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HARMONIZATION THE APRM (NPoA) WITH UGANDA’S NDP (2010/11-2014/15) Presented by Kasingye Kyamugambi National Planning Authority (U) At An Expert Group Meeting on “Harmonizing APRM- NPoAs and other National Development Plans (NDP) into a Common Medium Expenditure Framework (MTEF)”
HARMONIZATION THE APRM (NPoA) WITH UGANDA’S NDP (2010/11-2014/15) Presented by Kasingye Kyamugambi National Planning Authority (U) At An Expert Group Meeting on “Harmonizing APRM-NPoAs and other National Development Plans (NDP) into a Common Medium Expenditure Framework (MTEF)” KAMPALA, UGANDA, 29-30 SEPTEMBER 2010 NPA
PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Background to NPoA • Background, Process and overview of NDP 2010/11-2014/15 • NPoA Versus NDP • NPoA Versus NDP (issues not in NDP) • Linkage of NDP to MTEF, annual plans • Implementation strategy of NDP • M&E strategy of NDP NPA
BACKGROUND OF NPoA • IN 2003, a MOU of APRM was adopted in Abuja by the sixth summit of the Head of State and Government implementation committee of NEPAD • APRM arguably most innovative aspect of NEPAD, an instrument for self evaluation • Country self assessment carried out using holistic approach and CSAR submitted in December 2007. • His Excellency tabled the country report to his peers at APR forum and review at Sharm-El Sheikh in Egypt on 29th June 2008. • APRM country review report No.7 released in January 2009 with a National Programme of Action (NPoA) • Progress of review of NPoA is every sixth months in APRM summits NPA
BACKGROUND OF NDP 2010/11-2014/15 • Uganda had 5 year Plans from post independence up to Early 1970S • Political turmoil and instability in the 1970s and early 1980s affected economic progress • Post-1986 reforms geared towards stabilising the economy (erratic macro-economic environment and promoting economic growth • Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) 1997/8-2007/8 as post structural adjustment poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs). • PEAP extended to cover the period of NDP formulation • NDP launched by H.E the President of Uganda on 19th April 2010. NPA
NDP Process • Independent evaluation of the PEAP…. Noted issues of concern • Formed a Core technical committee (CTC) composed of NPA and MFPED to spearhead the process of formulation • Formed Sectoral committee in each sector comprising of Government, private sector, and civil society to draft sector papers • Review of literature (internal and external) and consultancies in specific areas • Consultation in LGs, sectors, CSO and private sector institutions • Consultations with Development partners and humanitarian organisation • Consultation with Cabinet, Parliament and H.E the President • Passing through formal approval process NPA
Overview of NDP • Progress on Economic development since 1962-2008 NPA
Overview Cont’d • Noted structural features in the economy to be addressed • Identified the most binding constraints limiting growth in Uganda, • (PSM and PA, HRM FINANCING, INFRASTRUCTURE, MINDSET ISSUES, LOW APPLICATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LOW AVAILABILITY OF PRODUCTION INPUTS) • Derived theme in line with National Vision • Growth, Employment and socio-economic transformation for prosperity • Proposed policy shift : Intertwining economic growth and poverty eradication • Proposed new strategic Direction: Quasi market approach (Mixture of market led and state led interventions, business approach to service delivery • Proposed investment priorities and national core projects NPA
Overview Cont’d • Modelled the macro economic framework with fiscal and monetary parameters • Produced the MTEF for implementing the Plan • Proposed financing strategy (increase of tax base, efficiency gains, PPP, capital markets, DPs) • Proposed sectoral interventions • Outlines the Implementation strategy • Outline the monitoring and evaluation strategy • Cost implementation matric programmed and produced. NPA
NPoA versus NDP General observation • Process of developing APRM CSAR was participatory and consultative like the NDP formulation process. • APRM Country Review report 2009 was one of the key source document at sectoral level and national level • The identified actions were preliminary linked to their respective sectors. Implementation will take place at sectoral and LG level • These actions were integrated and incorporated. In some cases they formed objectives, in other areas they were part of strategies and in some areas they were specific interventions • In some cases they provided “symptomic” areas of further investigation • There are many repetitions in action points. NPA
