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Advanced Graphics - Part 6. The big picture: Still working on advanced polygonal techniques with a special focus on OpenGL. Have almost finished some of the texture mapping techniques. Today: Blending, simple antialiasing, fog, polygon offset.
Advanced Graphics - Part 6 • The big picture: • Still working on advanced polygonal techniques with a special focus on OpenGL. • Have almost finished some of the texture mapping techniques. • Today: Blending, simple antialiasing, fog, polygon offset. • Some simple applications: billboarding, lightmaps. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Specular highlights and texturing • Problem: OpenGL pipeline does lighting calculations (including specular), then texturing. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Important bit for us: Geometry Vertex Lighting Texture modulation Pixels Textures COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
So what? • So what? If the texture is modulating the the lighting, then this will break things. • Why? Because specular should be last thing applied: should be after texture mapping. • Idea: Specular is because of light sources, not because of texture. • Solution: Postpone specular 'til after texture mapping. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Fixing specular Geometry Add specular (secondary) colour Secondary Vertex Lighting Rasterisation (Gouraud w/ Modulated Textures) Primary Textures Pixels COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
How does this work? • Ambient/Diffuse component is modulated by texture. • Specular component is added after texture mapping. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Usefulness • Pro: • Fixes the problem. • Con: • Slow! Have to do a Gouraud shading again ... just for specular. • Doesn't hide geometry. • Better solution? • Exists -- will talk about later. Hint: If we are doing Gouraud, might as well use texture mapping ... COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Using OpenGL for this • Ambient + diffuse = primary colour, specular = secondary colour. • Easy to do: • glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL, GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR) • To switch back to normal: • glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL, GL_SINGLE_COLOR). COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Demo • Go through spectex. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Texture stack • Just like modelview stack. • Matrices are 4x4. • Remember, textures are (s,t,r,q). • If q!=1, then s' = s/q, t' = t/q, r' = r/q. • Will turn out to be useful for some weird things like projective texturing. • But even now can be used for things like animated textures. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Multitexturing • Won't go into details too much • But some graphics hardware supports applying more than one texture in a single pass. • Can always accomplish same effect in multiple passes • OpenGL supports multitexturing. • Why > 1 texture? Envmapping, bump mapping, light maps --wait a while. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Blending • Explains mysterious alpha channel. • Convention: alpha = 0 means transparent alpha = 1 means completely opaque. • Important OpenGL concept: Fragment. Basically same as a pixel. • A very flexible system that can be used for lots of applications. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
How blending works • You have the source(s): The fragment that we're working on adding right now. • You have the destination(d): The fragment that's already saved in the frame buffer and that we'll eventually overwrite. • You have source and destination blending factors fs and fd COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Blending • Ignore multiple colours (and alpha) for a moment. • Blending works by: • So what's so hard about that? • Choice of fs and fd is tricky. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Question: What is "normal" rendering? • What settings of fs and fd give normal rendering? COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Answer • fs = 1, fd = 0 • Why? • Because normally later rendered polygons overwrite earlier written polygons • We are ignoring depth tests for now, but that is an issue. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Transparency Almost transparent Almost opaque Translucent COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Question: How to do transparency? • Reminder: Alpha encodes transparency. • What settings of fs and fd allow us to model transparency? • Assume source is in front of destination. • Depends on source's alpha. • If , then source is transparent so output should be destination • If , source is opaque, so output should be source COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Question: Appropriate factors? • So ... what are appropriate blending factors to implement transparency? COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Answer: Appropriate factors • If source transparency is , then: COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Blending in OpenGL • Allows a fixed but flexible set of fs and fd. • To switch on blending: glEnable(GL_BLEND) • glBlendFunc(fs, fd) defines the blending functions. • Default mode is like calling glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO) COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Available blending functions • Plenty to choose from! • Can affect different colours differently. • Some can only be used for either source or destination. • Reminder: the blending function is multiplied by the incoming colour fragment (source), or the fragment in the frame buffer (destination) COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Common blending modes • Expressed as a 4-tuple, for RGBA • Clamped between 0 and 1 • GL_ZERO f = (0,0,0,0) • GL_ONE f = (1,1,1,1) • GL_SRC_ALPHA f=(as, as, as, as) • GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA f=(1-as, 1-as, 1-as, 1-as) COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Less common blending modes • GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA • GL_DST_ALPHA and GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA • GL_DST_COLOR (only for source) and GL_SRC_COLOR (only for dest) COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Demo • Blend two triangles - alpha.c COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Nasty surprises • It doesn't commute! • Final colour observed depends on order of polygons. Example: do calculations on OHP with left = (1,1,0, 0.75) right = (0,1,1,0.75) • Why is this bad? • Come back to it in a moment COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Transparency and 3D graphics • Do we need to change anything in our approach when rendering a 3D scene? • Are there problems? • Hint: Consider visible surface determination. