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IMPLEMENTATION OF SENATE BILL X1 28 & UPDATE OF POWER PLANT SITING GUIDANCE. Workgroup Meeting August 3, 2001. Air Resources Board. California Environmental Protection Agency. Purpose of Today’s Meeting. Discuss ARB’s approach for Electrical Generation Retrofit Regulation and Guidance update

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  1. IMPLEMENTATION OF SENATE BILL X1 28 & UPDATE OF POWER PLANT SITING GUIDANCE Workgroup Meeting August 3, 2001 Air Resources Board California Environmental Protection Agency

  2. Purpose of Today’s Meeting • Discuss ARB’s approach for Electrical Generation Retrofit Regulation and Guidance update • Solicit members for workgroup • Highlight important dates for regulation/guidance • Set workgroup meeting dates

  3. Focus for Today • Statewide regulation and schedule for retrofitting electrical generating facilities • Update “Guidance for Power Plant Siting and Best Available Control Technology”

  4. Presentation Overview • Retrofit Regulation: • Background • Scope of regulation • Power Plant Guidance Update: • Current Guidance BACT emission levels • Areas of possible change • Low emission measurement • Regulation/Guidance Workgroup: • Workgroup’s role • Tentative regulation & workgroup schedule

  5. Statewide Retrofit Regulation: Background

  6. Power Generation in California

  7. Power Plant Inventory TotalCapacity (MW) Hydroelectric 386 14,116.53 Geothermal 46 2,561.70 Gas/Oil 340 27,733.42 Coal 15 549.50 Wind 104 1,814.68 Waste-to-Energy 104 1,087.67 Nuclear 2 4,310.00 Solar 14412.63 Grant Total: 1,011* 52,586.11 *Plants of 0.1 MW and larger

  8. Statewide Power Plant Data

  9. Power Generation Emissions Comparison(Courtesy of SCAQMD)

  10. Statewide Retrofit Regulation:Scope

  11. Scope of Regulation • Applicability • 1 MW and greater • Supplies power to the grid • Includes: • Prime reciprocating engines • Peakers • Boilers • Qualifying Facilities (Q.F.’s) • Renewables • Other

  12. Scope of Regulation(continued) • Pollutants: • All criteria pollutants - NOx, CO, VOC, PM10, SOx • Emission limits: • Based on class/category of source (i.e., combined-cycle turbine, natural gas-fired boiler, wood-fired boiler, landfill gas-fired ICE) • Incentives for zero emission technologies

  13. Scope of Regulation(continued) • Banking criteria • TBD • Timelines for implementation of retrofits • TBD • Exemption for repowers

  14. Retrofit Starting Points • ARB guidance • RACT/BARCT emission limits currently in place • BACT emission control techniques • District Rule and Regulation commitments

  15. Emission Reduction Credit Bank • Two Step Process: • 1) Establish bank tracking system • 2) Fund the bank from emission reductions achieved from regulation

  16. Update to the Guidance for Power Plant Siting and Best Available Control Technology

  17. Current BACT Guidance:Achievable Emission Levels for Simple-Cycle Configuration • 5 ppmvd NOxat 15% O2, 3-hr rolling average • 6 ppmvd CO at 15% O2, 3-hr rolling average • 2 ppmvd VOC at 15% O2, 3-hr rolling average, or 0.0027 lbs/MMBtu • Case-by-case determination for industrial frame turbines

  18. Current BACT Guidance:Achievable Emission Levels for Combined-Cycle and Cogeneration Configuration • 2.5 ppmvd NOxat 15% O2, 1-hr rolling average, or 2.0 ppmvd at 15% O2, 3-hr rolling average • 6 ppmvd CO at 15% O2, 3-hr rolling average • 2 ppmvd VOC at 15% O2, 1-hr rolling average, or 0.0027 lbs/MMBtu

  19. Current BACT Guidance:Achievable Emission Levels for SOx and PM10 • For PM10 and SOx, emission limits corresponding to combustion of natural gas with total sulfur no more than 1 grain/100 SCF • For SOx, equivalent to no more than 0.55 ppmvd @ 15% O2

  20. Areas of Possible Change • Simple-cycle power plants: • Lower NOx levels for aeroderivative turbines • Definitive NOx BACT for industrial frame turbines • Combined-cycle power plants: • Lower NOx BACT

  21. Low Emission Measurement Committee • Investigating problems with low NOx measurement in gas turbine exhaust • To develop a test method to more accurately quantify low NOx emissions from gas turbines • University test study quantifying sources of error in NOx measurement methods • South Coast AQMD low emission performance testing on SCONOx • Efforts of other organizations

  22. Regulation/Guidance Workgroup

  23. Tentative Regulation and Guidance Schedule • Mail draft regulation November 9, 2001 • Statewide Public Consultation Workshops • Sacramento December 11, 2001 • Los Angeles December 12, 2001 • Eureka December 14, 2001 • Board Meeting April 25, 2002

  24. Workgroup’s Role • Identify stakeholders’ perspectives • Exchange technical information • Provide forum to brainstorm draft concepts

  25. Workgroup Schedule • Initial Workgroup Meeting August 3, 2001 • Workgroup Meeting September 13, 2001 • Workgroup Meeting October 4, 2001

  26. More Information • http://www.arb.ca.gov/energy/retro/retro.htm (will include a List Server) • Written Comments - Mail to: Christopher Gallenstein, Air Pollution Specialist California Air Resources Board P.O. Box 2815 Sacramento, CA 95812 cgallens@arb.ca.gov • Questions - Call: Regulation: Christopher Gallenstein (916) 324-8017 Guidance Document: Stephanie Kato (916) 327-5601

  27. Open Discussion

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