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Speed enforcement in Hungary A breakthrough

Speed enforcement in Hungary A breakthrough. Major Péter Szabó Senior Desk Officer Hungarian National Police Headquarters Traffic Enforcement Department. Road Safety is a shared responsibility Sofia , 18th April 2011. 1. Road Safety in Hungary 1957 – 2010.

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Speed enforcement in Hungary A breakthrough

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  1. SpeedenforcementinHungary A breakthrough Major Péter Szabó Senior Desk Officer Hungarian National Police Headquarters Traffic Enforcement Department RoadSafety is a sharedresponsibility Sofia, 18th April2011 1

  2. Road Safety in Hungary 1957 – 2010

  3. The number of roadfatalitiescomparedtotheobjectivesofthe „HungarianRoadSafety Policy 2003-2015” Programme 3

  4. Accidentsinvolvingpersonalinjuries2001 – 2010

  5. Causes of roadcollisions (2010) Speeding Overtaking Turning Right of way Safety distance Technical problems Pedestrian fault Inattention Other

  6. Causers of accidents by types of the vehicles (2010)

  7. Jan.-Feb. 2011(preliminarydata, comparedtothesameperiod of lastyear) • The number of collisionsinvolvingpersonalinjuriesincreasedby 0.69% • The number of roadfatalitiesfellby 17.7% • 28 livessaved • The number of drinkdrivingcollisionsremainsunchanged • Ifwecomparethedata of thefirstthreemonthsof 2001 and 2011: thenumber of fatalitiesdecreasedby45.2%!

  8. Elements of the legislative changes 2008-2010 Main elements • Objective (owner’s) liability • „Zero tolerance” on drink driving • Aggravation of the demerit point system • Aggravation of the on-the-spot fines • Amendment of the rules of administrative fines • As of August 2009, administrative fines are applied to the non use of seat belts, and the use of hand-held cellphone while driving • Amendment of the Highway Code in January 2010 8

  9. Elements of the legislative changes2008-2010 Some of the most dangerous minor offences were qualified as infringements and are subject to fixed fines • speeding, • passing a level crossing, • not observing the signals of traffic lights, • breaking the rules of stopping and parking, • breaking the rules related to the use of the motorway’s emergency lane, • not observing the rules of driving directions (do not enter, one-way) • not observing the rules of environmental protection

  10. Elements of the legislative changes2008-2010 Average salary 120 000 HUF/month (approx. 450 EUR)

  11. New hardware and software • 300 pcs PDAs • 50 pcs new laser devices • 500 pcs Dräger 6810 • and 160 pcs Dräger 7110 breathalysers • Implementing a new electronic data processing system (trafficPOINT) enacted by Transport and Economic Ministerial Decree nr. 18 of 2008 Further plans • 31 pcs automatic speed measuring devices on motorways, • 200 pcs automatic speed measuring devices on other national roads 11

  12. New technical devices Speed Capture System-103 laser measuring device • Documenting speeding • Night vision ability • Automatic and manual operation • Automatic wireless text data transmission • On-line connection with TrafficPoint software • Built-in GPS receiver • Uploading photo evidence via wireless connection or cable • Inverse geocoding: with the help of GPS coordinates the device can identify the exact address • Advanced data security • Similar data processing technique to the PDAs

  13. New technical devices Speed Capture System-103 laser measuring device

  14. trafficPOINT (tP) What is tP? • Integrated data processing system on traffic infringements • Development is made by Microsoft based on police requriements after public tender • Fully automated from the raw picture to the printed and ready-to-post decision about the fine • Five main modules • Data receiving module • Administrative module • Integrated fiscal module • Bailiff module • Customer service module • The system was presented in a workshop at the headquarters of Microsoft in Seattle for Interpol members recently 14

  15. trafficPOINT (tP) • Working procedure before tP • Speed camera was taken to the local police station for downloading data after duty • Saved data and paperwork were sent to the county police HQ for pre-processing where photos were evaluated one by one manually and forwarded to the administrator • Upon the data the administrator prepared the decision and posted it to the owner of the car • Manual data processing • Lot of paperwork • Waste of manpower (102 persons worked as pre-processing staff and other 162 as administrators) • It took 3-4 weeks from the recording of the offence to the posting of the decision • High risk of errors or misuse

  16. trafficPOINT (tP) • Work with tP • Speed camera transmits data on-line to the central server of the Police • Received data are transmitted to the administrative module by the pre-processing system • With ANPR the system identifies the owner’s address • The recently amended legislation prescribes a fixed sum of fine to be imposed automatically upon the recorded speed • The administrator checks the data and comes to a decision with minimal manual work • The decision and the postal check for the fine is printed and posted in a central back-office automatically • Deadline for paying the fine is monitored and bailiff is taken into action automatically

  17. trafficPOINT (tP) • Work with tP • Public web page for local municipality officers (notaries) to conduct bailiff procedures • Public and secured web page for clients • to get official notifications on the case • to file petitions • to take a look at the photo evidence of the offence • to pay the fine with credit card after authentication • System is at work partially since spring of 2009 • Remaining files of the police file case management system (RoboCop) are being uploaded to tP • Full scale work began on 1st February 2010

  18. trafficPOINT (tP) • Work with tP • Data are processed by the Administrative Authority Service at the Police County HQ of Vas County in the city of Szombathely • In case of appeal, the case is reconsidered by the Budapest Police HQ • After that decision there is no possibility for appeal, unless there is an evidence of violation of law regarding the measures taken by the police • In that case an arbitrament is to be done by court • Only 4 % of the procedures were annulled by court decision

  19. trafficPOINT (tP) • Advantages of tP • Numerous procedures can be conducted safely • Time of procedure is shortened to hours instead of weeks • No need for large manpower in the pre-processing phase • Minimal need of administrative work • Minimized use of paper • Less personnel and less paper means less cost • Minimized risk of human error or misuse • Secured and controlled data processing • Transparent and trustworthy procedure • Improving road safety situation

  20. trafficPOINT (tP) How does it work?

  21. Summary

  22. Summary Road to success • Strong political will and support from government • Wide social demand on safer road traffic • Significant amendment of the pertaining legislation in 2008 and 2009 • Extended enforcement activities • Targeted technical development • Active preventive measures Conclusions • The aims of the national road safety policy can be exceeded by 30% • More measures are needed to maintain the situation • E.g. dealing with foreigners 22

  23. The „champions” of thefirstquarterof 2011

  24. Max. recordedspeedinbuilt-uparea(141 km/h instead of 40 km/h – 1.100 EUR)

  25. Max. recordedspeedoutsidebuilt-upareas, onnationalroad(181 km/h instead of 90 km/h – 1.100 EUR)

  26. Max. recorded speed on expressway (182 km/h instead of 110 km/h – 300 EUR)

  27. Max. recordedspeedonmotorway(236 km/h instead of 130 km/h – 700 EUR)

  28. Thank you for your attention!For further information please visit our websiteswww.police.huwww.baleset-megelozes.eu 28

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