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Enhancing Rural Microfinance and IT: Insights from Rural Kiosk Entrepreneurs

Explore the role of IT in rural microfinance and challenges faced by rural kiosk entrepreneurs. Learn from sample projects and research on improving access to financial services in rural areas.

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Enhancing Rural Microfinance and IT: Insights from Rural Kiosk Entrepreneurs

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  1. Rural Microfinance and IT Rural Kiosk Entrepreneurs Sample Projects Can computers help existing structures for rural microfinance? Study on the challenges and uniqueness of rural kiosk entrepreneurs MSR India: TEM Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan Associate Researcher Nimmi Rangaswamy Associate Researcher Text-Free UI Warana Unwired Digital Green UIs without text for users who are illliterate and may never have seen a computer before Experiments with SMS text-messaging in a sugarcane cooperative Video and mediated instruction for agriculture extension Indrani Medhi Assistant Researcher Rajesh Veeraraghavan Associate Researcher Rikin Gandhi Assistant Researcher Government and Kiosks IT and Microentrepreneurs Simultaneous Shared Access The state’s role in rural kiosk projects, with a focus on Kerala and Andhra Information ecology of small businesses in developing markets Multiplying the value of PCs by allowing many users to access. Jonathan Donner Researcher Renee Kuriyan Research Intern Udai Singh Pawar Associate Researcher

  2. Human Computer Interfaces

  3. The Five Stages of Design Good design comes out of deepintuition into the user. More time, deeper intuition

  4. Recapitulation Cyclical process

  5. General Lessons? • Spend time with users. • Accept simple solution, if it works. (Surprisingly difficult for technologists!) • Spend time with users!

  6. Thank you! kentoy@microsoft.comhttp://research.microsoft.com/research/tem

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