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Issues with 3D transparency • Problem: If we draw a translucent object into the frame buffer that's close to us, then because of Z buffering, we won't draw what's behind it (because it will be further away). • Z buffer means the destination may not be written • Oh no! Does this mean that we have to resort to depth sorting again? • What's the solution? COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Solution • Problem is that close translucent objects prevent rendering of far opaque objects, effectively making translucent objects opaque some of the time. • What if we render opaque objects first? • Then translucent objects behind opaque objects won't be rendered (good). • But what about translucent objects that are close obscuring far translucent object due to the depth buffer? COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
The algorithm • Render opaque objects • Keep depth buffer test on, but switch off writing to the depth buffer. • Why? Prevent translucent-translucent occlusion • Render translucent objects • Switch depth buffer writing back on COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Problem solved? • That problem is solved. • But are there any other problems? • Hint: Order-dependence of translucence. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
More problems! • Strictly speaking, the translucent polygons should be rendered back to front. • But we can't guarantee this, now that we're not using the depth buffer. • Is there a solution? • Not an easy one. We could: • Use painter's algorithm • Use BSP trees. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
How serious is this problem? • In many cases, order of translucent objects not critical. • In many cases, not likely to have too many translucent objects. • If things are near translucent, it doesn’t make much difference. • Example: Game levels COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Demonstration • Have a look at (hacked) alpha3D.c COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Other issues? • What happens to back face culling? • What about two-sided lighting? COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Conclusions • Blending is good (we'll see why soon). • But many of our assumptions when rendering were built on the basis of opaque polygons. • Blending breaks things if you're not careful. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Blending and textures • Can (of course) blend textures • Blending happens AFTER texturing. • Reminder: When using RGBA textures • Replace does C=Ct, A=At • Modulate does C = CfCt, A = AfAt • Decal does C=Cf(1-At) + CtAt, A=Af • Blend does C=Cf(1-Ct) + CcCt, A=AfAt • The final C and A are used for the blending calculations COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Decal textures • Decal textures is like using blending. • Reminder: When texture is RGBA (i.e. with Alpha), then Decal works like this:C = Cf(1-At) + CtAt; A=Af. • This is like blending with glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) • Cheap way to blend. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Applications of blending • Lots of applications for blending. • Important infrastructure ... we'll use it for almost everything, but in combination with other effects. • Basically a mechanism for mixing different visual effects. • We'll be looking at • Prefilter antialiasing • Billboarding • Lightmaps COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Antialiasing via blending • Can use blending to accomplish line and polygon edge blending. • How? • Two steps: • Tell OpenGL to generate alpha values for partially covered pixels. glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) • Switch on blending and set up the blending function appropriately (probably GL_SRC_ALPHA and GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Demo • aargb.c COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Aside: Hints • Hints? • Sometimes you can tell OpenGL how important it is that it do things well or fast. • glHint(target, mode) • mode = GL_FASTEST, GL_NICEST, GL_DONT_CARE • Example target: GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT • But you never know what your implementation will do COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Antialiasing with blending • Can be used for lines, polygons, etc. • To use for polygons, glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) • But does not solve problem for textures. • Still useful, especially with pure geometry applications. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Billboarding • With hardware acceleration: textures are cheap, geometry is expensive • So ... can we "fake" geometry using textures? • Problem: Textures are rectangular. And if you want to make them non-rectangular, then you need geometry. -> Catch 22! • Solution: Use transparency. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Billboarding concepts • For objects in distance, use rectangle with transparent texture on it. • Example: Tree. • No need to make all geometry of a tree, simply put up rectangle and paint tree on it. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
What about close? • Problem: If user turns we can see side of flat polygon! • Hack solution 1: Turn polygon so that it always faces the eye. • How? Grab modelview matrix and invert rotation. • Hack solution 2: Use two polygons at right angles. Called a "fin" billboard. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Billboarding -fins COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Demos • billboard-blend.c • Show texture using gimp COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Billboards • Can use other shapes, e.g. cylinder billboarding. • Generally, any technique where we use a 2D texture to represent a 3D object. • Hacky but workable. • Example: tuxracer COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics
Alpha test • Blending is slow. Involves 8 multiplies and 4 adds per pixel. • But if all we want to do is simple on-off transparency (note ... NOT partial transparency) can simply test alpha value. If alpha value meets certain criteria, can then render or not. COMP9018 - Advanced Graphics