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GPFS: A Shared-Disk File System for Large Computing Clusters

GPFS: A Shared-Disk File System for Large Computing Clusters. Frank Schmuck & Roger Haskin IBM Almaden Research Center. Introduction. Machines are getting more powerful But, we always can find bigger problems to solve Faster networks  machines can form clusters

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GPFS: A Shared-Disk File System for Large Computing Clusters

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  1. GPFS: A Shared-Disk File System for Large Computing Clusters Frank Schmuck & Roger Haskin IBM Almaden Research Center

  2. Introduction • Machines are getting more powerful • But, we always can find bigger problems to solve • Faster networks  machines can form clusters • Promising to solve big problems • GPFS (general parallel file system) • Mimics the semantics of a POSIX file system running on a single machine • Running on 6/10 of the top supercomputers

  3. Introduction • Web server workloads • Multiple nodes access multiple files • Supercomputer workloads • Single node can access a file stored on multiple nodes • Multiple nodes can access the same file stored on multiple nodes • Need to access files and metadata in parallel • Need to perform administrative functions in parallel

  4. GPFS Overview • Uses shared disks switching fabric

  5. General Large File System Issues • Data striping and allocation, prefetch, and write-behind • Large directory support • Logging and recovery

  6. Data Striping and Prefetch • Striping implemented at the file system level • Better control • Fault tolerance • Load balancing • GPFS recognizes sequential, reverse sequential, various strided access patterns • Prefetch data accordingly

  7. Allocation • Large files are stored in 256KB blocks • Small files are stored in 8KB subblocks • Need to watch out for disks with different sizes • Maximizing space utilization • Larger disks receive more I/O requests • Bottleneck • Maximizing parallel performance • Under utilized disks

  8. empty empty 0100 | file_1 1001 | file_2 empty empty 0100 | file1 1001 | file2 empty 0011 | dir1 1110 | file2_hardlink Large Directory Support • GPFS uses extensible hashing to support very large directories

  9. Logging and Recovery • In a large file system, no time to run fsck • Use journaling and write ahead log for metadata • Data are not logged • Each node has a separate log • Can be read by all nodes • Any node can perform recovery on behalf of a failed node

  10. Managing Parallelism and Consistency in a Cluster

  11. Distributed Locking vs. Centralized Management • Goal: reading and writing in parallel from all nodes in the cluster • Constraint: • POSIX semantics • Synchronizing access to data and metadata from multiple nodes • If two processes on two nodes access the same file • A read on one node will see either all or none of the data written by a concurrent write

  12. Distributed Locking vs. Centralized Management • Two approaches to locking: • Distributed • Consult with all other nodes before acquiring locks • Greater parallelism • Centralized • Consult with a designated node • Better for frequently updated metadata

  13. Lock Granularity • Too small • High overhead • Too large • Many contending lock requests

  14. The GPFS Distributed Lock Manager • Centralized global lock manager on one node • Local lock managers in each node • Global lock manager • Hands out lock tokens (right to grant locks) to local lock managers

  15. Parallel Data Access • How to write to the same file from multiple nodes? • Byte-range locking to synchronize reads and writes • Allows concurrent writes to different parts of the same file

  16. Byte-Range Tokens • First write request from one node • Acquires a token for the whole file • Efficient for non-concurrent writes • Second write request to the same file from a second node • Revoke part of the byte-range token held by the first node • Knowing the reference pattern helps to predict how to break up the byte-ranges

  17. Byte-Range Tokens • Byte-range rounded to block boundaries • So two nodes cannot modify the same block • False sharing: a shared block being frequently moved between computers due to updates

  18. Synchronizing Access to File Metadata • Multiple nodes writing to the same file • Concurrent updates to the inode and indirect blocks • Synchronizing updates is very expensive

  19. Synchronizing Access to File Metadata • GPFS • Uses a shared write lock on the inode • Use the largest file size, latest time stamp • How do multiple nodes append to the same file concurrently? • One node is responsible for updating inodes • Elected dynamically

  20. Allocation Maps • Need 32 bits per block due to subblocks • Divided into n separate lockable regions • Each node keeps track of 1/nth blocks on every disk • Striped across all disks • Minimize lock conflicts • One node maintains the free space statistics • Periodically updated

  21. Other File System Metadata • Centralized management to coordinate metadata updates • Quota manager

  22. Token Manager Scaling • File size is unbounded • Number of byte-range tokens is also unbounded • Can use up the entire memory • Token manager needs to monitor and prevent unbounded growth • Revoke tokens as necessary • Reuse token freed by deleted files

  23. Fault Tolerance • Node failures • Communication failures • Disk failures

  24. Node Failures • Periodic heartbeat messages to detect node failures • Run log recovery from surviving nodes • Token manager releases tokens held by the failed node • Other nodes can resend committed updates

  25. Communication Failures • Network partition • Continued operation can result in corrupted file system • File system is accessible only by the group containing a majority of the nodes in the cluster

  26. Disk Failures • Dual attached RAID controllers • Files can be replicated

  27. Scalable Online System Utilities • Adding, deleting, replacing disks • Rebalancing the file system content • Defragmentation, quota-check, fsck • File system manager • Coordinate administrative activities

  28. Experiences • Skewing of workloads • Small management overhead can affect parallel applications in significant ways • If a node slows down by 1%, it’s the same as leaving 5 nodes completely idle for 512-node cluster • Need dedicated administrative nodes

  29. Experiences • Even the rarest failures can happen • Data loss in a RAID • A bad batch of disk drives

  30. Related Work • Storage area network • Centralized metadata server • SGI’s XFS file system • Not a clustered file system • Frangipani, Global File System • Do not support multiple accesses to the same file

  31. Summary and Conclusions • GPFS • Uses distributed locking and recovery • Uses RAID and replication for reliability • Can scale up to the largest super computers in the world • Provides fault tolerance and system management functions

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