorough process used to identify & refine the outcomes
the service delivering agencies capable of making significant contributions to progressing the outcomes
were involved in & became familiar with the process & its purpose from an early stage.
These organisations, whether government agencies, not for profits, churches, or local trusts, voiced a strong desire to operate at the regional level.
11. Actions & Lead Organisations
12. Stakeholders It was also clear from the nature of the 38 statements (aggregated into the 7 outcomes) that progressing them was well beyond the scope of any one stakeholder.
In July & September 2004 two stakeholder meetings were held to discuss how we should progress the outcomes.
It was agreed that a smaller group would be formed to discuss means of progressing the outcomes, with developments reported back to, & support sought from, the larger group.
13. Future Taranaki The smaller group is known as the Future Taranaki Facilitation Group, while the larger is the Future Taranaki Partners.
The Facilitation Group agreed a terms of reference which, on behalf of the Partners, was to:
enable senior level discussions on delivery of the outcomes
set benchmarks & performance targets to measure progress
provide a forum for the organisations to consider initiatives
allow active consideration of collaborative opportunities
- commit resources to agreed projects
14. Future Taranaki The Future Taranaki Facilitation Group membership is:
Ministry of Social Development
The 4 local authorities (NPDC, STDC, SDC & TRC)
Te Puni Kokiri
Taranaki District Health Board
Venture Taranaki (regional economic development agency)
Other Future Taranaki Partners also regularly sit in on meetings.
15. Future Taranaki The Facilitation Group has continued to meet over the last two years & has recently prioritised three projects to be developed & implemented. They are in order of priority:
Labour market strategy, in response to acute & chronic skill shortages, led by STDC, NPDC & Venture Taranaki. (Skilled & Prosperous)
An evidence based smoking cessation project led by the DHB (Secure & Healthy)
A domestic violence reduction project led by MSD (Secure & Healthy).
16. Is It Working? Yes.
There is widespread buy in to the community outcomes.
It is arguable that some partners treat the outcomes with more enthusiasm & provide more impetus to Future Taranaki than the local authorities. We need to build on this.
The community outcomes also encourage the Partners to think outside their traditional operations & question the relevance of their outputs.
17. What Could Work Better? Lots
Opening discussion has begun on structure & membership.
The small core Facilitation Group & larger Partners group arrangement isnt generating sufficient communication between the two, or as much involvement as the wider group would like. This is might also be caused by lack of dedicated Future Taranaki personnel.
The membership of the core group does not reflect the breadth of the outcomes.
18. What Could Work Better? Lots
NPDC perspective - insufficient awareness, opportunities for involvement, & buy-in from our elected members. They were not closely involved in the regional outcomes identification process & Future Taranaki is largely paid professionals.
We need to move the process closer to our elected members, but this is difficult as its only the local authorities, the DHB & some trusts that have governance & management present locally.
19. What Could Work Better? Lots
There is already a forum of the 3 district mayors, the regional chair, local authority chief executives and the constituency and list MPs with Taranaki responsibilities.
While informal, this group meets regularly to discuss issues of mutual interest and was briefed on the community outcomes at its inaugural meeting.
This higher chamber could receive regular reports from Future Taranaki, though would not provide an accountability and governance mechanism as such.
Accountability could be enhanced with regular reporting should be supplied to the councils themselves.
20. What Could Work Better? Lots
The Future Taranaki membership is made up of senior professionals who have busy day jobs. This makes it difficult to maintain day to day focus & momentum.
The employment of a dedicated staff resource whos role is to further approved interventions by coordinating partners, researching, nagging & managing them will be discussed over the next month.
21. What Could Work Better?