NPoA Versus NDP DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL GOVERNANCE ACTIONS • Objective 1: Covered in NDP and some progress made on the land policy, PRDP implementation, formation of equal opportunities commission. • Objective 2: most aspects covered in NDP and progress made on electoral reforms, and media law under preparation. • Objective 3: Most of the issues covered and progress made in JLOS sector • Objective 4; most aspects covered under JLOS an legislature chapters NPA
NPoA Versus NDP DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL GOVERNANCE ACTIONS • Objective 5: issues captured and progress made. The Public service review is underway • Objective 6: issues noted but little progress to date • Objective 7: the issues were wholly captured and implementation underway • Objective 8: the action points were covered under social development chapter on NDP • Objective 9; Issues captured under social development chapter • . NPA
NPoA Versus NDP • Economic governance and management actions • Objective 1: All issues captured under NDP. Notable progress being made like Oil policy, measures to increase tax base being implemented, UDC revitalised • Objective 2: The actions captured. Progress made in enhancing capacity of NPA, PPP policy being formulated; • Objective 3: Actions captured but challenge on decreasing public expenditure given the creating of new districts • Objective 4: The key actions were captured. Progress made in establishment of anti-corruption courts. Challenge in implementing recommendations of commissions and establishment of leadership court tribunals • Objective 5: Actions captured under various chapters. Progress made on the establishment of E.A common market and efforts to develop regional transport infrastructure. NPA
NPoA Versus NDP Corporate Governance Actions • Objective 1: Most actions captured however notable progress only on pensions bill and one stop centre at UIA. Slow progress on enactment of laws • Objective 2: The actions were captured in NDP. Progress on establishment of industrial court. Other actions being implemented • Objective 3: Actions noted but slow progress on strengthening and adhering to corporate governance standards • Objective 4: Actions captured in NDP but no decisive action on strengthening the UNBS • Objective 5: Not explicitly captured NPA
NPoA Versus NDP Socio-Economic development Actions • Objective 1: The actions captured. Notable progress made of strengthening the role of NPA. The Chair of NPA sits in Cabinet. • Objective 2: Action captured. Progress of formulation of Agricultural DSIP and promotion of environmental protection. • Objective 3: Action were captured. However implementation is still a challenge in the areas of health and education partly due to funding constraints • Objective 4: Actions captured and progress made in areas of water and sanitation, ICT infrastructure and general progress towards MDGs. The land policy is being formulated • Objective 5: The actions were captured in NDP. Progress made in establishment of equal opportunities commission and promoting of gender. NPA
NPoA Versus NDP (Areas not covered ) • Some areas under fostering constitutional democracy like • Highly political actions: like reverse the presidential term limit • Review the representation of special interest groups NPA
Linkage of NDP / NPoA to implementation • NDP is the sole Government strategic framework for next 5 years • The NDP provided MTEF • The NDP provided sectoral interventions and cost estimates from which the Sectors will derive annual budgets • NDP provided an implementation strategy clearly spelling out some responsibilities of key government institutions NPA
Monitoring and Evaluation • NDP has an M&E strategy. Currently M&E framework is being prepared. It will ensure indicators of NPoA are captured NPA
Challenges • The format or orientation of government sector and APRM country review report are different • There were budget limitation and therefore some action points will not immediately commence like Land fund • Before addressing some constraints identified in NDP some of the actions can not be implemented. The slow process of legislation is one major challenge NPA
Conclusion • Most of the Action points were captured in the NDP 2010/11-2014/15. • The monitoring of NPoA will be easier since the issues are captured in NDP which will also be monitored • The NPoA will be implemented through government institutions since the NDP is the sole government strategic document. • For easy integration, thematic grouping should as much as possible follow government laid down groupings NPA