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Community Education Program Development. Instructor. Terminal Objectives. To reinforce your existing speaking skills and identify areas of improvement.
Community Education Program Development Instructor
Terminal Objectives • To reinforce your existing speaking skills and identify areas of improvement. • To help you recognize that public speaking is not a chore to be dreaded, but an opportunity to capture and engage the attention of your audience, to develop a relationship with them via effective presentation of not only your topic and material – but yourself, as well. • To help you appropriately apply public speaking skills to a variety of speech contexts.
Enabling Objectives • Identify the important process of presentation delivery. • Interprets and composes an effective and structured presentation. • Assembles a presentation through the use of artifacts and aids that will enhance and simplify the students presentation skills. • Illustrate and improve a presentation by the infusion of technology to assist in providing an easier and streamlined presentation.
Introduction • Law enforcement officers are frequently asked to give presentations to community groups pertaining to the following topics: • General Safety & Security Awareness • Personal Safety & Security Strategies • Providing information, ”What to do in case of emergencies”.
Set the stage • It is imperative that the Law Enforcement officer “Set the Stage” before conducting any presentations keep it short and simple.
Your beginning • The first thirty seconds of your talk are critical in establishing rapport. You need to project warmth, confidence and competence. You should have practiced your presentation so that it flows easily. • Don’t put barriers between you and your audience. Don’t stand behind a podium or table. Meet the audience standing upright with a smile and eye to eye contact. • Be casual, but not sloppy. • Remember your audience has already judged you by your appearance before you even started talking. (Remember to dress in uniform)
Outline • Introduction • Preparation for the presentation • Prompts and visual resources • Giving the presentation • Reviewing your presentation
Introduction • Often presentations are relatively short (between 5-15 minutes), therefore it is important to: • Be concise • Select a few key examples • Structure the presentation clearly • Provide signpost or cues • Repeat the key points and to summarize them at the end of the presentation • Remember eye contact is a must…
Eye contact tips • Look at each individual, not your notes or the projected image • Use a random pattern as you move between listeners • Don’t just look at those who look interested in what you are saying • Try to look at one individual for an entire point or a few sentences, then during a pause, move on to someone else • Your eyes should be soft, un-intimidating • Be aware of cultural differences, easy on police jargon, or police slapstick humor.
Preparation for the presentation • Prepare your materials in the same way as you would prepare for an essay • Summarize the task • Organize and plan (identify the key topics, look at what resources you have, find resources for the gaps) • Find sources of information (you may wish to start with something general to gain an overview of the topic) • Be careful of un-scholarly sources • (try www.scholar.google.com) • Read and make notes • Carefully structure your key ideas and take each one in turn to identify key points to make in your talk
Safety, Security, and crime prevention information www.nixle.com • When doing community group presentations consider using Nixle. • Nixle is a reliable law enforcement emergency notification service. • This service can notify your citizens or students of any emergency or notifications that come directly from your department • Free
Google Images www.google.com • Free open source images • Great Crime prevention, security, and safety images • Professional photos that you can copy and paste into your presentation • Millions of pictures available • Free
ILEETA www.ileeta.org • Access to the Member Gateway of the ILEETA web site. Offering hundreds of training resources such as PowerPoint's, lesson plans, ILEETA publication archives, etc. • Free subscriptions to a total of 9 magazines including- Police and security safety • Law enforcement trainer insurance • Only $50.00 a year
Evernote • Capture everything, notes, pictures, documents, power points, etc. • Access from any computer or cell phone and can be transferred easily • Free
Some additional points to consider • Prepare only what you can deliver at a slow pace • Think about your audience • What do they already know • What they will want to know • How to attract their attention • What relevant examples may engage them
Why were you speeding? • When we speak too fast we appear nervous and sometimes out of control. • Rapid talk is also associated with untrustworthiness, such as when legal disclaimers are read so fast we really can’t comprehend them. • Slow down and focus on the quality and the quantity of your presentation. Use a more natural style so that each member of the audience feels you are having a conversation.
Delivering your message • Divide the information into the key areas (only cover general, key points and provide a few key examples) • Include a strong final summary • Think carefully about visual resources, for example handouts and slides • Consider passing out a handouts page, or a page with general topics you want to highlight
Prompts and visual resources • Index cards • Over head transparencies (rarely used) • PowerPoint • Handouts • Artifacts • Music • Videos
Prompts • Think carefully about the type of prompt you use • Do not read everything on the screen. Use the PowerPoint to supplement your presentation • Confidence comes from knowing your topic beforehand and eliminates the need from reading directly from the slides • If you must read from something or are not comfortable with the topic attempt utilizing the following:
Index Cards • This is useful if you know a topic well, but just want a few handheld prompts- you could use bullet points on a series of index cards. It is wise to number the cards in case they are dropped or become mixed up. • PowerPoint also has a notes portion built directly into the PowerPoint slide • At the bottom of the slide creation there is a section to click and add notes • These can be either printed or utilized during the presentation to assist in the delivery or your presentation
Overhead transparencies • You may wish to use these to provide a structure or overview of the topic. This delivery method is rarely used due to PowerPoint being so widely available • If you choose to use overhead transparencies please ensure the following: • Ensure the projector will be available the day you are giving your presentation • Know how it works • Know which way the slides go on • Make sure there is a spare bulb for the projector and how to replace it if needed ( this is also the case for modern projectors)
PowerPoint • You may wish to structure your talk to provide a step-by-step summary of each of your key points in PowerPoint. It also offers the facility to produce handouts taken directly from the slides you create. If you use PowerPoint, it is advisable to do the following:
PowerPoint tips • Use a large font (at least 32 point is recommended) • Keep it simple and avoid flashing or moving images/graphics, unless they are essential to your point • Use the PowerPoint slides sparingly ( one for every 3 minutes or so of the talk) • Ensure the availability of a computer, and multimedia projector on the day of the presentation • Practice using the technology • Have a back up plan in case the technology fails on the day of the presentation
Visual / supplementary aids • You may wish to present visual aids to the group, for example graphs, charts, images, a few key quotes or an overview of what you hope to cover. • Think carefully about how you will present these. • If you use PowerPoint or an overhead projector as a prompt, you can incorporate these into that medium.
Supplementary aids • Handouts • Artifacts • Music • Videos • Anything else you can think of
Backup tool for your power points or other documents • www.dropbox.com • Online “cloud” resource that acts as a portable USB drive • The service includes 2 GB of storage and is accessible anywhere you have an internet connection • You can drop your community group presentation into dropbox and if you loose your jump drive you can retrieve it from a laptop, ipad, android or apple iphone • Free
Overcoming Nerves • Some people find giving a presentation a nerve wracking experience. Careful preparation and practice can help alleviate nerves. Some tips include: • Produce a script to practice from • Go over the information alone several times • Rehearse in front of friends or family and time it • Practice videotaping your presentation and watching it later taking note on your posture and presentation • Arrive at the presentation early • Be in the room before everyone else arrives. Smile at everyone as they arrive • Have a glass of water nearby
Giving the presentation • Consider how you will handle the presentation beforehand: • How are you going to stick to your allotted amount of time (You may ask someone to be a timekeeper and give you a subtle hint or sign that you are approaching your mark) • How will you handle your questions. Usually, it is easier to point out at the beginning of your talk that you will take all questions at the end of your presentation. ( you may want to anticipate and prepare for some questions you may get) • How will you organize your space (for example where will you stand, where will you store visual aids, how will you distribute materials, etc.)
Things to remember • Wait until the audience is all quiet • Use prompt cards, PowerPoint notes… DO NOT READ FROM YOUR PRESENTATION • Speak slowly and softly • Make eye contact, or at least look up every so often • Start by introducing yourself and what you are going to cover • Go through your prompts in order • Stop and breath after each point • Sum it all up at the end • End on a good line. If unsure simple smile and say “Thank You” • Make sure to provide your contact information at the end of the presentation
Resources for free safety and security information Fighting Back Against Identity Theft Brochure http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/idtheft/idt01.pdf Keeping Your Kids Internet Safe and Smart (A Survival Guide for Parents) http://www.commonsense.com/download/index.php Free neighborhood watch power points http://www.ncpc.org/search?SearchableText=neighborhood+watch Free personal safety videos http://www.crimedoctor.com/personal-safety-videos.htm
Post Presentation Evaluation Questions • Was the order and sequencing of the material the most effective for getting the message across? • Do the visual aids need to be reworked or enhanced • Do the stories need to be updated or told differently • Did I meet the audiences needs • Did I involve the audience • Did I have too much material for the time allotted • Did I answer questions in an appropriate manner, to both enhance learning and to encourage participation • What could you have done to make this presentation better • What can I do at future presentations to enhance the learning environment
Reviewing your presentation • At the end of your presentation, it is often tempting to forget about it and “put it all behind you”, but some debriefing is advisable, in order for it to act as a learning experience • Some ideas for review and reflection include the following steps:
Reviewing your presentation • Congratulate yourself for bravery and getting through the experience • Try not to focus too much on the negative aspects • Think about your strengths and what went well for you? • Think about your weaknesses and what did not work well for you?
References • Prasad, J. (2011, Sept 13). How to give an effective presentation. Retrieved from http://www.academicjoy.net/EffectivePresentation.pdf • Mandel, S. (1995). Effective presentation skills. San Diego: Crisp Publications • Wilkins, F. (04, March 03). How to give effective presentations. Retrieved from www.scribd.com/doc/../Effective-Oral-Presentation-Skills-PDF • Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public speaking. New York: McGraw-Hill. • Jay, A. (1999). Effective presentation. New York: Prentice Hall. • http://www.remindernews.com/article/2011/11/17/dating-violence-dont-let-it-happen-to-you